v3.4.8 - v1.0.0
- add Right-to-left support (RTL)
- improve performance when opening the media library with lots of folders
- add lazy loading of folders in attachment details folder dropdown
- fix bug with WPML languages like Portuguese (Brazil) and Portuguese (Portugal)
- improve shortcut generation: Caption and description are also copied (Alt text if image)
- fix bug with lost selection when opening the media modal dialog
- fix bug with WPML multisite usage regarding folder count
- improve delete dialog with selected folder name
- fix bug with folder counter when WPML is active
- fix bug when moving a file to "/ Unorganized" the list is updated now correctly
- fix bug with bulk select deletion and switching folder in grid mode
- fix bug with PHP 7.2.2
- improve uploading process / performance
- fix bug with uploader when uploading to "All files"
- fix bug when moving files from "All files" to another target
- fix bug with F&O theme
- fix bug with new PHP version 7.2 (developers only)
- fix bug while installation process when creating database tables (developers only)
- add functionality to Import / Export folder hierarchy
- add functionality to Import an registered taxonomy with attachment relations
- improve touch experience, add scrollbar in media picker to avoid drag&drop attachments
- fix bug with search bar when folders were not found
- fix bug with query links
- fix bug with Database updates caused by dbDelta (developers only)
- fix bug after creating a new post the nodes are not clickable
- fix bug with Unorganized folder in attachments dialog
- fix bug with toolbar buttons
- fix bug with touch devices (no dropdown was touchable)
- add filters for structure operations, and created Interface for structure classes (developers only)
- fix bug for all parents getter API function (developers only)
- improve code quality (developers only)
- removed filters RML/Tree/QueryCount (developers only)
- add ability to expand/collapse the complete sidebar by doubleclick the resize button
- add option to allow automatically order a folder by a given criterium
- add "General" tabs in folder details settings (developers are now able to add own tabs)
- improve: Update the columns width in grid mode while resizing the sidebar
- fix bug with wrong characters in gallery shortcode generator dialog
- fix bug with Inbound Now PRO plugin dialogs
- fix style bug with uploader in modal window
- fix bug with ESC key in rename mode
- fix bug with creating a new folder and switch back to previous
- add owner/creator field for a folder (developers only)
- add option to reset the folder names, slugs and absolute pathes (developers only)
- add API functions to get all parents of a folder (additionally add metadata condition) (developers only)
- add API functions to get all children of a folder (additionally add metadata condition) (developers only)
- add hooks to allow "Apply to subfolder" mechanism after moving files to a folder (developers only)
- improve the save of localStorage items within one row per tree instance (developers only)
- improve the way of generating unique slugs (developers only)
- fix bug with font awesome handler in wordpress style enqueue logic (developers only)
- fix bug with IE 11 when folder structure does not show up
- updated icon font (Font Awesome 4.3 to 4.7)
- fix bug with refresh button in folder tree
- new free Add-On "Default Startup Folder for Real Media Library"
- add external link to "Browse Add-Ons"
- add ability to add user options (for Add-ons)
- add compatibility for Cornerstone page builder plugin
- fix bug with modal window when opening the same again
- add new filters to support the default wordpress media library extension plugin (developers only)
- add PHPDoc for API (developers only)
- add Hooks (Filter & Actions) Documentation (developers only)
- improve and renamed/refactored the events of JS hooks (developers only)
- improve the debug log (developers only)
- improve the generation and registration of minified scripts (developers only)
- fix bug with localized Javascript object (developers only)
- fix bug with slug regeneration when folder is moved (developers only)
- fix bug with meta data for Unorganized folder (developers only)
3.1.3 (2017-July-04)
- fix bug with gallery shortcode when the message occurs "Headers already sent[...]"
- fix bug with sticky header in insert media dialog
- improve the "Add new" in media library to preselect the last queried folder
- fix bug with some browsers when local storage is disabled
- improve the wp_rml_dropdown() function to support multiple selected folders (developers only)
- add full compatibility with WordPress 4.8
- improve english / german localization
- fix bug with search field in IE
- add ESC to close the rename folder action
- add F2 handler to rename a folder
- add double click event to open folder
- add search input field for folders
- add full compatibility with Elementor page builder
- improve rearrange mode
- improve performance on media library initial startup / load screen
- improve uploader for large amount of uploads
- fix bug with icons in BeaverBuilder
- fix bug with multiple media modal dialogs (improve user experience) and expander
- fix bug with ACF media picker and duplicate shortcut info
- fix bug with rearrange mode in media modal view
- fix bug with Enhanced Media Library representation
- add title attribute on folder hover (for long names)
- fix bug in customizer while folder structure is not displayed
- fix bug with multiple media modal's after switching the folder
- fix bug with Advanced Custom Fields when using the image picker modal
- add compatibility for Tatsu Page Builder (Oshine Theme)
- fix bug with attachment details, on some browsers the dropdowns were not clickable
- add a message strip to the plugins page to show MatthiasWeb plugins
- add feature to create shortcuts and put images in multiple folders, like you already know from your operating system
- removed popups
- fix bug with changing the folder location in grid view attachment details dialog
- fix bug with Polylang while moving a translation file
- fix bug with WPML while moving a translation file
- fix bug with count cache after uploading a new file
- fix performance bug with the count cache
- add API function wp_rml_create_shortcuts() (developers only)
- add API function wp_rml_created_shortcuts_last_ids() (developers only)
- add API function wp_attachment_ensure_source_file() (developers only)
- add API function wp_attachment_has_shortcuts() (developers only)
- add API function wp_attachment_get_shortcuts() (developers only)
- add API function wp_attachment_is_shortcut() (developers only)
- fix bug with PHP < 5.6
- fix bug with styles and scripts
- fix bug with rearrange
- minify scripts / css for prepared shortcut functionality (developers only)
- add https://matthias-web.com as author url
- improve the way of rearrange mode, the folders gets expand after 700ms of hover
- fix bugs with absolute pathes and slugs of folders, if you have problems, please rename the first level folders to regenerate
- add getPlain() method to IFolder interface to get a normal array for the folder properties (developers only)
- prepared readable REST API for folders (developers only)
- add new permission "par" to restrict the change of parent folder
- fix bug with korean characters in folder names
- removed icon when a folder has a restriction (WP/LR)
- add api/IFolder.interface.php and more API functions (developers only)
- improve the OOP: getters/setters (developers only)
- improve code quality by using own API functions (developers only)
- fix bug with migration in multisite installations
- fix bug with Facebook hint in plugins site
- fix XSS vulnerability (this bug can only be used by folder creators, no visitors) (developers only)
- fix bug with MLA class dependency (developers only)
- add v2.7.2 stable for older PHP versions to the codecanyon download files
- fix bug with permission system for WP/LR extension
- fix bug with the migration system for WP multisite
- add more useful error messages when changing the hierarchical order of the folders
- add confirm dialog when you sort the files inside the folder
- improve the performance
- improve the way of relocating the folder tree (immediatly saved after relocating)
- improve the way of sortable folder content (galleries), now it is possible to reorder files in every folder
- improve naming of folders, every character is now allowed, the folder name is sanitized
- improve the folder metadata dialog and refresh the view if needed (button click in dialog)
- fix bug while uploading a new plugin .zip file
- add autoloading for php classes (developers only)
- add namespaces for php classes (developers only)
- add new abstract class for Creatable's (folders, collections, galleries, ...) (developers only)
- add new abstract class for Sortable's (folders, collections, galleries, ...) extends Creatable's (developers only)
- add folder\Root as own class (developers only)
- add debug mode, define('WP_DEBUG', true); and define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); in wp-config.php (developers only)
- add visible debug mode in options panel (developers only)
- add API function wp_rml_create_or_return_existing_id() (developers only)
- add API function wp_rml_structure_reset() (developers only)
- add admin notice for when you have PHP Version < 5.3.0 (developers only)
- improve the whole API and Advanced wp_rml_get_object_by_id() to get folder object (developers only)
- improve the split between Structure and CountCache (php classes) (developers only)
- improve the php code quality (developers only)
- removed the database table wp_realmedialibrary_order, merged with wp_realmedialibrary_posts (developers only)
- removed unnecessary sql query in pre_get_posts (developers only)
- removed bid columns in database tables and add new index (developers only)
- add option to reset the count cache
- fix bug with upload in modal window
- fix count cache when moving from Unorganized to folder
- add the MatthiasWeb promotion dialog
- fix bug with IE8
- fix bug with TinyMCE editor shortcode dialog
- add natural filename sort of folders (thanks to KorbinianT)
- add lazy loading to folder tree, now it is only loaded from server when needed
- add: You can now directly upload files to a folder with a dropdown selection in media modal and "Add Media" page
- fix bug with migration on multisite installation
- fix bug with modal views, now it also supports lazy loading
- fix bug with attachment movement helper (Move x file)
- fxied bug with plugin "Visual Composer Extensions All In One" and the tooltips
- improve the changelog file
- improve the actions RML/Folder/Deleted|Renamed|Moved (developers only)
- fix bug with jQuery AIO tree version when RCM is enabled (developers only)
- fix bug with api method wp_attachment_folder and the default value (developers only)
- fix bug with creating a new folder with new order number (developers only)
- prepare RML for Physical Press plugin and avoid folder names "." and ".." (developers only)
- fix bug with Justified Image Grid
- fix bug with migration system, no image relationships were imported
- fix bug while wipe of folders in multisite installation
- fix bug after save in attachment details
- fix problem with negative -1 count
- fix bug when switching folder when on page 2 in table mode
- improve tabs in options panel of RML media options
- improve the delete behaviour of folder (files will be moved to unorganized)
- add a migration system for further updates (developers only)
- add filter for parent root folder id (Default -1) (developers only)
- fix the usage of switch_to_blog together with api functions (developers only)
- improve some CSS experiences (loader) (developers only)
- improve the save point of relationship between folder and post (own database table for relationships) (developers only)
- improve some CSS
- fix bug while bulk select and moving files
- fix bug with reopening a media select dialog
- fix bug with Avia / Enfold page builder
- fix bug with reordering the gallery data folder
- removed deprecated ressource files
- fix database tables are not generated, now they are
- fix options bug while accessing other pages (developers only)
- add full compatibility with WP/LR Lightroom plugin
- add minified scripts / styles
- add option to apply an order by title, filename, ID to gallery data folders
- add option to disable scripts/styles on frontend viewing
- add finnish translation (Thanks to Antti!)
- fix Enfold / Avia media picker bug (Thanks to Josh!)
- fix Thickbox bug while logged out
- improve load performance
- improve the order for gallery data folders
- add option for folders "restrict" (developers only)
- add a minified permission system so 3rd party plugins can restrict folders interactions (developers only)
- fix capability bug while logged out
- add Javascript polyfill's to avoid browser incompatibility (developers only)
- fix bug for crashed safari browser (developers only)
- add option to remove advertisement links
- fix "Edit selection" bug while inserting media to post
- fix media.comparator bug (developers only)
- fix bugs with Easy Digital Downloads plugin (developers only)
- fix String.prototype problems (developers only)
- fix toolbar while scrolling in media library
- fix problems with plugin "Formidable Forms"
- fix resize bug
- fix WP query database notices in error log (developers only)
- fix count bug when many folders exist (performed SQL statement) (developers only)
- improve API, wp_rml_create() now returns false or a string error array, on success it return an int (ID) (developers only)
- fix shortcode builder [folder-gallery] did not work
- add folder tree to insert media dialog
- complete recoding of javascript code (developers only)
- fix TinyMCE bug when not admin
- fix style issues
- fix PHP < 5.3 Bug with func_get_args (developers only)
- fix website is empty because javascript occurs an error
- add "Reamining time" and bytes/s in uploader
- add order mode in galleries
- add warning when moving files from "All Files"
- improve move in table list mode (no page refresh)
- improve ux styling (uploader, tree, tree in upload media dialog)
- improve options panel in Settings > Media
- fix theme preview when plugin is active
- fix hidden folder nodes on safari browser
- fix usage of front-end editor in BeaverBuilder and Visual Composer
- add custom fields (meta data) for folders (see inc/api/meta.php) (developers only)
- add custom field: cover image + description (not activated as standard, used in JIG) (developers only)
- fix admin_footer problem when a plugin removes styles and javascript of RML (developers only)
- fix database queries to avoid long load time on dashboard (developers only)
- fix bug pre_get_posts (developers only)
- add compatibility with JUSTIFIED IMAGE GRID
- add resizable container width
- add option to wipe all settings and releations
- add spanish translation - by Ana Ayelén Martínez. http://caribdisweb.com/
- fix edit mode when creating a new folder
- fix default order in folder gallery
- fix UX bugs (draggable, droppable, sortable)
- fix sticky sidebar
- add "slug" and "absolute" to database table (developers only)
- add / updated api (developers only)
2.2.3 (2016-Feburary-26)
- add Finnish translation (thanks to palvelu)
- add more attractive alerts and prompt windows
- fix visual bugs
- fix delete bug => when folder is deleted, switch view to root
- fix upload percentage issue
- fix live update of folder count
- fix upload in "Insert media" dialog => file is now in correct folder
- fix drag and drop experience
- moved folder gallery button above visual editor into visual editor
- add more actions and filters (developers only)
- add javascript actions (window.rml.hooks) (developers only)
- changed javascript function names (developers only)
- changed localize javascript variables (developers only)
- bugfix error in creating a folder gallery
- add facebook advert on plugin activation
- improve restyled upload window
- fix font awesome bug
- add filters and actions (developers only)
- add three more api functions (developers only)
- add sticky container when scrolling
- add collection and galleries folder types
- add collapsable folders
- add left infos about folder structure
- add option to hide upload preview (for slow loading pc's)
- fix conditional tag to create / sort items
- fix count bug (WPML)
- fix duplicate name
- add API functions (look inc/api/) (developers only)
- outsourced javascript functions (developers only)
- fix AJAX bug (developers only)
- PHP Code rewritten (better split in view and structure) (developers only)
- PHP Code documentation improve (developers only)
- add french translation (thanks to Youpain)
- fix rename bug
- fix count bug when WPML in usage
- removed unnecessary code (developers only)
- fix jquery conflict (developers only)
- add multisite compatibility
- fix correct sorting (not alphabetic)
2.0.0 (15-11-03)
- support PHP version < 5.4 (developers only)
1.3.0 (15-11-02)
- add nice uploading to folder
1.2.0 (15-10-29)
- add notice about the alphabetic sorting
- fix problems with RevSlider >= 5.0 (developers only)
- fix body class for grid mode (add Javascript methode) (developers only)
1.1.0 (15-10-21)
- fix moving in list table
- fix style (drag and drop helper)
- removed limit of folder gallery images
- fix pre_get_posts appending meta_query (developers only)
- add pre_get_posts capability check (developers only)
1.0.1 (15-10-16)
- improve rename without window reload
- improve delete without window reload
- fix https:// resources for css and js files
1.0.0 (2015-10-9)
- initial Release