v5.0.8 - v3.4.8
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Elementors optimized markup experimental feature internal reference #8697pxjtc
- compatibility with EventON internal reference #8697ptyry
- only enable WordPress comments template when necessary internal reference #863h7mbwk
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- deprecation notice for strpos in SelectorSyntaxAttribute internal reference #344wg4f
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Bricks Builder and iframe embeds
- allow to configure global styles in style selector syntax function internal reference #86971x71q
- introduce new selector syntax function jQueryHijackFn to hijack jQuery functions internal reference #8697ptyry
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Elementors optimized markup experimental feature internal reference #8697pxjtc
- introduce new selector syntax function jQueryHijackFn to hijack jQuery functions internal reference #8697ptyry
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
- typo
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Bug Fixes
- database migration to new schema does not get triggered by queue internal reference #8697md9fq
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Bug Fixes
- always validate docker images when built internal reference #8696heugb
Build System
- streamline docker and setup.sh into a Taskfile.setup.yml internal reference #8696k3cct
Continuous Integration
- always validate and try to fix docker images internal reference #8697pj0tx
- validate docker images with new CNCF scopes and socket hang up in Weblate translations internal reference #8697pj0tx
- make static files inclusive domain mapping available in playwright tests and create first test internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- retry weblate request on socket hang up while uploading a file internal reference #8695kguk7
Continuous Integration
- validate docker images with new CNCF scopes and socket hang up in Weblate translations internal reference #8697pj0tx
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
- requestLanguage added to controller | find iso 639 language internal reference #86971bxhd
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Continuous Integration
- validate docker images with new CNCF scopes and socket hang up in Weblate translations internal reference #8697pj0tx
- new command merge-request-tree (also as VSCode task) to visually show Merge Requests internal reference #8692xtha4
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Brix modal and visual content blockers
- compatibility with Routiz / Brikks theme and Google Maps embeds internal reference #8696zdp8b
- compatibility with WPForms internal reference #apxdwt
- dropdown for all queriable post types does not work Custom Post Types without description internal reference #869719q4x
- recommended services should mark the content blocker as recommended, too internal reference #u9p1w9
- scan also the login URLs internal reference #8696xvnk6
- set default api documentation version to 1.0.0 to improve UX on api docs internal reference #869727naj
- show fomo coupon in free version in customizer internal reference #8697e3hnp
- add security hashes internal reference #861mmp30r
- update TCF vendors for Google AdSense network internal reference #8694q1nfu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- integration into FlyingPress internal reference #8696uzcjp
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- include legitimate interest services when implicit bannerless consent is given internal reference #8697cpm6k
- wp_rcb_consent_given API in PHP returns wrong consentGiven when service does not exist internal reference #8694x4tnx
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- allow selector syntax attributes matching quotes with backslashed quotes internal reference #gt22gk
- allow wildcard-tag with asterisk in selector syntax internal reference #gt22gk
- remove console.log internal reference #8696heugb
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- allow wildcard-tag with asterisk in selector syntax internal reference #gt22gk
- new plugin method beforeSetBlockedInResult internal reference #8696heugb
- make processMatch public method internal reference #8696heugb
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- delegate click to unblocked nodes after all resources are loaded internal reference #gt22gk
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- recommended services should mark the content blocker as recommended, too internal reference #u9p1w9
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- remove potential whitespaces on license keys to improve UX internal reference #86974pd8z
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Bug Fixes
- show current working URL in scanner internal reference #8696xvnk6
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- recommended services should mark the content blocker as recommended, too internal reference #u9p1w9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- ensure to retry on locked component after 2,5 minutes internal reference #8695kguk7
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- cookie banner language switcher is not responsive internal reference #86971prz3
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- blank page on some pages with low memory internal reference #8696x8wm0
Performance Improvements
- speed up HTML parsing and blocking internal reference #8696x8wm0
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Performance Improvements
- speed up HTML parsing and blocking internal reference #8696x8wm0
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- blank page on some pages with low memory internal reference #8696x8wm0
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- blank page on some pages with low memory internal reference #8696x8wm0
Bug Fixes
- allow to recommend an integration even if the template is already recommended internal reference #8694x4tnx
- compatibility with ACF Frontend Form for Dynamicooo internal reference #8696rw241
- do not show scanner notice when plugin toggled for users without permissions to manage cookies
- wp_rcb_consent_give() PHP function also supports unique identifiers now internal reference #8694x4tnx
- remove version from docker-compose files as this is no longer needed internal reference #8696k3cct
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with TheGem Delay JS functionality internal reference #8696rncw0
Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- wp_rcb_consent_give() PHP function also supports unique identifiers now internal reference #8694x4tnx
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with ACF Frontend Form for Dynamicooo internal reference #8696rw241
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- html attributes can also contain hashes internal reference #8696x8wm0
- vueJS templates did not longer work when they included a single quote and greater character internal reference #8696x8wm0
Code Refactoring
- make selector syntax map reliably work for already blocked items internal reference #8696rw241
- allow to lock attributes so they can no longer be modified internal reference #8696rw241
Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- allow to block by blockable rule on already blocked tag attribute internal reference #8696vyeen
- compatibility with ACF Frontend Form for Dynamicooo internal reference #8696rw241
- compatibility with Cinerama theme
- scan and block <video and <audio with src attribute internal reference #8696vyeen
- vueJS templates did not longer work when they included a single quote and greater character internal reference #8696x8wm0
Code Refactoring
- make selector syntax map reliably work for already blocked items internal reference #8696rw241
Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with darkroomengineering/lenis internal reference #8696vxykv
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Build System
- cannot declare class InstalledVersions for composer internal reference #8696ru88g
Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Bug Fixes
- dashboard runs into timeout error and is not loading internal reference #8696kbfvh
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
- never apply content blocker to <template HTML tags internal reference #8696jdgn1
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
- never apply content blocker to <template HTML tags internal reference #8696jdgn1
Bug Fixes
- print stack trace to response when migrating to v5 database schema internal reference #8696mgmwa
- table wp_rcb_consent does not exist internal reference #8696mgmwa
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Widget Google Reviews plugin when Trustindex is lazy loaded internal reference #8696jdgn1
- md5 passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated internal reference #8696jfb32
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- the PSR-0 Requests_... class names in the Requests library are deprecated internal reference #8696jfb32
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- cookie banner with close icon could no longer be replied in List of consents internal reference #8696k7mj7
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Bug Fixes
- ignore warnings in error handler when executing server task internal reference #8696k7mj7
Bug Fixes
- automatically split POMO translations into translatable strings when TranslatePress is active internal reference #8696an3mp
- update readme for wordpress.org internal reference #869657pwb
- upgrade wizard to v5 internal reference #869657xp3
- allow to reset texts in Cookies > Settings internal reference #8696an3mp
Performance Improvements
- convert renderPageSelector to functional component internal reference #8696an3mp
- fix while loop when switching from TranslatePress to PolyLang internal reference #8696an3mp
- too much memory consumed when downloading TCF GVL vendor list and services internal reference #8696eq8k1
- use new database scheme for consents for better storage usage internal reference #861mva7bm
- Read more about it here https://devowl.io/news/real-cookie-banner-5-0/.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- block video poster correctly internal reference #8696gf2kg
- do not find data URLs as external URL internal reference #8695mtnyu
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- allow to force persist of translations for output buffer plugins internal reference #8696an3mp
- automatically split POMO translations into translatable strings when TranslatePress is active internal reference #8696an3mp
- make texts transformed with wptexturize work with TranslatePress internal reference #8696an3mp
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- accessible link with alt text for sticky legal links
- automatically split POMO translations into translatable strings when TranslatePress is active internal reference #8696an3mp
- texts of cooie banner are not editable in TranslatePress edit screen internal reference #8696em1me
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- allow to reset texts in Cookies > Settings internal reference #8696an3mp
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
Performance Improvements
- convert renderPageSelector to functional component internal reference #8696an3mp
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
Performance Improvements
- too much memory consumed when downloading TCF GVL vendor list and services internal reference #8696eq8k1
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Find and crawl sitemaps to get a full list of URLs.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Performance Improvements
- too much memory consumed when downloading TCF GVL vendor list and services internal reference #8696eq8k1
Purpose of dependency: Record and replay interactions on a given HTML element.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Bug Fixes
- cookie banner separator is always left internal reference #8696axtt5
Bug Fixes
- allow multiple sitemaps in robots.txt internal reference #86967g80d
- always show original markup in scan entries and deduplicate internal reference #86969de1q
- compatibility with FacetWP and reloading preloaded data twice internal reference #869502z3k
- compatibility with FluentCommunity and no visual content blocker internal reference #8696am4em
- compatibility with Presto Player not rendering all video embeds internal reference #86960tuve
- compatibility with Visual Composer and Hide on this page feature internal reference #869613ef5
- cookie policy could not be created with TranslatePress active internal reference #86969m9g6
- explode() argument #2 () must be of type string, array given after importing TCF content blcker in free version internal reference #8693dmfxd
- make getTranslatedName also work for WordPress langauges internal reference #869657xp3
- make it better work with server jobs and reloading page internal reference #861mva7bm
Code Refactoring
- move WordPress content blocker compatibility tweaks to isomorphic package internal reference #8695mtnyu
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
- update TCF vendors for Google AdSense network internal reference #8694q1nfu
- update texts for CDN cards in scanner internal reference #86963c70n
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- allow to skip uncompress when cookie policy is not compressed internal reference #861mva7bm
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL when using MagnificPopup and WooCommerce Upload Files internal reference #8695zwvhy
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
- port fast-html-tag and headless-content-blocker to TypeScript with Vitest tests internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- always show original markup in scan entries and deduplicate internal reference #86969de1q
- fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getRegularExpressions() on null internal reference #8695yj3g9
- streamline common Vimeo and YouTube content blocker rules to new selector syntax map functionality internal reference #86964vzn3
Code Refactoring
- move WordPress content blocker compatibility tweaks to isomorphic package internal reference #8695mtnyu
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
- port fast-html-tag and headless-content-blocker to TypeScript with Vitest tests internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Presto Player not rendering all video embeds internal reference #86960tuve
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- make getTranslatedName also work for WordPress langauges internal reference #869657xp3
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- update links to standard contractual clauses internal reference #86969h83e
- update texts for CDN cards in scanner internal reference #86963c70n
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- do not invalidate license for elb.amazonaws.com internal reference #86964ynay
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Bug Fixes
- make it better work with server jobs and reloading page internal reference #861mva7bm
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
- allow to define a job capability to assign jobs only to e.g. administrators internal reference #861mva7bm
- allow to define a job priority internal reference #861mva7bm
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
Bug Fixes
- uasort(): Argument #1 () must be of type array, null given in internal reference #86967g2a2
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Find and crawl sitemaps to get a full list of URLs.
Bug Fixes
- allow multiple sitemaps in robots.txt internal reference #86967g80d
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- content blocker cannot be saved with empty description text internal reference #869625w64
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Helper functionalities for your composer project to validate licenses and generate a disclaimer.
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
- migrate away from envkey-source to infisical internal reference #86959qnq2
- port fast-html-tag and headless-content-blocker to TypeScript with Vitest tests internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- make retry mechanism work with FormData internal reference #8695kguk7
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- port fast-html-tag and headless-content-blocker to TypeScript with Vitest tests internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
- migrate away from envkey-source to infisical internal reference #86959qnq2
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPCS.
Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Bug Fixes
- visual hero content blocker is not responsive when using a wide width teaching separator internal reference #869627051
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Divi video slider and visual content blockers internal reference #8695kgg74
- compatibility with Flatsome theme and lightboxes internal reference #8695hkk9h
- compatibility with Gutenberg vimeo embeds with direct URLs instead of player.vimeo.com internal reference #8695jrnud
- compatibility with magnificPopup and YouTube urls covered also by TCF internal reference #8695hkk9h
- compatibility with SiteGround Optimizer and minificdation of files internal reference #8695rputb
- compatiblity with Advanced Backgrouns
- content blocker with connected GCM and TCF are not loaded correctly in login screen internal reference #8695rjfzf
- show a notice when a new service template covers an external URL internal reference #86955xtbe
- spelling of paragraphs in English internal reference #869566d55
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, internal reference #fb1hvk
- introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings internal reference #22wkegu
- new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority internal reference #8695emete
- show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner internal reference #118mngr
- prepare release internal reference #8695kgrpr
- remove referer workaround for Strato servers internal reference #86954236z
Performance Improvements
- do not download service and blocker templates twice internal reference #86955xtbe
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- review points 1-10 without 7 internal reference #118mngr
- review points 4 internal reference #118mngr
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- added cdn handling to service templates internal reference #118mngr
- introduce execute priority for services internal reference #118mngr
- new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority internal reference #8695emete
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- geo-restriction does not accept new services automatically when previous consent was also implicit internal reference #8695mj2kd
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, internal reference #fb1hvk
- introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings internal reference #22wkegu
- introduce DSG with Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework compatibility internal reference #866avtc01
- new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority internal reference #8695emete
- show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner internal reference #118mngr
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with magnificPopup and YouTube urls covered also by TCF internal reference #8695hkk9h
- unload event listeners are deprecated and will be removed internal reference #8695mhu71
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority internal reference #8695emete
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Bug Fixes
- allow to pass custom parameters for sections internal reference #22wkegu
- remove referer workaround for Strato servers internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Bug Fixes
- wp-content exists but is not writable internal reference #8695rkn9g
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Gutenberg vimeo embeds with direct URLs instead of player.vimeo.com internal reference #8695jrnud
- compatibility with SiteGround Optimizer and minificdation of files internal reference #8695rputb
- show a notice when a new service template covers an external URL internal reference #86955xtbe
- track rules which match the same inline script in scanner correctly internal reference #86942x07f
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Divi video slider and visual content blockers internal reference #8695kgg74
- do not stop execution when a hijacked jQuery function runs into an error internal reference #8695hkk9h
Performance Improvements
- force to render visual content blockers for :confirm() dialogs in idle step internal reference #8695xjmf6
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- allow to copy content to multiple destination languages internal reference #22wkegu
- uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pll_default_language internal reference #8695ugetm
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- accessibility allow to use escape listener in change/history cookie banner dialog for X-replacement internal reference #8695xk0gy
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings internal reference #22wkegu
- introduce DSG with Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework compatibility internal reference #866avtc01
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- spelling of paragraphs in English internal reference #869566d55
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, internal reference #fb1hvk
- introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings internal reference #22wkegu
- introduce DSG with Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework compatibility internal reference #866avtc01
- new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority internal reference #8695emete
- show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner internal reference #118mngr
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- do not invalidate license for azurewebsites.net internal reference #8695h2x87
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
- new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority internal reference #8695emete
- show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner internal reference #118mngr
Performance Improvements
- do not download service and blocker templates twice internal reference #86955xtbe
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- remove referer workaround for Strato servers internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
- banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, internal reference #fb1hvk
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Bug Fixes
- provide APP_NAME and APP_VERSION in backend environment internal reference #8695emete
- restore production database dump app-versionized internal reference #8695emete
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- retry 5 times when component is locked internal reference #8695kguk7
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
- data processing countries group Akamai internal reference #betuuk
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
Continuous Integration
- make public changelog generation work again with latest Taskfile version internal reference #8695kgrpr
- update retypeapp internal reference #8695kgrpr
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details internal reference #86957nqtx
- introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings internal reference #22wkegu
Bug Fixes
- make preset selector work with conditional controls on server-side internal reference #86955xtbe
- new telemetry data for scanner external URLs and how often they got found on the website internal reference #86955xtbe
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Bug Fixes
- make preset selector work with conditional controls on server-side internal reference #86955xtbe
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- do not show a box shadow for banners in mobile view internal reference #86955xtbe
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with WooCommerce Order Attribution internal reference #8693z3a9b
- use ReactJSXRuntime for better WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86959qqq1
Code Refactoring
- remove no longer needed functions internal reference #86959qqq1
- use private fields for Transaction / PersistedTransaction class internal reference #8695a0rv7
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Code Refactoring
- use private fields for Transaction / PersistedTransaction class internal reference #8695a0rv7
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- set TRP_LANGUAGE only when requested language exists internal reference #8695a0rv7
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- use ReactJSXRuntime for better WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86959qqq1
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Performance Improvements
- use one WP REST API call to /jobs to fulfill also the /status request on startup internal reference #861mva7bm
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- some components are not rendered in WordPress < 6.2 internal reference #86959qqq1
- use ReactJSXRuntime for better WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86959qqq1
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
Bug Fixes
- some components are not rendered in WordPress < 6.2 internal reference #86959qqq1
- use ReactJSXRuntime for better WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86959qqq1
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Matomo plugin, tracking filters and scanner internal reference #86959fpcm
- implement a new event RCB/PreDecision/Promises to delay the cookie banner appearance programmatically internal reference #86955u6k6
- register new selector syntax function eval() internal reference #86954w4j6
Code Refactoring
- move react-aiot to @devowl-wp/react-folder-tree within monorepo internal reference #awv3bv
- react-sortable-hoc to dnd-kit internal reference #awv3bv
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
- minimum required version is WordPress 5.9 internal reference #awv3bv
- upgrade @antv/g2 to v5 internal reference #86955prp5
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- implement a new event RCB/PreDecision/Promises to delay the cookie banner appearance programmatically internal reference #86955u6k6
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
- allow to configure variables for selector syntax functions internal reference #86954w4j6
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
- allow to configure variables for selector syntax functions internal reference #86954w4j6
- new selector syntax function eval() internal reference #86954w4j6
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Code Refactoring
- react-sortable-hoc to dnd-kit internal reference #awv3bv
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
Purpose of dependency: Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable.
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- only resolve passed callables once internal reference #86957jtzr
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Build System
- generate cachebuster files in a real temporary file to avoid race conditions
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
Code Refactoring
- move react-aiot to @devowl-wp/react-folder-tree within monorepo internal reference #awv3bv
Bug Fixes
- no longer send referer via URL parameter as this lead to issues with Strato servers (dashboard no longer loads, internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- no longer send referer via URL parameter as this lead to issues with Strato servers (dashboard no longer loads, internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Bug Fixes
- no longer send referer via URL parameter as this lead to issues with Strato servers (dashboard no longer loads, internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- no longer send referer via URL parameter as this lead to issues with Strato servers (dashboard no longer loads, internal reference #86954236z
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Authentic theme using jarallax for parallax background videos internal reference #86951xdwv
- compatibility with FacetWP pagination internal reference #869502z3k
- compatibility with finding services of SEOPress analytics module internal reference #86951f1yr
- compatibility with Thrive Visual Editor and Vimeo video events internal reference #8695141bx
- content blocker not rendered in op-builder overlay / modal dialog internal reference #86951rm14
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy edit dialog internal reference #86951yt9g
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy settings history internal reference #86951yt9g
- the page cannot be cached (bfcache) because it has a BroadcastChannel instance with registered listeners internal reference #86951y06h
- update README.md for WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86951232r
- update TCF vendors list of Google AdSense internal reference #8694q1nfu
Performance Improvements
- increase interval to check for new scanner items internal reference #8694w7y3c
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- allow usesNonCookieAccess property in TCF vendor device disclosure internal reference #8694xa392
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy edit dialog internal reference #86951yt9g
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy settings history internal reference #86951yt9g
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy edit dialog internal reference #86951yt9g
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy settings history internal reference #86951yt9g
- the page cannot be cached (bfcache) because it has a BroadcastChannel instance with registered listeners internal reference #86951y06h
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- do not loop Vimeo embeds when unblocking through content blocker internal reference #8695141bx
- allow to use selector syntax attribute functions through selector syntax map for already blocked elements internal reference #8695141bx
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy edit dialog internal reference #86951yt9g
- correctly show the accepted TCF and GCM states when using Geo-restriction in privacy settings history internal reference #86951yt9g
- the page cannot be cached (bfcache) because it has a BroadcastChannel instance with registered listeners internal reference #86951y06h
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Performance Improvements
- increase interval to check for new scanner items internal reference #8694w7y3c
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
- suppress logs from requests from nullers internal reference #8694xa392
Bug Fixes
- allow to use confirm() together with visualParent() internal reference #2w37t6q
- base64 encode tests for the REST API endpoint test to avoid conflicts with search & replace internal reference #8694uj43d
- compatibility with WooCommerce Google Analytics and Google Consent Mode internal reference #866avf01n
- cURL operation timed out REST API notice and retry again after x seconds internal reference #8694uj43d
- scanner is stuck when using a URL parameter rewrite mechanism together with the Maintenance plugin internal reference #8694vbn1u
- show correct text in second view internal reference #8694vgm6z
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- base64 encode tests for the REST API endpoint test to avoid conflicts with search & replace internal reference #8694uj43d
- compatibility with WooCommerce Google Analytics and Google Consent Mode internal reference #866avf01n
- cURL operation timed out REST API notice and retry again after x seconds internal reference #8694uj43d
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- allow to use confirm() together with visualParent() internal reference #2w37t6q
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- allow to use confirm() together with visualParent() internal reference #2w37t6q
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- allow to use confirm() together with visualParent() internal reference #2w37t6q
- show correct text in second view internal reference #8694vgm6z
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Performance Improvements
- cookie edit form loads faster now when changing fields internal reference #8694pd20a
- cookie edit form loads faster now when changing fields internal reference #8694pd20a
Purpose of dependency: Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- do not deactivate the license when the hostname differs in letter case internal reference #8694uw4y2
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update p-queue to latest verson internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Read the actually applied CSS property value instead of the calculated one.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Find and crawl sitemaps to get a full list of URLs.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- remove notice about too many requests to devowl.io servers internal reference #8694uj43d
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Record and replay interactions on a given HTML element.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Helper functionalities for your composer project to validate licenses and generate a disclaimer.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update commander and adm-zip internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update some major dependencies internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
Continuous Integration
- remove npm-update-checker CLI command as we use Renovate now internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update commander and adm-zip internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update some major dependencies internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update commander and adm-zip internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update some major dependencies internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPCS.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a performant translation extractor based on regular expression.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Bricks Builder and PhotoSwipe lightboxes internal reference #8694jz55m
- compatibility with Elementor Lightbox widget
- compatibility with Perfmatters lazy loading iframes internal reference #8694jz55m
- do not show REST API notice for non-administrators internal reference #8694n17tx
- the WP cron system breaks the notice check and shows a notice with 'Operation timed out' error internal reference #8694nu6cm
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- matchesUrl() should also work with addSelectorSyntaxMap() internal reference #8694jz55m
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- allow to delegateClick() the real element before opening the hero dialog (confirm(), internal reference #m15mty
- allow to use confirm() and delegateClick() together internal reference #8694myd2d
- matchesUrl() should also work with addSelectorSyntaxMap() internal reference #8694jz55m
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- allow to delegateClick() the real element before opening the hero dialog (confirm(), internal reference #m15mty
- do not render visual content blockers in nested confirm() blockers internal reference #m15mty
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- accessibility elements use prohibited aria attributes aria-labelledby internal reference #8694k3zua
- allow to delegateClick() the real element before opening the hero dialog (confirm(), internal reference #m15mty
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with AI Assistant with ChatGPT by AYS internal reference #8694f00cj
- compatibility with pixfort modal dialog and unblocked content
- compatibility with SuperFly Menu in combination with Autoptimize internal reference #8694ge2gj
- fatal error in admin dashboard about urlencode when using multidimensional cookies for REST API check internal reference #86949561p
- increase timeout for testing the REST API consent save mechanism internal reference #86949561p
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- allow to rerun the HTML processor multiple times through registerRerun method internal reference #8694ge2gj
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- apply inline script plugins also to scripts with base64-encoded data URL as src internal reference #8694ge2gj
- compatibility with AI Assistant with ChatGPT by AYS internal reference #8694f00cj
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- delete checkboxes for privacy policy and only print an information for this internal reference #861mrzwar
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
Bug Fixes
- delete checkboxes for privacy policy and only print an information for this internal reference #861mrzwar
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- do not show admin notice about REST API issues in update admin screen internal reference #8694hc398
- too many requests to license.devowl.io announcements endpoint internal reference #86939q6ce
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Bug Fixes
- sticky legal link icon is not aligned correctly when bootstrap is in use internal reference #8694dcmep
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- consent types were recommended for Google Tag Manager service in notice internal reference #8694art6m
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
- write NulledVersionUsage deferred internal reference #8694939q9
Bug Fixes
- fatal error in Notices.php and urlencode when using array cookies e.g. my-cookie[] internal reference #86949561p
Bug Fixes
- notice about REST API is showing a fatal error as forwarded cookies for the REST API test are not encoded internal reference #86949561p
- notice about saving consents is shown when request takes longer than 2 seconds (timeout, internal reference #86949561p
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- do not show notice about Google Consent Mode and Tag Manager when identifier is gtm-1 (e.g. WPML/PolyLang, internal reference #8694art6m
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- old safari browser shows blurry background and no cookie banner internal reference #8694at817
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Bug Fixes
- old safari browser shows blurry background and no cookie banner internal reference #8694at817
Bug Fixes
- the newly added notice about REST API shows errors about 403 Forbidden, we added another tip for the cause internal reference #86949561p
- the newly added notice about REST API shows errors about cURL timeouts internal reference #86949561p
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- deprecation warning in PHP log about Requests_Response class internal reference #86949561p
- the newly added notice about REST API shows errors about 403 Forbidden, we added another tip for the cause internal reference #86949561p
Bug Fixes
- cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name internal reference #86949561p
- show another tip about REST API issues when cURL throws an error internal reference #86949561p
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- show another tip about REST API issues when cURL throws an error internal reference #86949561p
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- uppercase <A tag leads to scanner results internal reference #869496hwj
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- uppercase <A tag leads to scanner results internal reference #869496hwj
- rename test internal reference #869496hwj
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- update stubs internal reference #86949561p
- mention new translations Greek, Romanian, Hungarian, Slovakian and Finnish in wordpress.org plugin description internal reference #86947y4pv
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- cookie banner not shown in older Safari versions (Hotfix, internal reference #86947y4pv
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with NS Clonser Site Copier and a PHP fatal error while cloning internal reference #86941hv75
- compatibility with Perfmatters DelayJS functionality and Code on page load scripts internal reference #869465a82
- compatibility with Slider Revolution v7 not loading
- compatibility with wl-api-connector
- compatibility with WS Forms and Google Maps field internal reference #86947u85x
- implement a mechanism detecting a defect Consent REST API and recommend knowledgebase articles internal reference #8693zknc0
- introduce a fallback system when the remote server is not available internal reference #1xpcvre
- privacy policy mention usage checklist item is not checked when using Gutenberg patterns internal reference #869454cmr
- scanner recommandation does not get removed after cloning website internal reference #86948fqwy
- typo internal reference #861myr2cq
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- allow to delete consents individually in List of consents table internal reference #86944k7fc
- introduce sticky legal links widget in customizer internal reference #1za40xb
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Perfmatters DelayJS functionality and Code on page load scripts internal reference #869465a82
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- implement a mechanism detecting a defect Consent REST API and recommend knowledgebase articles internal reference #8693zknc0
- implement wait_for_update in Google Consent Mode to avoid issues with too early fired events internal reference #86946wnva
- introduce a fallback system when the remote server is not available internal reference #1xpcvre
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- also sync the unblocking of a visual content blocker with other tabs internal reference #8693gvgkh
- introduce a fallback system when the remote server is not available internal reference #1xpcvre
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Bug Fixes
- use vigenere cipher for obfuscating the REST API URL internal reference #8693zknc0
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- correctly block link HTML tags with multiple rels internal reference #86945vky4
- scanner finds Google Maps for MyListing theme when Mapbox instead of Google Maps is used internal reference #86947zz6j
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- window.onload assignment should behave like window load event internal reference #86947my22
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- also sync the unblocking of a visual content blocker with other tabs internal reference #8693gvgkh
- introduce a fallback system when the remote server is not available internal reference #1xpcvre
- introduce sticky legal links widget in customizer internal reference #1za40xb
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- introduce a fallback system when the remote server is not available internal reference #1xpcvre
- reset all template fields in edit form
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- deactivate license domain detection when running WordPress through WP CLI internal reference #869482eaf
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Perfmatters DelayJS functionality and Code on page load scripts internal reference #869465a82
- implement a mechanism detecting a defect Consent REST API and recommend knowledgebase articles internal reference #8693zknc0
- use vigenere cipher for obfuscating the REST API URL internal reference #8693zknc0
Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.
Bug Fixes
- scanner finds Google Maps for MyListing theme when Mapbox instead of Google Maps is used internal reference #86947zz6j
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- introduce sticky legal links widget in customizer internal reference #1za40xb
Bug Fixes
- avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice internal reference #86939q6ce
- close cookie banner in multi-tab scenario in all tabs internal reference #8693gvgkh
- compatibility with WordPress 6.5 internal reference #869434yv9
- do not allow to block the cookie banner overlay by a rule internal reference #86943585g
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- close cookie banner in multi-tab scenario in all tabs internal reference #8693gvgkh
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Bug Fixes
- correctly set chmod for anti-ad-block files in wp-content folder internal reference #8694394ga
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- close cookie banner in multi-tab scenario in all tabs internal reference #8693gvgkh
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice internal reference #86939q6ce
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice internal reference #86939q6ce
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice internal reference #86939q6ce
Bug Fixes
- allow also to ignore/unignore service templates in scanner results internal reference #31mh4np
- compatibility with AppThemes Vantage and Google Maps
- compatibility with Bricks Builder and lazy loaded iframes internal reference #8693z2tw6
- compatibility with GoodLayers page builder and unblocking background videos internal reference #8693wxcad
- compatibility with latest GA Google Analytics PRO version internal reference #86941x3bv
- compatibility with SureCart internal reference #861mwehmt
- deprecated:explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 () of type string is deprecated
- introduce a new customizer option to define a maximum height for the cookie banner internal reference #86940n0a0
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- support Swift Performance AI internal reference #8693xe6a6
- avoid that the cookie banner gets the LCP when WP Rocket is active internal reference #86939bd3z
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- undefined array key flag PHP warning
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- allow also to ignore/unignore service templates in scanner results internal reference #31mh4np
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- allow to avoid visual content blocker deduplication through custom class rcb-avoid-deduplication on parent element internal reference #86940a5nt
- compatibility with GoodLayers page builder and unblocking background videos internal reference #8693wxcad
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- show service group with partial icon when a service with opt-out is configure internal reference #86941b3h8
- introduce a new customizer option to define a maximum height for the cookie banner internal reference #86940n0a0
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- allow also to ignore/unignore service templates in scanner results internal reference #31mh4np
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- allow also to ignore/unignore service templates in scanner results internal reference #31mh4np
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- introduce a new customizer option to define a maximum height for the cookie banner internal reference #86940n0a0
- break all links when viewport gets too small on mobile in second view of cookie banner
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
- introduce a new customizer option to define a maximum height for the cookie banner internal reference #86940n0a0
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with latest TCF stub version not loading internal reference #8693ubj9a
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with WP Fastest Cache when cookie banner does no longer get loaded internal reference #8693ubj9a
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with WP Fastest Cache when cookie banner does no longer get loaded internal reference #8693ubj9a
- switch from free to PRO version sometimes did not recreate the JavaScript files for the cookie banner internal reference #8693ubj9a
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- when changing consent and WordPress is too slow no changes are saved internal reference #8693n1cc5
Bug Fixes
- cookie banner not loaded when anti ad block system is deactivated internal reference #8693ubj9a
- adaptation of README.txt to new guidelines from wordpress.prg internal reference #8693xh2mk
Bug Fixes
- client property value is empty error message when using serialized siteurl option internal reference #8693uhwd7
- compatibility with Kadence video popups internal reference #8693jtbzu
- improved compatibility with WP Fastest Cache and cookie banner not loading in customizer internal reference #8693h1xfq
- output the correct footnote when a custom group is created
- undefined array key vendorConfigurations internal reference #apv5uu
- mention Google Consent Mode in wordpress.org description internal reference #apv5uu
- improve performance for better Google PageSpeed Insights TBT and INP score internal reference #8693u3e89
- allow to parse big objects localized via wp_localize_script lazily internal reference #8693n1cc5
- do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve performance of applying consent and unblocking consent for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- lazy load data for the second layer / view of the cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- empty template name on release warning message internal reference #8693uepwd
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- allow to clear cache of enhance.com domains (NGINX FastCGI, internal reference #8693cqz75
- introduce new filter DevOwl/CacheInvalidate/Custom internal reference #8693w2vf0
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- 404 error in Consent Forwarding when GCM and TCF is deactivated internal reference #8693265jz
- lazy load data for the second layer / view of the cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
- improve performance of applying consent and unblocking consent for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
- introduce new comparator for selector syntax function to match regular expression with //= internal reference #33z67qt
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- strtolower(): Passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated internal reference #863gympe9
- uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string TcfVendorDomainsBlockable.php
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Kadence video popups internal reference #8693jtbzu
- initiators for load event should wait also for async scripts internal reference #8693wju7t
- improve performance of applying consent and unblocking consent for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
- cache find i18n key of translation functionality internal reference #8693cqz75
- use raw database queries and bypass TranslatePress API for translating URLs internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve performance of applying consent and unblocking consent for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- lazy load data for the second layer / view of the cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- errors were no longer shown in service edit form for technical definitions internal reference #8693wmp4k
- show a notice when activating GCM consent mode with Tag Manager integration when previsouly events were active internal reference #8693wp05t
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable.
Bug Fixes
- cookie banner cannot be accepted on old Safari browsers internal reference #8693u1wzm
- do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve performance of applying consent and unblocking consent for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- lazy load data for the second layer / view of the cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- render shortcodes async and add lazy-require() webpack plugin internal reference #8693cqz75
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- client property value is empty error message when using serialized siteurl option internal reference #8693uhwd7
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Continuous Integration
- readme-to-json parser did no longer work due to missing taxonomy_exists function internal reference #8693wju7t
- allow to parse big objects localized via wp_localize_script lazily internal reference #8693n1cc5
- do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Record and replay interactions on a given HTML element.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements internal reference #8693n1cc5
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
- improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements internal reference #8693n1cc5
- lazy load data for the second layer / view of the cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- reset anchor / link styles in cookie banner correctly when theme overwrites it internal reference #8693wx9ec
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements internal reference #8693n1cc5
Bug Fixes
- accordions and list colors were not migrated successfully when TCF is active internal reference #8693qpd7a
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with UnitedThemes internal reference #8693qm7f8
- illegal mix of collations internal reference #8693nwm9m
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #apv5uu
- use non-docker URL with HTTPS in development environment to not bypass Traefik internal reference #86939q6ce
- save one SQL SELECT query in WordPress admin dashboard internal reference #86939q6ce
- introduce @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management package internal reference #apv5uu
- introduce @devowl-wp/react-utils package internal reference #8693nj8v6
- move Google Consent Mode calculations to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #apv5uu
- move some util methods to @devowl-wp/utils internal reference #86939q6ce
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #apv5uu
- introduce @devowl-wp/react-utils package internal reference #8693nj8v6
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with embed HTML tags internal reference #8693p91em
- move Google Consent Mode calculations to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #apv5uu
- introduce @devowl-wp/react-utils package internal reference #8693nj8v6
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #apv5uu
- introduce @devowl-wp/react-utils package internal reference #8693nj8v6
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
- use non-docker URL with HTTPS in development environment to not bypass Traefik internal reference #86939q6ce
- save one SQL SELECT query in WordPress admin dashboard internal reference #86939q6ce
- move some util methods to @devowl-wp/utils internal reference #86939q6ce
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- introduce a new notice when a rate limited request was done to devowl.io backend services internal reference #86939q6ce
- use non-docker URL with HTTPS in development environment to not bypass Traefik internal reference #86939q6ce
- save one SQL SELECT query in WordPress admin dashboard internal reference #86939q6ce
- move some util methods to @devowl-wp/utils internal reference #86939q6ce
Purpose of dependency: Record and replay interactions on a given HTML element.
- introduce @devowl-wp/react-utils package internal reference #8693nj8v6
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #apv5uu
- introduce @devowl-wp/react-utils package internal reference #8693nj8v6
Bug Fixes
- check if service exists when reading services without privacy policy internal reference #apv5uu
- cookie banner did not load in customizer when using SG Optimizer JavaScript minification internal reference #8693h1xfq
- improved compatibility with PixelYourSite internal reference #8692wdhdy
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- add security hashes internal reference #861mmp30r
- merge conflict internal reference #869372jf7
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
- wordpress part review 4 internal reference #869372jf7
- wordpress part review 5 internal reference #869372jf7
- optimize the SQL query which deletes scanner results for a scanned URL internal reference #8693h2quv
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- added successorOfIdentifier field to services and content blocker templates internal reference #869372jf7
- extended client response for services and blocker successorOf internal reference #869372jf7
- introduce ruleNotice to content blockers internal reference #86938uzfp
- removed shouldRemoveTechnicalHandlingWhenOneOf internal reference #8693g1maw
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- introduce Google Consent Mode internal reference #8693g1maw
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- add autoplay to wistia.net internal reference #8693jdhgk
- extract external URL from inline script of TradeTracker internal reference #8693jrh8f
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Flatsome UX builder and visual content blockers for video embeds internal reference #8693jdhgk
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- show rule notice above the rules textare in content blockers if one given internal reference #86938uzfp
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
- wordpress part review 4 internal reference #869372jf7
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- allow to copy client UUID by hovering the installation type icon internal reference #8693hv7vb
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- show rule notice above the rules textare in content blockers if one given internal reference #86938uzfp
- merge conflict internal reference #869372jf7
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- php error automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated internal reference #apv5uu
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- sometimes the WordPress REST API is contacted infinite when WP heartbeat is deactivated and login no longer valid internal reference #8693jq17r
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
- reduce bundle size by replacing sha-1 by a simple hash function internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Record and replay interactions on a given HTML element.
Bug Fixes
- sometimes the recorder registered two clicks with a delay of zero internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
Bug Fixes
- remove unused duplicated translations of country name internal reference #866av8d30
- data processing countries group for Automattic internal reference #866av8d30
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Continuous Integration
- use project ID to read associated merge request for pipeline internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
Bug Fixes
- allow updating variables before stylesheet is created internal reference #apv5uu
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Bug Fixes
- whitespace above visual content blocker when using OceanWP responsive video embeds internal reference #8693fg0uu
- whitespace below visual content blocker when using Astra Theme video embeds internal reference #8693fg0uu
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- awin ad within a link is not correctly unblocked, only on reload internal reference #8693ff6kr
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- never touch internal links when forwarding TCF consent string via link internal reference #8693cyetg
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with PT Novo Shortcodes internal reference #8693dg00y
- correctly add GDPR TCF URL parameters to e.g. Awin Affiliate links internal reference #8693cyetg
- scanner does not work when WP Meteor is active internal reference #8693e1ap0
- uncaught TypeError: explode(): Argument #2 () must be of type string, array given after importing TCF content blcker internal reference #8693dmfxd
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
- Admin-UI - Add import/export functionality internal reference #86934facb
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- transform also anchor links with GDPR TCF URL parameters internal reference #8693cyetg
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- correctly deduplicate Elementor Forms with Google reCaptcha internal reference #8693e1f9x
- introduce new plugin hook setup() internal reference #8693cyetg
- introduce TcfForwardGdprStringInUrl plugin internal reference #8693cyetg
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
- scanner does extra WP REST API request when WP Meteor is active internal reference #8693e1ap0
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Build Process
- correctly autoload composer package files autoload.files per plugin internal reference #8693dhuhv
Bug Fixes
- searching for TCF vendors in Content Blockers did not work by vendor name internal reference #8693cun4j
- migrate template upgrade notice to the new notice system to use cache internal reference #869372jf7
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- several bugs in release view, introduce release status as calculated field for release view internal reference #86936mue3
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- adsbygoogle.push() error: Fluid responsive ads must be at least 250px wide internal reference #8693cxm1p
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- do not output ad networks for vendor configurations with deleted vendors as this leads to TypeError internal reference #866aw8zqu
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
Bug Fixes
- function wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly when using TCF in German internal reference #8693cun4j
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- fatal error after latest update as WordPress stubs were no longer compatible with WordPress < 6.2 internal reference #8693cg7cp
Bug Fixes
- cannot access the settings page when switching from free to PRO version internal reference #8693ccu6u
- compatibility with Elementor media carousels internal reference #8693bahqc
- correctly implement the usage of rules and rule groups internal reference #8693a7gmn
- the WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration plugin was only active when standard tracking was enabled internal reference #86935hudw
- improved compatibility with latest Google Adsense requirements and TCF requirements internal reference #866aw8zqu
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Bug Fixes
- improved compatibility with HummingBird internal reference #8692zgd6n
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- allow attributes with numerics in selector syntax internal reference #8693a7gmn
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
Bug Fixes
- cannot access the settings page when switching from free to PRO version internal reference #8693ccu6u
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- correctly implement the usage of rules and rule groups internal reference #8693a7gmn
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
- update available content blockers from service cloud
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- undefined array key in NavMenuList.php file internal reference #8693bd1ku
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- list of consents with visual content blockers did no longer work internal reference #86939w8af
- do not encode TCModel when initial cookie banner is loaded internal reference #8693cf1zr
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- improved compatibility with latest Google Adsense requirements and TCF requirements internal reference #866aw8zqu
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
- improved compatibility with latest Google Adsense requirements and TCF requirements internal reference #866aw8zqu
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Helper functionalities for your composer project to validate licenses and generate a disclaimer.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Bug Fixes
- correctly check for the SHA of the latest master branch internal reference #8693bzjkb
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPCS.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
Bug Fixes
- use correct name for long term caching for extracted CSS files internal reference #8693bc0d2
Bug Fixes
- avoid getting errors when could not update the meta value of isProviderCurrentWebsite in database error internal reference #86935hrd1
- compatibility with Beaver Builder and the option to render assetes inline internal reference #8693992x4
- do not show contact form in cookie banner after removing the first selection internal reference #869382qk5
- do not show licensing tab when user does not have enough capabilities internal reference #86938n5gk
- map all edit_rcb... capabilities to manage_real_cookie_banner internal reference #86938n5gk
- show creation date of templates instead of version number in Differing from template popup internal reference #86936mue3
- when TCF is active, it sometimes requests new consent every day internal reference #86939gwcj
Build Process
- do not expose de@formal and nl@formal to Weblate internal reference #86938ba8a
- allow to configure a privacy manager role by adding manage_real_cookie_banner capability internal reference #86938n5gk
- allow to set required purposes for TCF content blockers internal reference #86933edy3
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- added delete button to media images internal reference #8692wfhgk
- added possibility for release dependency checks WIP internal reference #86932dder
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Cloudflare Rocket Loader internal reference #86938z54n
- compatibility with Debloat - Remove Unused CSS, Optimize JS cache plugin internal reference #86939h8my
- page speed insights score when Remove Unused CSS is used in WP Rocket and no cookie banner animations are shown internal reference #86939bd3z
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- when TCF is active, it sometimes requests new consent every day internal reference #86939gwcj
- allow to set required purposes for TCF content blockers internal reference #86933edy3
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Beaver Builder and the option to render assetes inline internal reference #8693992x4
- allow to negate rules with a prefixed exclamation mark internal reference #869387nbx
- allow to set required purposes for TCF content blockers internal reference #86933edy3
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
- allow to set required purposes for TCF content blockers internal reference #86933edy3
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- animation out did no longer work for cookie banner in some cases internal reference #869383vck
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- show creation date of templates instead of version number in Differing from template popup internal reference #86936mue3
- allow to set required purposes for TCF content blockers internal reference #86933edy3
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Bug Fixes
- allow to configure capabilities instead of hardcoded edit_posts internal reference #86938n5gk
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- show creation date of templates instead of version number in Differing from template popup internal reference #86936mue3
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
Bug Fixes
- when TCF is active, it sometimes requests new consent every day internal reference #86939gwcj
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- allow to configure capabilities via Activator#registerCapabilities internal reference #86938n5gk
- compatibility with Cloudflare Rocket Loader internal reference #86938z54n
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- allow to configure branch settings via root package.json instead of hardcoded internal reference #86938ba8a
- respect branch settings in weblate-prune-deleted-branches CLI command internal reference #86938ba8a
- show a hint when a language is in Weblate but not configured in package.json in weblate-status command internal reference #86938ba8a
Build Process
- do not expose de@formal and nl@formal to Weblate internal reference #86938ba8a
- allow to exclude locales from projects with overrides.excludeLocales in package.json settings internal reference #86938ba8a
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Bug Fixes
- allow to show cookie banner also on wp-login.php page when body has class force-cookie-banner internal reference #869379120
- flickering when deactivating WPML/PolyLang and trying to configure footer links internal reference #86937an80
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
- introduce @devowl-wp/playwright-utils with smoke test functionality internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- allow to show cookie banner also on wp-login.php page when body has class force-cookie-banner internal reference #869379120
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
- a huge TCF vendors table with outdated vendor list information can lead to high CPU / database usage internal reference #869372e3a
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
- introduce @devowl-wp/playwright-utils with smoke test functionality internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Bug Fixes
- update Gitlab YAML typings internal reference #8692yek74
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Thrive Architect Lightbox and performance when many lightboxes on the page internal reference #869306a74
- do not block content in OptimizeBuilder internal reference #1ydtzkv
- manager Google Tag Manager can be created through scanner even marked as Disabled internal reference #86936qzwq
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- compatibility with OptimizePress cache internal reference #1ydtzkv
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- uncaught exception in frontend when using PixelYourSite template internal reference #86936r76h
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- do not find link with rel me and alternate as external URL in scanner internal reference #2f7ccf4
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- customizer did not load in some cases internal reference #86936qctz
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- manager Google Tag Manager can be created through scanner even marked as Disabled internal reference #86936qzwq
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Continuous Integration
- show inconsistent translations always in translation status internal reference #86932cagc
- validate production docker compose config on compose YAML changes internal reference #86934wg6z
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- do find propagated string translations from other components when merging a branch to another internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Bug Fixes
- also delete skipped pipelines and pipelines of deleted branches
Bug Fixes
- 404 error when navigating too fast from cookies tab internal reference #86935hjf1
- allow to reset fields for templates even without update internal reference #86930f9du
- when requesting new consent the cookie banner was visible on privacy policy page internal reference #869357t9d
- allow to create multiple TCF vendors in batch by using table checkboxes internal reference #86930ub71
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
- move TCF vendor creation form and list view to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #86930ub71
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
- added description to distinct langs internal reference #86934ynxa
- compose GVL v3 and purposes v3 for TCF 2.2 internal reference #863gt04va
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- when requesting new consent the cookie banner was visible on privacy policy page internal reference #869357t9d
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- accessibility score in PageSpeed Insights for the language switcher in cookie banner internal reference #86935zy2c
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
- wait for all suspended components to be mounted and then show cookie banner to avoid CLS internal reference #8693572fn
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- 404 error when navigating too fast from cookies tab internal reference #86935hjf1
- allow to reset fields for templates even without update internal reference #86930f9du
- allow to create multiple TCF vendors in batch by using table checkboxes internal reference #86930ub71
- compose GVL v3 and purposes v3 for TCF 2.2 internal reference #863gt04va
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
- move TCF vendor creation form and list view to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #86930ub71
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
- fetch GVL v3 instead of v2 for TCF 2.2 support internal reference #863gt04va
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- introduce batch requests internal reference #86930ub71
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- machine translate all unfinished strings as changed strings are not detected with nottranslated internal reference #86932nwn8
- fix non-ASCII characters in POT msg strings internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with WP Meteor optimization plugin internal reference #86933j1zb
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- podigee player did not get blocked correctly internal reference #86934av6a
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
- fix non-ASCII characters in POT msg strings internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- use data-nosnippet to avoid banner texts in SEO snippets internal reference #86934vczd
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
- fix non-ASCII characters in POT msg strings internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
- fix non-ASCII characters in POT msg strings internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with WP Meteor optimization plugin internal reference #86933j1zb
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Bug Fixes
- always use auto_source=others in Weblate autotranslate to avoid picking inconsistent strings across projects internal reference #86932nwn8
- do not fuzzy autotranslate machine translated strings internal reference #86932nwn8
- use auto translate others instead of download and upload ZIP when creating feature branch in Weblate internal reference #86932nwn8
- back to ZIP download/upload as it is faster than autotranslate with others internal reference #86932nwn8
Bug Fixes
- correct available translations in README.txt internal reference #2gfb42y
- reload checklist when privacy policy text suggestion were updated internal reference #86932cagc
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
- typo internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- add synonyms of GDPR and ePrivacy Directive in README.txt internal reference #2gfb42y
- localize links in README.txt internal reference #2gfb42y
- rework wordpress.org plugin description for v4.0 internal reference #861n7amw6
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- add legal-text to some texts internal reference #2gfb42y
- add screenshots to v4 upgrade wizard internal reference #2gfb42y
- disable minimal translations in favor of full translations internal reference #2gfb42y
- merge conflict resolution internal reference #2gfb42y
- minimum required PHP version 7.4 and WP version 5.8 internal reference #arvdr3
- move translations of README.txt for wordpress.org from repository to continuous localization internal reference #861n8mnx8
- replace GDPR link to gdpr-info.eu with gdpr-text.com as source internal reference #2gfb42y
- replace go-link to GDPR text with direct link internal reference #2gfb42y
- make images float right correctly in upgrade wizard internal reference #861n7any3
- We are happy to announce that we have now reached another Real Cookie Banner milestone with version 4.0. Read more about it here https://devowl.io/2023/real-cookie-banner-4-0/.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- add de@informal with threshold 100 in continuous localization internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- add de@informal with threshold 100 in continuous localization internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_walk_recursive(): Argument #1 () must be of type array, null given
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- add de@informal with threshold 100 in continuous localization internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- reload checklist when privacy policy text suggestion were updated internal reference #86932cagc
- typo internal reference #2gfb42y
- add legal-text to some texts internal reference #2gfb42y
- replace GDPR link to gdpr-info.eu with gdpr-text.com as source internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- add legal-text to some texts internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- add legal-text to some texts internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- add de@informal with threshold 100 in continuous localization internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
Build Process
- remove local language files from built ZIP file and use remote files internal reference #861n4ahzb
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
Continuous Integration
- show inconsistent translations always in translation status internal reference #86932cagc
- machine translated strings should be trusted and not set as fuzzy in Weblate internal reference #2gfb42y
Bug Fixes
- banner presets could not be applied in some cases internal reference #861n7amqx
- passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated
- some Custom Post Types lead to /wp-admin scan results internal reference #86930u18a
- tested up to WordPress 6.4 internal reference #8692zwmth
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- commented out inline script should not get mixed with external scripts when blocking content internal reference #869314r0e
- passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- commented out inline script should not get mixed with external scripts when blocking content internal reference #869314r0e
- do not override script type attribute value as some services are not compatible with the standards internal reference #8692xx4j4
- passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated
- passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated internal reference #86930u18a
- update PHPDoc for selector syntax functions
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
Bug Fixes
- passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- in some cases the button links are not sticky to the bottom in cookie banner internal reference #86931j3bm
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- privacy policy text is not copyable when content is empty in case of page builder usage (e.g. Oxygen, internal reference #86930u18a
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
Bug Fixes
- passing null to parameter #1 () of type string is deprecated
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
Bug Fixes
- in some cases the button links are not sticky to the bottom in cookie banner internal reference #86931j3bm
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with JetMenu mobile sidebar internal reference #8693098ra
- teachings cannot be customized in customizer when only list of services is enabled internal reference #8692yu9ka
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- added dataProcessingInCountriesSpecialTreatments as extendable attribute internal reference #8692z4h5f
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- the Google Tag Manager (GTM) receives opt-ins in Data Layer too late internal reference #8692xt11g
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
- better explain the expression schema for ScriptInlineJsonBlocker internal reference #8693098ra
- remove unwanted error_log internal reference #8693098ra
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- open cookie banner when initial URL contains #consent-change internal reference #8692zqve3
- use dedicated <Suspense component for each lazy loaded component internal reference #86930ajxx
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
- update JSDoc, make some methods private and extend some typings internal reference #866avtm7z
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Continuous Integration
- purge master pipelines after 90 days instead of 360
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Bug Fixes
- font color on hover does not get changed for buttons in cookie banner internal reference #869305hpq
Bug Fixes
- edit form for content blockers resulted in blank screen internal reference #8692xmztw
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- compatibility with Perfmatters Remove Unused CSS functionality internal reference #8692x4h03
Bug Fixes
- add notice about explicit consent mode when Pixel Manager for WooCommerce is active internal reference #1raqwk8
- checklist item about privacy policy does not get updated internal reference #866ay8jeb
- compatibility with SuperFly Menu plugin internal reference #8692wzd25
- compatibility with WoodMart theme and scanner internal reference #861mbpq2x
- dashboard showed incorrect, swapped count of draft and disabled services internal reference #866aybq9e
- do not find YouTube in scanner for SeoPress localized variable
- do not show warning about preview images if no one gets imported for content blockers internal reference #866aybq9e
- improved compatibility to PixelYourSite internal reference #8692wdhdy
- improved magnificPopup compatibility as arrows in galleries are not rendered internal reference #861n86a5n
- wrong minimal translation in Italian internal reference #866ayck5z
Build Process
- composer.lock had same content-hash accross some projects internal reference #866aybq9e
- introduce age notice age limit internal reference #866awy2fr
- comma-separated list of caching plugins with space internal reference #866aybq9e
- introduce new developer action RCB/Templates/TechnicalHandlingIntegration internal reference #1raqwk8
- major update apidoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update react-router-dom internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- prepare upgrade wizard for v4 release internal reference #861n7amqx
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- remove supports-color, update focusable-selectors react-quill react-codemirror2 js-cookie internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Abstract utility for live preview (customize)
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- prepare upgrade wizard for v4 release internal reference #861n7amqx
Purpose of dependency: Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- do not deduplicate content blocker for confirm selector syntax function internal reference #866axjayz
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- do not replace minAge and legalBasis variables in cookie banner texts so they work with TranslatePress editor internal reference #866awy2fr
- introduce age notice age limit internal reference #866awy2fr
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- inconsistent wording in service overview internal reference #866aybqhm
- isDemoEnv was not used correctly internal reference #31976ru
- when a service is configured essential show the unsafe-countries notice depending on calculated unsafe countries internal reference #866aybq9e
- introduce age notice age limit internal reference #866awy2fr
- introduce new developer action RCB/Templates/TechnicalHandlingIntegration internal reference #1raqwk8
- major update react-router-dom internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- prepare upgrade wizard for v4 release internal reference #861n7amqx
Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Read the actually applied CSS property value instead of the calculated one.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
- introduce new developer action RCB/Templates/TechnicalHandlingIntegration internal reference #1raqwk8
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Find and crawl sitemaps to get a full list of URLs.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Download and persist vendor-list.json to database
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with latest Swift Performance version internal reference #866aybgxm
- drop concurrently package as no longer needed internal reference #3cj43t
- major update apidoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update tsc-watch immer lint-staged sort-package-json internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- remove supports-color, update focusable-selectors react-quill react-codemirror2 js-cookie internal reference #3cj43t
- update Lerna v7 internal reference #31956up
Purpose of dependency: Record and replay interactions on a given HTML element.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
- obtaining telemetry data consent after license activation internal reference #861n7amqx
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- update Lerna v7 internal reference #31956up
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
- major update commander internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
Continuous Integration
- include changelogs from dependencies internal reference #2k54tcb
- major update commander internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- update Lerna v7 internal reference #31956up
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
- major update commander internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide a performant translation extractor based on regular expression.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- prepare upgrade wizard for v4 release internal reference #861n7amqx
- remove supports-color, update focusable-selectors react-quill react-codemirror2 js-cookie internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- remove supports-color, update focusable-selectors react-quill react-codemirror2 js-cookie internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update tsc-watch immer lint-staged sort-package-json internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- add notice text about special treatments when DSG is active internal reference #863h7nj72
- misc internal reference #85ztzbdjt
- review 1 internal reference #85ztzbdjt
- review 1 internal reference #863h7nj72
- review 1 internal reference #cawgkp
- review 2 internal reference #863h7nj72
- review 2 internal reference #cawgkp
- review 3 internal reference #863h7nj72
- review 3 internal reference #cawgkp
- review 4 internal reference #863h7nj72 , internal reference #866aw15cc
- review 5 internal reference #863h7nj72
- update migrations internal reference #863h7nj72
- remove not understandable commit messages from changelog internal reference #861n7an31
- import / export functionality for footer links internal reference #cawgkp
- introduce new website operator details fields in Cookies > Settings > General internal reference #863h7nj72
- introduce provider contact fields (phone, email, contact form) for services internal reference #863h7nj72
- make links to legal documents more dynamic internal reference #cawgkp
- show a langauge switcher in cookie banner when a multilingual plugin is active internal reference #cawgkp
- when WPML or PolyLang is active show translations with flags in the list view internal reference #866aw15cc
- add migrations for DSG implementation for existing users internal reference #863h7nj72
- add new Checklist item for website operator details internal reference #863h7nj72
- add new Is provider current website option for services internal reference #863h7nj72
- codemirror and template updates cannot be applied internal reference #861n7ak3a
- compatibility with WPForms stripe integration and wpformsReady event internal reference #866ax37f4
- consent forwarding shows wrong entry in consent history when multilingual plugin is active internal reference #866axjk0a
- content blocker for TCF vendor should only check for consent, no legitimate interest internal reference #866ax5x2z
- do not render powered-by link when in page builders internal reference #866axn617
- download of DHL labels did not work internal reference #866ax5ke5
- export and import template version, too, so updates are shown correctly for imported services internal reference #866axer0c
- issue with qTranslate-XT as it tries to translate consent-by internal reference #866aw1mrk
- service in one language deleted, it automatically removed the service from blocker connections in other langauges, too internal reference #866aw15cc
- show the legal basis in cookie banner with the help of variable internal reference #863h7nj72
- time units for Swedish minimal translations internal reference #866axjbr8
- when changing website operator details automatically reflect to local services internal reference #863h7nj72
- do not Remove Unused CSS for animate.css to improve PageSpeed CLS when WP Rocket is active internal reference #866axeb2m
- further PageSpeed insights improvements internal reference #866avmt9a
- improve Content Blocker how it affects PageSpeed Insights internal reference #866axeb2m
- improve Content Blocker rendering how it affects PageSpeed Insights internal reference #866axeb2m
- more performant cookie banner rendering by eager lazy loading components internal reference #866axeb2m
- yield entrypoint scripts in main thread internal reference #866axeb2m
- move settings form to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #863h7nj72
- rename legalBasis which is applied to the whole cookie banner to territorialLegalBasis internal reference #863h7nj72
- use operator country also for TCF publisher country internal reference #863h7nj72
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- enable Continuous Localization for the wordpress.org/README.wporg.txt file internal reference #861n8mnx8
- compatibility with WonderPlugin gallery plugin internal reference #866avwjtw
- do not delete service notice transient when creating a new auto-draft internal reference #866avt8n1
- do not send dataProcessingInUnsafeCountries telemetry data in free version internal reference #866avtre5
- scanner gets stuck when sitemap contains a non-existing URL which results into 404 error internal reference #866avmxc9
- improve Google PageSpeed Insights score by using fastdom.mutate internal reference #866avmt9a
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- use @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties with updated caniuse-lite database internal reference #863h37kvr
- text adjustments for translations internal reference #2gfb4w6
- introduce accessibility (a11y) notices about contrast ratio for font colors in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility (a11y) notices about font size in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility (a11y) notices about font weight in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility score in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- compatibility with WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration plugin as it could not be created as temlate internal reference #8678qabqn
- contrast ratio calculator is wrong for hover effects for buttons internal reference #863h37kvr
- update existing banner presets with 100% accessibility score internal reference #863h37kvr
- minimal translations for accessability internal reference #863h2xzc9
- show notice for older consents as they are no longer replayable internal reference #863h2xzc9
- wrong Activate free license text in PRO version when service cloud could not be downloaded internal reference #1raqwk8
- compatibility with Swiss DSG declared in wordpress.org product description internal reference #861n5ar23
- accessible cookie banner internal reference #863h2xzc9
- introduce new confirm() selector-syntax rule for content blockers internal reference #861n86a5n
- introduce new selector syntax function transformAttribute internal reference #861n7upvp
- compatibility with content blocker and newsfeed of BuddyBoss internal reference #861n6e5kf
- compatibility with FloTheme contact form as it does not get rendered with Google Fonts content blocker internal reference #861n7fgt7
- compatibility with LayTheme and video embeds internal reference #861n6p9uq
- compatibility with more cases where magnificPopup loads external content internal reference #861n86a5n
- do not add dynamic stylesheets to WP Rockets RUCSS optimizaton internal reference #2yt81xz
- fatal PHP error json_decode(): Argument #1 () must be of type string, array given internal reference #861n7hwqr
- restore functionality in scanner for external URLs internal reference #861n7u689
- too many TCF vendors lead to a too huge JSON revision in database internal reference #861n6fudh
- introduce class names and a scoped stylesheet to Cookie Banner instead of style attribute internal reference #2yt81xz
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- language packs could not be downloaded from SVN repository for slugs ending with -lite internal reference #861n4ahzb
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- adjust texts for country selection for predefined lists internal reference #861n2wt7d
- checked compatibility with WordPress 6.3 internal reference #861n42pdy
- compatibility with Ghost Kit and false-positive Google Maps gets found in scanner internal reference #861n3md74
- compatibility with one.com maintenance plugin internal reference #861n48b69
- could not update the meta value of technicalDefinitions in database internal reference #861n4602e
- proper error handling when Service Cloud is down internal reference #861n1rzgm
- some services in the scanner redirects to the wrong creation form internal reference #861n46vpw
- some TCF vendors could not be created when no additional information is given internal reference #861n4dyd2
- consider USA as a country with secure data transfer (if companies certify themself) internal reference #861m47jgm
- fixed variable typos internal reference #863h6pdwd
- minimal translations for special treatments for processing data in unsafe countries internal reference #863h6pdwd
- blank cookie banner dashboard internal reference #861n1rzgm
- compatibility with Elementor Popups when it gets hidden with click on the content blocker overlay internal reference #863h3ah8x
- introduce special treatments for processing data in unsafe countries internal reference #863h6pdwd
- show only a limited amount of countries in service form internal reference #861n2g4ag
- update filter documentation with more examples and use cases
- new feature to collect consent for services processing data in unsecure countries internal reference #861m47jgm
- compatibility with Elementor Popups when it gets hidden with click on the cookie banner internal reference #863h3ah8x
- compatibility with Enfold and Vimeo embeds internal reference #863h48vp2
- compatibility with fluidvids internal reference #863gymp32
- compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme internal reference #863h5dak1
- compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme internal reference #863h5dak1
- difference from template for service group is empty internal reference #32wu2g8
- elementor not shown as recommended service in scanner internal reference #861mzap32
- ignore 410 HTTP code in scanner internal reference #863gzu8gh
- introduce pagination to technical cookie information as many items could slow down the form internal reference #32wu2g8
- show notice when service is processing data in unsafe countries and the banner notice is disabled internal reference #861m47jgm
- uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version internal reference #863h4mazx
- uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version internal reference #863h4mazx
- update notice about templates could not be dismissed internal reference #863h2byjk
- introduce custom ESLint rules ability in @devowl-wp/eslint-config internal reference #863gxjbn4
- introduce KeyValueMapOption and migrate notice states to it internal reference #861m47jgm
- move enableOptionAutoload to @devowl-wp/utils internal reference #861m47jgm
- make e2e tests work again internal reference #861m47jgm
- technical renaming all languages that they contains the formality internal reference #2gfb42y
- technical renaming of German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch translations that they contains the formality internal reference #2gfb42y
- compatibility with Bricksbuilder as pages were no longer editable internal reference #861mw0bcc
- mapping of language files for copying to correct language internal reference #2gfb42y
- some services were not shown as created in scanner results internal reference #863gwufp5
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- remove old PHP template/preset system as replaced by cloud templates internal reference #861me62d8
- resolve conflict internal reference #3207gvx
- versionized wp_rcb_templates database table and keep outdated templates internal reference #861me62d8
- prepare versions for templates so we can visualize the difference between them internal reference #861me62d8
- translate created service and blocker templates from a translation database table for WPML/PolyLang compatibility internal reference #861me62d8
- use correct charset and collate in database for newly added database tables internal reference #863gtqpz0
- speed up scanner internal reference #861mv177f
- connect new template center with scanner (WIP, internal reference #861me62d8
- connect new template center with service and blocker form (WIP, internal reference #861me62d8
- createFromPreset to TemplateConsumers::createFromTemplate internal reference #861me62d8
- remove usage of CookiePresets and BlockerPresets internal reference #861me62d8
- rename wp_rcb_templates to wp_rcb_template internal reference #863gtqpz0
- cookie banner overflows to the right when hero content blocker is too wide internal reference #861muuzq3
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- remove dotenv package internal reference #861m6e3mz
- migrate Traefik environment variables to Envkey internal reference #861m6e3mz
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- compatibility with WP Matomo when network-wide active internal reference #863gqw8bg
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- allow to reset all settings with option to reset also consents internal reference #861mk857a
- call to a member function localizeGroups() on null internal reference #863gp8ag0
- compatibility with Essentials Addons for Elementor and YouTube and Vimeo videos internal reference #863gnduk0
- compatibility with Video Gallery & Slider For YouTube internal reference #863gmpp0n
- compatibility with WP Go Maps internal reference #863gq67nt
- obfuscate public REST API calls internal reference #206yrf0
- some TCF vendors could not be saved without error message internal reference #863gmnvet
- uncaught WpOrg Requests Exception: Only HTTP(S) requests are handled internal reference #863gp8g9h
- compatibility with latest GeoDirectory plugin internal reference #33z125m
- typo in privacy policy sample text for Real Cookie Banner internal reference #2vqpmwj
- compatibility with Directorist and OpenStreetMaps internal reference #863ghhh2w
- compatibility with latest IONOS performance plugin internal reference #32003j3
- notice when AMP plugin is active and scanner does not work internal reference #863gjbfxp
- storing templates from cloud: allowed memory size of bytes exhausted internal reference #863ghz41w
- add more security hashes for disabled footer internal reference #332e8qr
- introduce new UI for template center from service cloud (WIP, internal reference #861me62d8
- remove non-ASCII characters from POT files internal reference #863gffr77
- start with new template center (WIP, internal reference #861me62d8
- update README.org text replacing Article 66 with Racital 66 internal reference #861mc9hc2
- compatibility with latest Impreza and unblocking Google Maps internal reference #861mkbd3p
- compatibility with latest RankMath version and finding Google Analytics UA and v4 with local script files enabled internal reference #863gdnt50
- compatibility with Perfmatters Minimal v4 Google Analytics embed internal reference #2eggmy7
- correctly handle async cache calculation for service cloud internal reference #861me62d8
- hook into Pretty Links plugin to only set tracking cookies when consent is given internal reference #863gftjna
- output logo URL in content-blockers route internal reference #861me62d8
- scanner does not find any Google Analytics embeds when RankMath Exclude Logged-in users option is active internal reference #863gdnt50
- theme not detected as active when using e.g. wp-content/themes/Divi (capital letter, internal reference #861mkuxh1
- wp_load_alloptions called for each subsite within multisite internal reference #861med012
- extract isPro and i18n functions to own context for reusability internal reference #861me62d8
- introduce taskfile.dev Taskfiles internal reference #85zrrymj0
- rename doNotConsiderInGroups to needsRequiredSiblingRule internal reference #863gdnt50
- compatibility with Dejure theme and unblocking Google Maps internal reference #863gac0ng
- compatibility with Point of Sale for WooCommerce internal reference #863gaceu4
- fusion builder content blocker overlaps with column content internal reference #861mhr4pe
- introduce new service cloud to better manage service and blocker templates (WIP, internal reference #2mjzexr
- update dependencies including TypeScript 4.9, antd and eslint internal reference #85zrqk9pd
- updated note on legal state of TCF internal reference #861mgt18f
- checklist item of legal links is not checked when legal links are placed manually internal reference #2ep07vd
- compatibility with Bandtheme and YouTube embeds internal reference #85zrrv779
- cookie banner pops up on every page when changing the cookie domain manually internal reference #85zrrve3w
- development docker build does sometimes not startup correctly internal reference #85zrqk9pd
- use correct release info when saving templates from cloud internal reference #2mjzexr
- rename grunt-continuous-localization to continuous-localization and remove grunt dependency (pure bin, internal reference #85zrrytg6
- add legal notice URL to all self-hosted services internal reference #2wpbbhr
- compatibility with WordPress 6.2 internal reference #861mfxmc1
- remove unused dependencies internal reference #85zrqj4jp
- restructure .env and replace Scaleway API keys with new IAM internal reference #37q5f2x
- new field for service templates "Legal notice URL for provider" internal reference #2wpbbhr
- compatibility with 10Web Map Builder for Google Maps internal reference #85zrrkfzw
- compatibility with ThemeDraft themes and Google Maps internal reference #863g65whr
- do also base64 encode scripts in localized variable in customize preview internal reference #8677knwy0
- javascript error wp.mediaUtils is undefined and media library does not work internal reference #863g6v17m
- compatibility with latest version of Social Feed Gallery Instagram internal reference #2d8ba1v
- compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks plugin internal reference #863g5rqfp
- update wordpress stubs internal reference #863g4efkw
- compatibility with OSM Map Widget for Elementor internal reference #861mdhpu4
- compatibility with Supreme Maps Pro internal reference #861mdakyh
- consider 404 errors in scanner as non-error internal reference #863g3v71n
- invalid JSON int database helper class with the help of JSON5 internal reference #863g4efkw
- scanner finds OMGF inline script as Google Fonts internal reference #861mdaurx
- apache modsecurity complains about localized JSON object when there are scripts and iframes internal reference #863g375z3
- compatibility with Elfsight Vimeo Gallery CC internal reference #863g3kmfw
- compatibility with Streamtube and YouTube videos internal reference #861mcrub5
- do not load scripts in WP Bakery edit mode internal reference #861mcfwa4
- typo in privacy policy text proposal internal reference #863g3867t
- uncaught error: Undefined constant NONCE_SALT internal reference #863g3m0tm
- validate UUID in cookie value internal reference #861mchkwt
- save creation date of cookie in cookie value instead of SQL query internal reference #861mchkwt
- speed up counting and pagination in list of consents internal reference #861mchkwt
- speed up reading consent history internal reference #861mchkwt
- speed up saving consent by adjusting how stats are saved internal reference #861mchkwt
- move all user-consent relevant SQL queries to UserConsent class internal reference #861mchkwt
- streamline IP handler to use UserConsent#byCriteria internal reference #861mchkwt
- consider dependencies in cache invalidation in i18n generation internal reference #2x5m1gu
- streamline docker-compose settings with non-production context internal reference #861m5btfw
- update disclaimer checkboxes internal reference #2x5kb66
- allow to record interactions and introduce player in list of consents internal reference #2undj42
- introduce copyable sentence for your privacy policy in Cookies > Settings > General internal reference #2vqpmwj
- introduce new individual text field to put text below service groups in second layer (postamble, internal reference #861mbjkht
- introduce new service field Unique Name so 3rd party plugins can obtain consent via Consent API internal reference #2unhn5x
- new checklist item to update privacy policy with Real Cookie Banner mention internal reference #2vqpmwj
- allow multiline texts when copying texts internal reference #2vqpmwj
- block Vimeo live events in Vimeo content blocker
- compatibility with Breakdance page builder internal reference #861m4yxej
- compatibility with HTML blocks in Woodmart themes and scanner internal reference #861mbpq2x
- compatibility with latest Thrive Leads version internal reference #863g124r8
- compatibility with latest version of Divi and Ajax Search Pro internal reference #863g1n0ve
- delete origin of redirected URL while scanning from scanner results internal reference #863fyjeee
- do not aggregate data from consents instead use own aggregation database table to be more GDPR compliant internal reference #2z4e99b
- do not modify redirected scan URL when job id is already in params list internal reference #861mbpq2x
- new selector syntax function to delegate a click on blocked node internal reference #863g124r8
- new text for Content Blocker Load content button / link internal reference #2z4eg7v
- new text for Revoke consent link / shortcode internal reference #30chpnz
- scanner got stuck 99% when redirection on webserver was too early internal reference #863fyjeee
- show Continue without consent button in Change privacy settings dialog internal reference #2x5q7ny
- title repeated multiple times when emoji is in e.g. YouTube title internal reference #863g20zqz
- introduce new selector syntax function keepAttributes and style internal reference #33z67qt
- introduce new selector syntax functions forceVisual() and visualParent() internal reference #33z67qt
- compatibility with BeTheme / BeBuilder internal reference #861m7mmu0
- compatibility with Breakdance page builder and Goolge Maps embeds internal reference #33z67qt
- compatibility with Enfold and performance JavaScript mreging internal reference #861m8g071
- compatibility with Estatik Real Estate Plugin and Google Maps internal reference #861m9594v
- compatibility with Magnific Popup with visual content blockers internal reference #861m7cb9u
- do not load unncessery assets in login mask wp-login.php internal reference #861m9bm8g
- update @antv/g2 to latest version internal reference #861m5gzx6
- introduce new filter RCB/Blocker/AdminAjaxActions internal reference #861m53rv3
- show better error message when creating the default service groups fails
- compatibility with Breakdance page builder internal reference #861m4yxej
- disable US data processing for Spotify preset internal reference #861m5pk1f
- improved compatibility with Contact Form 7 and additional class name
- list of consents and history of consents did not load any entries internal reference #861m58gk8
- provide one more dataLayer variable for GTM/MTM realCookieBannerConsents internal reference #861m538z2
- link to kb article for development license warnings / red warnings internal reference #388ch1x
- block leaflet.min.js in OpenStreetMap content blocker internal reference #31mkbne
- compatibility with BoldThemes and Google Maps
- compatibility with OSMapper internal reference #861m4bqrd
- compatibility with visual content blockers and WP Bakery tab content internal reference #861m3hgxg
- detect single gtag events to Google Ads internal reference #388ak7a
- improved compatibility with latest version of WP Google Maps internal reference #861m4d0ea
- vulnerability XSS in shortcode class parameter internal reference #861m3j4b4
- warning trying to access offset on value of type null in PHP log internal reference #861m47fm0
- remove path_join calls and use trailingslashit instead internal reference #861m3qqb7
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- update README contributors
- added google maps compatibility for bricks builder internal reference #37qavun
- compatibility with Event Calendar and downloading ICS file, in general never try to block inline downloads internal reference #37wwyu7
- compatibility with latest Elementor PRO version and Google Maps JetEngine internal reference #37wv9wu
- compatibility with Pixel Manager for WooCommerce plugin internal reference #37he9cj
- do not show REST API notice when offline, hide when route works again and trace log in textarea internal reference #37q9evr
- german texts not shown for some strings (with context) when using TranslatePress internal reference #37q61pt
- improved compatibility with Geo Directory plugin internal reference #33z125m
- show notice for invalid TCF device closure within the vendor configuration internal reference #37hg97j
- tcf vendor with not-existing purpose cannot be added to TCF vendor configuration internal reference #37hg97j
- introduce @devowl/api-real-cookie-banner package internal reference #33tam4h