v3.4.7 - v1.0.0
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- adjust telemetry data collection internal reference #2ufnyc2
- execute deferred telemetry data transmit internal reference #2ufnyc2
- add new TCF vendor leads to JavaScript error when too much are registered internal reference #34g9kbw
- compatibility with Impreza and OpenStreetMap embed internal reference #344n7q3
- compatibility with WP Go Maps and Google Maps embed internal reference #37bnu5f
- improved compatibility with Oxygen youtube embeds internal reference #34g8wne
- use another blur method as it could break absolute positioned menus internal reference #3764wqn
- add notice when plugins are activated/deactivated internal reference #2bujq84
- compatibility with background video in Elementor sections and column internal reference #33z36er
- compatibility with Bold Page Builder and Google Maps embed internal reference #33z66qn
- compatibility with Bold Page Builder and Google Maps embed internal reference #33z66qn
- compatibility with Bold Page Builder and Google Maps embed internal reference #33z66qn
- compatibility with Bold Page Builder and Google Maps embed internal reference #33z66qn
- compatibility with Elementor playlist when loaded deferred internal reference #33z3dh8
- compatibility with Google Maps in GeoDirectory internal reference #33z125m
- compatibility with Impreza WP Bakery Google Maps embed internal reference #344n7q3
- compatibility with LeafLet Map extension plugin internal reference #344mvx1
- compatibility with Mikado Themes and Google Maps internal reference #33z1k0n
- compatibility with Uncode fluid objects not rendering visual content blockers internal reference #344p8r3
- compatibility with Uncode fluid objects not rendering visual content blockers internal reference #344p8r3
- empty form for creating services within content blocker form internal reference #32wtxkt
- improved compatibility with Elementor Pro and lazy loaded scripts internal reference #33z3dh8
- improved compatibility with WP ImmoMakleer plugin internal reference #200ykt6
- introduce new content blocker selector syntax matchUrls to fix false-positive Elementor videos internal reference #33z3dh8
- sometimes visual content blockers did not unblock after page reload when deferred scripts loading too long internal reference #33ternv
- wrong spacing for visual content blocker for WP Bakery video embeds inside columns internal reference #33z5vfd
- error 1 smoke test failing internal reference #344wgj9
- error 2 smoke test failing internal reference #344wgj9
- error 3 smoke test failing internal reference #344wgj9
- speed up saving of consent for the first consent of the day internal reference #33yxgb6
- compatibility with latest Elementor version and no Vimeo playlist visual content blocker internal reference #32h6xq0
- expand header logo with alt text and correct dimensions for SVG file internal reference #33t99y8
- false-positive REST API notice about real-queue/v1 internal reference #33tce0y
- some translations were still in english instead of Swedisch or other incomplete translation internal reference #33t8u66
- user consents are not deleted after x months when there were too many consents internal reference #33yxgb6
- reduce time to interactive by rendering visual content blockers earlier internal reference #33ternv
- rename handleCorruptRestApi function internal reference #33tce0y
- allow to pass class as parameter to shortcodes
- compatibility with Events Manager and Google Maps internal reference #33drdw6
- compatibility with Google Maps in Essential Addons for Elementor plugin internal reference #3388522
- compatibility with Ovatheme and Google Maps internal reference #33drbyt
- do not show notice about missing privacy policy URL when license activation is not yet done internal reference #2kpd6z4
- force to use option home_url and siteurl instead of constants when within subdomain MU internal reference #33khexz
- service code on page load is not executed when Custom CSS is enabled internal reference #33khjmy
- technical definitions cannot be saved because WordPress unslash JSON value in post meta internal reference #33km1q9
- we still need to scan elementor libraries internal reference #332fn7n
- automatic deletion of consents internal reference #1xgphqf
- compatibility with blocked content for Jet Smart Filters lazyloading internal reference #332jgxy
- compatibility with Google Maps in Sober theme internal reference #332ev4y
- compatibility with latest version of WPImmomakler
- compatibility with MapPress Google Maps internal reference #32wpgv9
- compatibility with MapsMarkerPro unblocking internal reference #32wnjpu
- compatibility with Vehica theme
- do not show preset check when editing a template in services or content blocker form internal reference #2wmf0yr
- duplicate technical definition in Vimeo and JetPack Site Stats template internal reference #32wkt35 , internal reference #332f81e
- improved compatibility with Elementor and Elementor PRO to block individual widgets internal reference #32q09j9
- listen to elementor init with vanilla JS event listener instead of jQuery internal reference #332h9tj
- skip elementor library and skip in scanner internal reference #332fn7n
- visual content blocker not visible when using content in Kadence Blocks accordion module internal reference #32pzryx
- improved compatibility with PHP 8.1 internal reference #1y7vqm6
- static trait access (Assets enqueue features, internal reference #1y7vqm6
- static trait access (Assets handles, internal reference #1y7vqm6
- static trait access (Assets types, internal reference #1y7vqm6
- static trait access (Localization i18n public folder, internal reference #1y7vqm6
- static trait access (Localization, internal reference #1y7vqm6
- handle child themes correctly when blocked internal reference #32pymrn
- full width content blocker for elementor widgets
- compatibility with WordPress 6.1 internal reference #32bjn2k
- add scan again for individual scan results internal reference #yrhr8c
- automatically block child theme URLs when using parent slug in content blocker rule internal reference #32pymrn
- compatibility with Elementor PRO video playlists internal reference #32h6xq0
- compatibility with Ezoic CDN and content blocker internal reference #32h9k0n
- compatibility with GDPR mode of Avada theme internal reference #2fd0phg
- compatibility with Magnific Popup internal reference #32pvhdp
- compatibility with The Events Calendar Google Maps embed internal reference #32h7mh4
- compatibility with WooCommerce Point of Sale internal reference #32hc0zw
- list of consents white screen when IPv6 entry is shown internal reference #32pvj24
- add restore option for ignored external URLs internal reference #11efdym
- allow to filter by IP addresses with truncated results in list of consents internal reference #3203uve
- native integration to CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance Plugin by NiteoThemes internal reference #319a6mz
- native integration to Maintenance plugin by WebFactory Ltd internal reference #319a6mz
- native integration to Website Builder by SeedProd internal reference #319a6mz
- native integration to WP Maintenance Mode & Coming Soon internal reference #319a6mz
- better explains import/export section internal reference #30r534y
- block Twitter timeline internal reference #32be81u
- compatibility for Directories Pro with Google Maps internal reference #31mkbne
- compatibility with CheckoutWC autocomplete internal reference #31zzkuj
- compatibility with Elementor PRO actions (e.g. YouTube lightbox, internal reference #3204cj6
- compatibility with GiveWP stripe gateway plugin internal reference #325v56y
- compatibility with latest Enfold / Avia google maps embed internal reference #31mp857
- compatibility with Salient theme and OpenStreetMap embed internal reference #3200g2t
- compatibility with SiteOrigin Google Maps widget internal reference #32044f1
- configure form content blocker templates as visual by default internal reference #31mnthw
- content blocker not applied with IONOS performance plugin internal reference #32003j3
- license activation error 'Client property value is Emty' internal reference #31zz2mk
- localize original home URL to be not dependent on admin bar when it got removed / disabled internal reference #3203g9v
- white space below footer when Thrive Leads content blocker is created internal reference #32be9fh
- add webpack as dependency to make it compatible with PNPM internal reference #3rmk7b
- add new team member to wordpress.org plugin description internal reference #2znqfnu
- introduce consistent type checking for all TypeScript files internal reference #2eap113
- prepare script management for self-hosted Gitlab migrations internal reference #2yt2948
- rebase conflicts internal reference #3rmk7b
- remove unused dependencies internal reference #3rmk7b
- start introducing common webpack config for frontends internal reference #2eap113
- switch from yarn to pnpm internal reference #3rmk7b
- make PNPM and our backends work in CI pipeline internal reference #3rmk7b
- block content in Enfold theme slider internal reference #30jdd2j
- compatibility for new Mailerlite embed internal reference #d10rw9
- compatibility with Avada fusion builder video shortcode internal reference #30r31hk
- compatibility with Divi multi view and allow deeply blocking content in JSON attributes internal reference #30jcz089
- compatibility with Enfold / Avia google maps embed
- compatibility with HivePress and memoize jQuery events with their parameters internal reference #30xxbyt
- compatibility with Impreza + WP Bakery vimeo embed and video thumbnail internal reference #2yyye6w
- compatibility with Neuron themes and their advanced google maps Elementor widget internal reference #313bduc
- compatibility with OnePress maps and jQuery.each hijacking internal reference #30cg9tv
- compatibility with WoodMart themes and Google Maps internal reference #30r6bk1
- create stub for window.consentApi internal reference #30xpafq
- do not find false-positive attributes in HTML strings in JSON attribute internal reference #30xnaa3
- do not find Gravatar when using Elementor Notes module in scanner (false-positive, internal reference #30jdeqb
- do not find links in RankMath localized variable and false-positive e.g. YouTube internal reference #30cgtat
- do not scan OMGF inline scripts as Google Fonts internal reference #2znv6e2
- improved UX when configuring Continue without consent and Save button in customizer internal reference #2znk1f4
- show cookie banner on pages selected as Imprint / privacy policy when external page / URL is used internal reference #313j6wv
- show Facebook Page Plugin in scanner when used with Elementor PRO sdk injection
- show Facebook Page Plugin in scanner when used with Elementor PRO sdk injection
- warning when OceanWP is active and trying to add a new menu item in Design > Menu internal reference #2znuj8j
- setup VNC with noVNC to easily create Cypress tests internal reference #306z401
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- consent could not be created due to invalid NONCE_SALT internal reference #2yypq95
- google maps content blocker could not be created internal reference #2zfw1cy
- validate service and blocker templates for specific rules internal reference #2kav8bg
- allow to configure essentials button independent of body design
- compatibility for Google Maps via Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder internal reference #2yt24kh
- compatibility with BeaverBuilder PowerPack videos and overlays internal reference #2yyvjag
- compatibility with Creativo theme by Rockythemes
- compatibility with Oxygen accordion and visual content blockers internal reference #2yypktj
- compatibility with YouTube blocker and Impreza + WP Bakery in lightbox
- make minimal languages work again with legal texts in cookie banner internal reference #2yt84ad
- show correct link when PolyLang / WPML active in banner footer instead of page_id internal reference #2yyph19
- compatibility for Widgets for Google Reviews by Trustindex.io internal reference #2wu8qtc
- compatibility for WP Map Block with Google Maps internal reference #2x5p9r8
- compatibility for WP Map Block with OpenStreetMap internal reference #2x5p9r8
- compatibility with Agile Store Locator internal reference #2wu2gjc
- compatibility with blocked content in Impreza theme popups internal reference #2ep5dt0
- compatibility with Divi video embed, thumbnail overlays and autoplay internal reference #2vxpf7d
- compatibility with Elementor PRO and facebook page widget
- compatibility with Elementor Video API when no script is loaded without consent internal reference #2wu8u5j
- compatibility with Oxygen lightbox and visual content blockers internal reference #2x5j0cy
- compatibility with Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Google Maps widget
- compatibility with wrong margin when embedding video in WP Bakery page builder internal reference #2wu94qk
- correctly copy content when default language differs from setup language in WPML / PolyLang internal reference #2x5p7yh
- do not show notice about privacy policy when not needed
- facebook page plugin content blocker could not be created internal reference #2x5j2kg
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- compatibility for JetEngine Google Maps Listing version >= 3.0 internal reference #2jzg7yc
- extract urls from texts for better translatability internal reference #2gfbm5v
- introduce devowl-scripts binary internal reference #2n41u7h
- introduce for non-flat node_modules development experience internal reference #2n41u7h
- optimize explanation texts for EU-wide instead of German consideration internal reference #2gfbm5v
- prepare packages for PNPM isolated module mode internal reference #2n41u7h
- rebase conflicts internal reference #2n41u7h
- reduce bundle size by removing some vendor files internal reference #2d8dedh
- show a notice when deactivating animation-in in customizer internal reference #2w3br3w
- generate webpack json stats and upload to storage-dev internal reference #1r55qj4
- introduce a more intuitive way updating service templates internal reference #d0zyw3
- caching issues with consent history dialog internal reference #2vqu2gd
- caching issues with dynamic predecision (GEO restriction, internal reference #2vqu2gd
- compatibility with image overlay for Elementor videos internal reference #2vxf7tf
- compatibility with Jupiter X and their Google Web Font Loader internal reference #2w90px5
- compatibility with latest MailerLite version
- compatibility with latest TCF vendor list and additional information internal reference #20r2upf
- compatibility with PHP 7.2.1 internal reference #2w38zkr
- compatibility with Presto Player internal reference #2w3au1b
- compatibility with WP Optimize lazyloading internal reference #2w39gdf
- delete HTTP cookies was called multiple times internal reference #2d8dedh
- remove unnecessery hint for ePrivacy USA setting in customizer internal reference #2w3awb1
- sometimes Custom HTML blocks got no YouTube thumbnail and block iframe onload attribute internal reference #2wetw74
- visual content blockers are rendered 1 second delayed when GTM/MTM is active internal reference #2v12m07
- drop IE support completely internal reference #f72yna
- permit process.env destructuring to save kb in bundle size internal reference #f72yna
- all legal relevant texts put into own context internal reference #2uv31dz
- introduce new admin-UI package to prepare for intuitive service template updates internal reference #2d8dedh
- move blocker list component to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #2d8dedh
- move components of cookie form to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #2d8dedh
- move first components of cookie form to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #2d8dedh
- move group form component to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #d0zyw3
- move list component to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin internal reference #d0zyw3
- rename meta field codeOptOutDelete to deleteTechnicalDefinitionsAfterOptOut internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field cookies to services internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field criteria cookies to services internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field forceHidden to shouldForceToShowVisual internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field hosts to rules internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field noTechnicalDefinitions to isOnlyEmbeddingExternalResources internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field providerPivacyPolicy to providerPrivacyPolicyUrl internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field sessionDuration to isSessionDuration internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field visual to isVisual internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta field visualDarkMode to isVisualDarkMode internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename meta fields for Google/Matomo Tag Manager internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename template field cookies to serviceTemplates internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename template field deactivateAutomaticContentBlockerCreation to shouldUncheckContentBlockerCheckbox internal reference #2d8dedh
- rename template field disableTechnicalHandlingThroughPlugin to shouldRemoveTechnicalHandlingWhenOneOf internal reference #2d8dedh
- restructure template field blockerPresets to contentBlockerTemplates internal reference #2d8dedh
- restructure template field dynamicFields from object to array internal reference #2d8dedh
- use browsers URL implementation instead of url-parse internal reference #f72yna
- add more security hashes for disabled footer internal reference #232h7c4
- compatibility for Themovation Google Maps embeds internal reference #2ufxfgv
- block content in FacetWP facets html internal reference #2r5967v
- compatibility with Borderland theme and Google Maps embed internal reference #2pc4umm
- compatibility with CMSMasters plugins and jQuery gMap plugin internal reference #2tdff1g
- compatibility with Elementor lightbox links and Vimeo and YouTube content blocker internal reference #2uvazkm
- compatibility with Elementor popup content and content blocker internal reference #2uvazkm
- compatibility with FacetWP inline scripts which hold blocked data internal reference #2r5967v
- compatibility with PremiumAddons for Elementor OffCanvas menu internal reference #38kmfgj
- compatibility with Ultimate Blocks accordion and visual content blockers internal reference #2r5ej7e
- compatibility with vanilla-lazyload used by WP Rocket Lazy Load plugin internal reference #2pc568x
- compatibility with YouTube and Vimeo videos in Avada lightbox internal reference #2ufpd83
- compatibility with YouTube content blocker and jetpack embed
- connect.facebook.com was found as external URL in scanner when using facebook page plugin internal reference #2tdfh2z
- disable content blocker for rendered AMP pages internal reference #2uvazv6
- introduce cookie name version and allow new installations using the cookie path in cookie name internal reference #2rb441c
- powered by link is print on the bottom page instead of in cookie banner internal reference #2phzbpj
- using custom WP_CONTENT_DIR for wp-content/plugins and wp-content/themes blocker rules internal reference #2rb3arg
- cookie banner hidden behind header when positioned on top in Divi theme internal reference #2r5evnq
- send accepted group slugs to consent forwarding endpoints internal reference #2mk0wyq
- allow to block JSON in inline scripts granularly (e.g. inline translations, internal reference #2my9x5r
- compatibility with autoptimize and aggregate inline CSS internal reference #2m7jfhg
- compatibility with Avada Fusion Builder video facade (lite-youtube-embed, internal reference #2nfkhc3
- compatibility with Elementor Pro popups and visual content blocker internal reference #2kp8vmg
- compatibility with FacetWP and Maps add-on internal reference #2p6az87
- compatibility with latest Thrive Ledas ribbons
- compatibility with NitroPack internal reference #232f9nh
- compatibility with ProvenExpert badge internal reference #2nv12n8
- compatibility with RankMath SEO and Google Analytics GA4 property internal reference #2je6juk
- exclude rcb-calc-time from scanner result source url internal reference #2my9x5r
- text for list of services not changeable when WPML/PolyLang active internal reference #2nfktuh
- wrong notice in media library about services without privacy policy internal reference #2jzg30c
- add updated blog links to different services internal reference #2fjkw82
- rebase conflicts internal reference #2jm1m37
- remove unnecessery update client third-party scripts in free version internal reference #2kat97y
- update README.txt title and remove WordPress wording internal reference #2kat97y
- update WordPress.org assets (banner, screenshots, internal reference #2kat97y
- provide wizard for v3 features internal reference #2fjk49z
- compatibility content blocker with latest Typeform embed internal reference #2kgpkcb
- compatibility with Podigee podcast player internal reference #2kawh0f
- sanitize input fields where needed internal reference #2kat97y
- remove deprecated renderings and options internal reference #2k54e7h
- we now offer a wizard for all important changes from v2 onwards
- etracker settings moved in their dashboard; adjust notice in service template internal reference #2fd0ejp
- update embera third-party dependency internal reference #2d2n29v
- clean up changelog internal reference #294ugp0
- update GIFs in wordpress.org product description internal reference #2fjkwc6
- better error message when TCF GVL could not be downloaded completely internal reference #2jm2eb7
- compatibility with JetEngine Maps Listing component internal reference #2jzg7yc
- compatibility with Thrive Leads ribbons with animations
- compatibility with visual content blocker of play.ht plugin internal reference #2jm27t4
- security vulnerability XSS, could be exploited by logged in administratos internal reference #2j8f5fa
- some PHP notices about missing variables internal reference #2j8gba7
- introduce new database indexes for large consent database table internal reference #2jtrjnz
- extract cookie banner UI to @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner internal reference #2jm1m37
- use is_multisite instead of function_exists checks internal reference #2k54b8m
- superscript was set too hight internal reference #2fcwcx0
- migrations did not work as expected for newer features and existing users (hotfix, internal reference #2f1fcfv
- highlight consent options equally in design presets internal reference #20chay0
- show in-app promo coupons in free version internal reference #23tayej
- animated banner in wordpress.org product description internal reference #237uw9d
- compatibility with WordPress 6.0 internal reference #2e4yvvt
- mention new features in wordpress.org product description internal reference #294ugp0
- add optional purpose field to technical definitions internal reference #20ch8fp
- allow to disable the bullet list of groups in customizer internal reference #20chd53
- allow to list all services with their associated groups as superscript in first view internal reference #20ch8w2
- allow to modify the button order in customizer internal reference #20chay0
- allow to use the same styling in customizer of Accept All for Continue without consent and Save button internal reference #20chay0
- automatically update the privacy policy URL of the RCB service when the privacy policy setting changes internal reference #1z4gr4p
- compatibility with local Windows environment as all templates are shown as free
- compatibility with Rodich theme and their Google Maps shortcode internal reference #2eg9czv
- contact form 7 showed up without any Google reCAPTCHA script internal reference #2eghepk
- correctly reset new feature defaults for existing installations internal reference #20ch8be
- correctly sync Settings > Privacy policy setting in cookie settings internal reference #1z4gr4p
- do not translate texts with placeholder in translation editor (TranslatePress, internal reference #2f1fcfv
- facebook pixel enabled all facebook services in scanner internal reference #2eghepk
- make privacy policy required and show notice for already existing services without URL internal reference #1z4gr4p
- no reuse of consent UUID to prevent tracking of consent concatenation on server side internal reference #20che0e
- preview images for youtube-nocookie.com embeds internal reference #2f1fcfv
- show correct status for Content Blocker in admin bar menu internal reference #2dz5058
- update all on-premise / local services with updates privacy policy from Cookies > Settings internal reference #1z4gr4p
- update texts in cookie banner to be compliant with latest law internal reference #2cbpypb
- use range input slider for all PX values in customizer internal reference #20chay0
- use range input with value with unit in customizer internal reference #20chay0
- move consent management to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-web-client
- namings for headless-content-blocker scan options internal reference #2eghepk
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- compatibility with Enfold/Avia video embeds and visual content blockers internal reference #2e50h21
- compatibility with OSM - OpenStreetMap plugin internal reference #2e512a8
- compatibility with platform.js and YouTube subscribe embed internal reference #2dkvyrh
- compatibility with WP Download Codes and download files greater than 50 MB internal reference #2e51kwj
- dynamic predecision for GEO-restriction always returned false internal reference #2dzb1xr
- listen to URL changes for custom legal links internal reference #2dkw9dk
- compatibility with Buddyapp theme as banner buttons were not clickable internal reference #2chdca5
- compatibility with BuddyPress and cookie banner not visible internal reference #2cx02ch
- compatibility with CAPI events in Facebook for WordPress plugin internal reference #2buj68e
- compatibility with Essential Addons for Elementor and blocked content in tabs internal reference #2d89n4c
- compatibility with podcaster.de and podcast-player plugin internal reference #2d89n4c
- compatibility with Social Feed Gallery instagram feed internal reference #2d8ba1v
- duplicate rule in Google Analytics content blocker templates internal reference #23tdjz8
- hero visual content blocker is sometimes cut through overflow or too small parent containers internal reference #2d89n4c
- never block any dns-prefetch link tags as they are GDPR compliant without any blocking internal reference #22h5xz6
- service was shown in two groups after it got moved to another group internal reference #22h6bee
- support multisites with more than 100 subsites internal reference #2de4am1
- when changing a post also scan the translated page if WPML, PolyLang or TranslatePress is active internal reference #23tehfc
- add a description to the texts section in customizer internal reference #2195q0e
- block channel embed of Anchor.fm in content blocker internal reference #bcwmqj
- code refactoring and calculate monorepo package folders where possible internal reference #2386z38
- enable media library selection for content blocker image internal reference #eb4h2q
- implement UI for new content blocker visual settings internal reference #eb4h2q9
- introduce predefined images for content blocker content types internal reference #1y2d0mb
- prepare new visual content blockers for lite version internal reference #eb4h2q
- remove React and React DOM local copies and rely on WordPress version internal reference #awv3bv
- store embed thumbnails in a more generic folder in wp-content/uploads internal reference #eb4h2q
- update embera internal reference #eb4h2q
- allow content blocker with preview images in list of consents internal reference #eb4h2q
- allow to create navgiation / menu links with one click instead of shortcodes internal reference #we4qxh
- allow to export / import visual content blocker settings internal reference #eb4h2q
- implement visual content blocker with visual audio player internal reference #eb4h2q
- introduce new visual settings in Content Blocker form internal reference #eb4h2q
- better explain the Matomo Tag Manager script URL in service template internal reference #2386cvv
- block 1.gravatar.com in Gravatar content blocker template internal reference #2200n8k
- cleanup code and adjust checklist for legal links internal reference #we4qxh
- compatibility of nav menus with WPML internal reference #we4qxh
- compatibility with customizer theme and disabling the footer link in the customizer internal reference #244r9ag
- compatibility with Gravity Geolocation and Google Maps internal reference #23z12mr
- compatibility with latest version of HappyForms and Google reCAPTCHA internal reference #1znd8x2
- compatibility with TranslatePress Automatic User Language Detection popup and blurred popup internal reference #244r841
- do not show busy indicator in scanner result table when not needed internal reference #23tchda
- download thumbnail in standard format and force 16/9 ratio for YouTube videos internal reference #eb4h2q
- drill down visual thumbnail to nested blocked content when parent gets visual internal reference #1z4fxer
- improved compatibility with Podigee internal reference #eb4h2q
- improved compatibility with WP YouTube Lyte internal reference #eb4h2q
- in multisite environments there could be a wrong WP_COOKIEPATH, respect always the latest in document.cookie internal reference #23z12mr
- provide a grouped admin menu node for all Real Cookie Banner actions internal reference #1zad7fx
- remove duplicate URLs from scanned sitemaps internal reference #2200n8k
- same font size for essential button as default value of accept all button internal reference #23kq9gb
- show busy indicator when unblocking visual content blocker internal reference #1z4ndd2
- show visual content blocker within tab panels internal reference #23kq9gb
- when using animations the header was flickering while scrolling internal reference #2c60q8h
- lazy load visual content blockers in a more convenient way using idle callbacks internal reference #eb4h2q
- extract composer dev dependencies to their corresponding dev package internal reference #22h231w
- move more files to @devowl-wp/headless-content-unblocker
- move wordpress packages to isomorphic-packages internal reference #22h231w
- put composer license packages to @devowl-wp/composer-licenses internal reference #22h231w
- rename wordpress-packages and wordpress-plugins folder internal reference #22h231w
- revert empty commits for package folder rename internal reference #22h231w
- use phpunit-config and phpcs-config in all PHP packages internal reference #22h231w
- add more security hashes for disabled footer internal reference #23292y8
- better compatibility with Popup Maker and delayed content blocker creation internal reference #22pyyhj
- blocked DNS prefetches were not indicated as Blocked in scanner results (e.g. WordPress Emojis, internal reference #22h6rp3
- compatibility with Hero Maps Premium internal reference #2202t4e
- compatibility with JetElements Advanced Maps internal reference #22q59y5
- compatibility with latest Divi version and some unresponsive behavior internal reference #20xrmn7
- compatibility with Widget for Google Reviews internal reference #2202q1c
- compatibility with WP Staging and scanner internal reference #1ykd052
- compatibility with WP Video Lightbox internal reference #294vh4j
- ignoring external URLs did not work in real-time (transient not updated, internal reference #22wkx1g
- blurry cookie banner when using Age Gate plugin internal reference #22wtfv3
- history select dropdown wrong color in dark mode internal reference #22pyy0u
- update TCF dependencies to latest version internal reference #22bavpa
- use wildcarded composer repository path internal reference #1zvg32c
- adjust US data processing consent setting description internal reference #20cherc
- bypass geo-restriction when using Lighthouse page speed score user agent internal reference #20chp0h
- change privacy settings modal did not show accepted visual content blockers internal reference #1znufvk
- compatibility with latest Oxygen page builder version internal reference #20crzbn
- compatibility with SiteGround Optimizer internal reference #1znmzvx
- correctly invalidate scanner query transients for post deletion and when invalidating preset cache internal reference #20jc4q1
- disable animations in Firefox mobile as it breaks the layout internal reference #20jbyp5
- fire OptInAll event after GTM/MTM datalayer pushes internal reference #20162wr
- notice while exporting consent by UUID internal reference #2015tvy
- recommend to use the change privacy preferences shortcode on every page (e.g. footer, internal reference #20chbhc
- scanner on recurring exception reruns successful jobs again internal reference #20jc0cf
- show notice when changing the service group for a preset internal reference #20ch93c
- cache dashboard notice about recommendations to speed up admin load internal reference #20jc4q1
- cache external URL hosts result as it slows down the admin area internal reference #20jc4q1
- use correct grouping for read external URLs internal reference #20jc4q1
- make plugin updates independent of single store internal reference #1jkmq84
- no line break in footer when using mobile experience internal reference #20jbyp5
- use correct text align when theme uses justified text align internal reference #1znufvk
- smoke tests
- add links to useful resources and blog posts about specific thematics internal reference #1wepcvt
- additional notice for WordFence template about their IP transmission to the cloud internal reference #1y7vxg1
- block all plugins from Ninja Forms when forms created with Ninja Forms are blocked internal reference #1za7zg5
- block Instagram background images embedded by tagDiv internal reference #1ydpf9k
- content blocker rule to block OpenStreetMap embedded via "Ultimate Maps by Supsystic" internal reference #1yyy4ae
- provide ready promise for OptInAll event internal reference #1wernq1
- use Traefik and Let's Encrypt in development environment internal reference #1vxh681
- new customizer setting to only use animations on mobile devices internal reference #1xwnv8m
- new service and content blocker template etracker internal reference #1wernq1
- new service and content blocker template Facebook Graph internal reference #1w8rmkp
- new service and content blocker template Google User Content internal reference #1w8rmkp
- new service and content blocker template trustindex.io internal reference #1w8rmkp
- allow current language for other blogs in multisite for consent forwarding internal reference #1ydjdeg
- allow to apply code dynamics to code on page load internal reference #1wernq1
- better memory allocation for scanner and persisting found markups to database internal reference #1ydq6ff
- block CSS styles in style-attributes of HTML elements internal reference #1ydpqa1
- compatibility with latest X Pro theme and YouTube embed internal reference #1ydp482
- compatibility with OptimizePress page builder internal reference #1ydtzkv
- compatibility with Thrive Visual Editor and background youtube videos internal reference #1yyxmwn
- compatibility with TinyMCE and OceanWP internal reference #cmwwwj
- compatibility with WP Grid Builder and lazy loading facets internal reference #1y25df6
- compatibility with WP YouTube Lyte internal reference #1yyrrw1
- compatibility with wpDiscuz and Gravatar content blocking internal reference #1z4ghy7
- compatibility with wpDiscuz and Gravatar content blocking when sorting and posting comments internal reference #1z4ghy7
- compatibility with YouTube Embed Plus internal reference #1z4gg3k
- compatibilty with latest Divi video module and overlay internal reference #1yyyc2d
- correctly show blocked URL in scanner results for inline styles internal reference #1ydq6ff
- detect Google Analytics service template without inline script internal reference #1yt64aa
- do migrations also for prerelease versions internal reference #1ydq6ff
- do not anonymouize assets when anti-ad-block system is deactivated internal reference #1ydtzkv
- empty alt text for cookie banner logo internal reference #1yduvtv
- ignore URLs to files while scanning internal reference #1za72vj
- do not break all words in service groups description internal reference #1ydutuz
- new content blocker template Divi Contact form internal reference #1wepwec
- new content blocker template Five Star Restaurant Reservations form with reCAPTCHA internal reference #1vqz6f1
- new service and content blocker template Piwik PRO internal reference #1wernc9
- allow to determine if preset is active depending on active theme internal reference #1wepwec
- compatibility to WP Grid Builder Map Facet add-on internal reference #1y25df6
- compatibility with MyListing directory theme internal reference #1y7v6cm
- compatibility with Salient theme and Google Maps internal reference #1y7xfwx
- compatibility with tagDiv composer and Vimeo/YouTube playlists internal reference #1xwmenz
- compatibility with tagDiv Composer page builder internal reference #1xwmenz
- compatibility with Ultimate Member logout page as it automatically logout while scanning pages internal reference #1xwmc5f
- compatibility with WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro when using manual tracking ID internal reference #1y7vj2j
- compatiblity with Norebro Theme internal reference #1wmhnke
- warning about enable_local_ga when Perfmatters is active
- reduce lifecycle rerenderings by moving height calculations to CSS var implentation internal reference #1xwnnwu
- show notice about TCF illegal usage internal reference #1wmjkr6
- use correct namespace in ember composer package through custom patch
- compatibility with Autoptimize when obkiller is active internal reference #1weqdr2
- compatibility with Divi contact forms and Google reCAPTCHA internal reference #1wepwec
- security issue (only as signed-in uses exploitable) as the reset-all action did not have a CSRF token internal reference #1werk7m
- tcf consent is correctly saved, but wrong at time of changing privacy preferences internal reference #1w9587v
- close icon is not clickable when overlay is deactivated
- long links in indivual privacy leads to horizontal overflow internal reference #1vxgxxb
- clean up and refactor coding for image preview / thumbnails (WIP, internal reference #1w3c9t7
- introduce plugin to extract image preview / thumbnails from embed URLs (WIP, internal reference #1w3c9t7
- new developer API wp_rcb_invalidate_presets_cache internal reference #1w93u4z
- compatibility with Bridge theme and their Elementor Google Map shortcode (Qode, internal reference #1vxgywx
- facebook.com got found as external URL when using noscript-tag internal reference #1vqz5av
- google-analytics.com got found as external URL when using noscript-tag (e.g. PixelYourSite, internal reference #1vqx293
- move Already exists tag to own database column internal reference #1vqym25
- native integration for MailChimp for WooCommerce to not set cookies internal reference #1y7r3r1
- provide _dataLocale parameter to all our REST API requests to be compatible with PolyLang / WPML internal reference #1vqym25
- show error message if scanner results coult not be loaded in scanner table internal reference #1v6c7nv
- unify enqueue_scripts hooks to be compatible with AffiliateTheme internal reference #1xpm56k
- overflow on horizontal screen when using Elementor landingpage Hero section internal reference #1w3c2v8
- add more security hashes for disabled footer internal reference #1znbady
- add notice to mobile experience in free version as it is always responsive even in free internal reference #2328pwb
- update Facebook provider to Meta provider for all FB service templates internal reference #23kf838
- update upgrade notice to be more descriptive about update process internal reference #23kf838
- allow to skip failed jobs (e.g. scan process, internal reference #1px7fvw
- introduce new close icon in cookie banner header internal reference #22b6qqj
- compatibility with latest ExactMetrics Premium version internal reference #23keqgb
- compatibility with ProgressMap (Google Maps, internal reference #23284bc
- config page could not be loaded if there is no admin color scheme defined internal reference #23djh08
- reduce required length of Hotjar ID to 5 instead of 7 internal reference #23dk3f1
- shortcode buttons did not work as expected with custom HTML tag internal reference #23dmpjf
- umlauts could not be saved in opt-in scripts internal reference #1zb10r8
- extract unblocking mechanism to @devowl-wp/headless-content-unblocker internal reference #23dqww5
- cookie banner had a small gap on the bottom when mobile experience is active internal reference #237tnje
- create cachebuster files only when needed, not in dev env internal reference #1z46xp8
- improve build and CI performance by 50% by using @devowl-wp/regexp-translation-extractor internal reference #1z46xp8
- new developer filter RCB/IsPreventPreDecision internal reference #1yk0nxf
- suppress webpack warnings about @antv/g2 as it does not impact the frontend but disturbs CI and DX internal reference #1z46xp8
- introduce new mobile experience internal reference #nz2k7f
- new content blocker template HappyForms with Google reCAPTCHA internal reference #1znd8x2
- new service and content blocker template Analytify Google Analytics v4 internal reference #qtf2u6
- new service and content blocker template ExactMetrics Google Analytics v4 internal reference #1xgxrnt
- new service and content blocker template Klaviyo internal reference #1x5enat
- new service and content blocker template Kliken internal reference #1x5ejtu
- new service and content blocker template MonsterInsights Google Analytics v4 internal reference #1xgxrnt
- new service and content blocker template TI WooCommerce Wishlist internal reference #1x5e0jt
- new service and content blocker template WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro internal reference #1z4eara
- simulate viewport in List of consents when viewing a cookie banner internal reference #nz2k7f
- allow to disable the powered by link via our license server internal reference #1znbady
- compatibility with a3 Lazy Load internal reference #22gym0m
- compatibility with WP Contact Slider internal reference #1y7nw9p
- compatibility with WP ImmoMakler Google Maps internal reference #200ykt6
- compatibility with YouTube + Vimeo + Premium Addons for Elementor internal reference #1wecmxt
- correctly break line for dotted groups in cookie banner on iOS safari internal reference #nz2k7f
- detect more ad blockers in admin page internal reference #1znepfw
- empty external URL shown when plugin disable WordPress Emojis is active internal reference #1y7rr78
- for older WP < 5.4 versions an encodedString was printed to website internal reference #1yk0may
- rule to block Google Maps JS API in content blocker for Levelup theme compatibility internal reference #20100kp
- use anchor-links for shortcodes instead of class so they can be used without shortcodes, too internal reference #1z9yf6b
- move scanner to @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker package internal reference #1xw52wt
- scrollbar did not look pretty in windows together with dialog border radius internal reference #1z9yaaq
- compatibility with Xdebug 3 internal reference #1z46xp8
- show notice in dashboard when using an language which has incomplete translations in RCB internal reference #1vc3ya0
- introduce minimal translations for frontend: FR, IT, PL, RO, NL, TR, RU, BG, CS, DA, SV, FI, GL, PT, ES internal reference #1vc3ya0
- new service template for WooCommerce Geolocation internal reference #1rgeyre
- check for consent before doing WooCommerce default customer location internal reference #1rgeyre
- compatibility with Akea theme when shortcode links were not clickable internal reference #1y232uq
- compatibility with customizer and OceanWP (use async wp.customize.control, internal reference #1vc3y2f
- compatibility with Elementor Hosted websites internal reference #1xw5rqp
- compatibility with Elementor overlay, the content blocker button was not clickable internal reference #1xpm3v3
- compatibility with Page Links To plugin and plugins overwriting permalinks (avoid scanner takes external URL, internal reference #1xw95xq
- compatibility with Ultimate Addons for Elementor and Google Maps internal reference #1xpm0ze
- compatibility with WPForms and Google Maps internal reference #1xpm0ze
- in some edge cases, the own URL was shown as external URL internal reference #1xw7bmp
- return value for jQuery.fn.fitVids internal reference #1xw9jnb
- move WordPress scripts to @devowl-wp/wp-docker package internal reference #1xw9jgr
- introduce new filter RCB/SetCookie internal reference #1xpffw5
- recommended templates are shown as non-existing if already existing in scanner tab internal reference #1xpfu3p
- backwards compatible footer visibility in list of consents table internal reference #1vhtwa2
- cleanup code for scanner internal reference #1v6cf91
- description of the legitimate interest and essential cookies according to the TTDSG concretized internal reference #1wejt3d
- introduce new PHP api wp_rcb_consent_given internal reference #1rgeyre
- introduce plugin and design version for new consents internal reference #1vhtwa2
- introduce query argument validations for scanner internal reference #1v6crwz
- new developer filter RCB/Presets/Cookies/Recommended and RCB/Presets/Blocker/Recommended internal reference #1xazcrh
- remove non-saw-out descriptions from content blocker templates to save space in the content blocker internal reference #1vhtwa2
- highlight availability of German formal translations in wordpress.org description internal reference #1n9qnvz
- allow to dismiss the request new consent notice internal reference #1wtzm8t
- apply preset middlewares in correct order internal reference #1x5cj8w
- compatibility with Ark theme and jQuery(window).load internal reference #1wznta2
- compatibility with fitVids when using together with a caching plugin internal reference #1wm4u9v
- compatibility with Journey theme (indieground, internal reference #1wu21c3
- compatibility with latest Advanced Ads version and floating tracking internal reference #1vxejft
- compatibility with Plesk security as hosts are not allowed in scanner result URLs internal reference #1vxd9gz
- compatibility with ProvenExpert PRO Seal in ProvenExpert content blocker internal reference #1xb3cmd
- consider empty values for query parameters as optional in scanner internal reference #1x5az10
- do no longer request consent for abandoded TCF vendors internal reference #1xaz66y
- external DNS prefetches should be checked again against known presets internal reference #1vxd8qc
- false-positive when using Google Analytics with googletagmanager.com and gtag directive internal reference #1v6crwz
- find inline scripts semantically loading another script and show as external URL internal reference #1v6cf91
- formal german texts got not updated for new Real Cookie Banner service internal reference #1vxdu4n
- only remove external URLs while scanning when a proper preset was also found internal reference #1v6cf91
- recommened Jetpack Site Stats when module is active internal reference #1v6c4da
- refreshing the settings form with F5 leads to an error internal reference #1weh6c2
- register custom post types and taxonomies earlier internal reference #1rgeyre
- scanner shows Google Trends when using an unknown Google service internal reference #1vxd8qc
- show potential external URL found in inline-script internal reference #1v6cf91
- the new MonsterInsights update could no longer be scanned (missing protocol in script URL, internal reference #1x5az10
- unblock attributes also for selector-syntax applied on inline scripts internal reference #1xb6wg7
- move mustHosts definitions into scanOptions internal reference #1v6crwz
- content blocker last teaching should be above the link and styled as teaching internal reference #1vhtwa2
- customizer presets should respect hidden powered-by-link
- do not show footer for visual content blockers as not needed internal reference #1vhtwa2
- show USA data processing notice in visual content blocker only when needed internal reference #1vhtwa2
- improving the description of cookies set by Real Cookie Banner internal reference #1td2xu0
- texts for recognized adblocker more clearly expressed internal reference #1hwuugw
- adjustment of the product description to the new legal situation internal reference #1rvxtf1
- introduce formal german translations internal reference #1n9qnvz
- new service and content blocker preset Perfmatters Local Analytics internal reference #knc88p
- new service and content blocker template Komoot internal reference #1qtja83
- new service template WP Cerber Security internal reference #1qtja83
- allow to overwrite attributes when extending from a preset internal reference #knc88p
- automatically update the Real Cookie Banner service for this update internal reference #1td2xu0
- compatibility with latest React v17 version of WordPress 5.9 internal reference #1vc94eh
- compatibility with YouTube inside Ultimate Addons for Elementor internal reference #1vqmbh4
- compatiblity with Thrive Events maps and LeafLet internal reference #1vhzm2e
- compatiblity with WordPress 5.9 internal reference #1vc94eh
- find semantic IIFE scripts which load another external script and show as scanned result internal reference #1v6cf91
- in some cases safari lead to a race condition and some scripts did not correctly load internal reference #1ty9n1b
- introduce new legal basis for Real Cookie Banner service (legal-requirement, internal reference #1td2xu0
- truncate service description in list view after three rows internal reference #1td2xu0
- block Google Maps embedded with Premium Addons for Elementor internal reference #1u409yv
- compatibility with WP Cloudflare Super Page Cache plugin internal reference #1uv3wuf
- consider newly requested consent as no-consent-given in consentApi internal reference #qtbjxk
- large websites with a lot of external URLs makes the WordPress admin slow internal reference #1u9wehh
- avoid CLS animation warning in Lighthouse when animations are deactivated internal reference #1u9xage
- new content blocker template Elementor Forms with Google reCAPTCHA internal reference #nqbu52
- add TCF stub to anti-ad-block system internal reference #1phrar6
- compatiblity with Themeco X Pro page builder internal reference #11eagky
- consents could not be given in private wordpress.com sites internal reference #1td2p11
- do not show all Facebook services when only one is found internal reference #1nn1qrg
- missing Linkedin Partner ID in service template for noscript fallback internal reference #rga6b3
- rename some cookies to be more descriptive about their origin internal reference #1tjwxmr
- show a warning in main settings page when the user is using an adblocker internal reference #1hwuugw
- show essential services' labels in content blocker form internal reference #p5fgk8
- show notice if GTM/MTM is not defined as service but setted as manager internal reference #z9n7g2
- with some MySQL database versions the scanner found external URLs are not displayed internal reference #1tjtn8q
- save user country in consent itself instead of independent revision internal reference #1tjy2nr
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- remove not-finished translations from feature branches to avoid huge ZIP size internal reference #1rgn5h3
- block Google Analytics embedded via Rank Math as locally hosted gtag internal reference #1q2x5pa
- block Google Maps in Elementor widget
- block gtag events in WooCommerce Enhanced Tracking internal reference #1qe7tam
- compatibility with latest Ninja Forms update internal reference #1uf8fq9
- compatibility with Modern Events Calendar and Google Maps internal reference #1qecxy4
- compatibility with UCSS / CCSS in LiteSpeed Cache plugin internal reference #1m1h4mh
- content blocker for Google Maps in WPResidence theme
- correctly display special characters in page dropdown in settings internal reference #1phmb9g
- correctly filter modified publisher restrictions for TCF purposes internal reference #1rarxc7
- do not block content in script text templates internal reference #1qe7t0t
- filter by URL with more accurate pure referer respecting current permalink settings internal reference #ad0gf1
- redirect back to scanner when creating the WooCommerce service (service without content blocker, internal reference #1nn08eb
- extract content blocker to own package @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker internal reference #1nfazd0
- extract HTML-extractor to own package @devowl-wp/fast-html-tag
- line height in header of elementor widget so content blocker text does not overlap
- create visual content blocker within responsive container (like Vimeo, internal reference #1mju68j
- do not lazy load Code on page load scripts when WP Rocket is active internal reference #1mjk6cn
- never block inline scripts only holding JSON objects internal reference #1mjv9gh
- try to find possible visual content blockers in hidden modals internal reference #1my8az3
- warning in PHP 8 when creating a new service internal reference #1my8zcu
- warning in PHP 8 when using WP CLI internal reference #1my8zcu
- allow to filter by context, period and URL in list of consents internal reference #ad0gf1
- block Vimeo Showcases in Vimeo content blocker
- new service and content blocker template Taboola internal reference #n1bn4x
- allow to reset group texts correctly for the current blog language internal reference #1k51cgn
- compatibility with Extension for Elementor plugin internal reference #1kvu486
- compatibility with Meow Lightbox internal reference #1m784c9
- compatibility with WP Google Maps Gold add-on internal reference #1kankt3
- compatiblity with Groove Mneu Plugin internal reference #1kgeggn
- do not allow to import PRO templates in free version as we cannot ensure up-to-date internal reference #1bzrthu
- do not show empty context in context dropdown if there were already consents
- do not try to expose empty hosts / URLs in content blocker settings internal reference #1k51ax2
- remove Google Adsense warnings in console when ads are initialized multiple times internal reference #1m7c86a
- scanner did not found Google reCAPTCHA when used standalone internal reference #1kvurfe
- show fallback language for language context is list of consents
- use correct user locale for REST API requests in admin area when different from blog language internal reference #1k51hkh
- block very (very) large inline CSS (like fusion builder does) took up to 5 seconds internal reference #1kvpuwz
- allow to define allowed locales to make release management possible internal reference #1257b2b
- copy files for i18n so we can drop override hooks and get performance boost internal reference #wtt3hy
- english translation revision internal reference #vhmn9k
- prepare for continuous localization with weblate internal reference #f94bdr
- remove language files from repository internal reference #f94bdr
- rename 'Statistic' to 'Statistics' internal reference #12gwu5r
- introduce continuous localization internal reference #f94bdr
- allow to declare an external URL for imprint and privacy policy page internal reference #kv7qu2
- allow to translate external URL of imprint and privacy policy page with WPML and PolyLang in customizer internal reference #kv7qu2
- backwards-compatible Statistic cookie group naming for service templates internal reference #12gwu5r
- block content also on pages which got declared as hidden in cookie settings internal reference #1jkue32
- block Google Maps in Adava with Fusion Builder as "Fusion Google Map" internal reference #12b2jft
- content blocker for Google Maps in Avada theme
- custom config for COOKIEPATH never should be empty internal reference #1jth67d
- do not follow CORS redirected URLs in scanner internal reference #11m6me9
- do not show cookie banner in legacy widget preview coming with WP 5.8 internal reference #1jdzfnn
- link for customer center in Licensing tab not present internal reference #vhmn9k
- make animations work again in Divi page builder when a custom link with blocked URL got created internal reference #1jz6bgn
- save job result for cors requests while scanning pages internal reference #1je508f
- scanner threw an error when using WP < 5.5 and deleting a file
- remove translation overrides in preference of language files internal reference #wtt3hy
- grunt-mojito to abstract grunt-continuous-localization package internal reference #f94bdr
- introduce @devowl-wp/continuous-integration
- introduce new command with execa instead of own exec implementation
- do line break content blocker buttons internal reference #12b05vm
- translate new service templates internal reference #yrgfkk
- mention support for automatic video playback for Dailymotion and Loom at wordpress.org internal reference #yrge7n
- autoplay for Loom and Dailymotion internal reference #yrge7n
- new service and content blocker template Dailymotion internal reference #n1f306
- new service and content blocker template Giphy internal reference #mt8ktd
- new service and content blocker template LinkedIn Ads (Insight Tag, internal reference #rga6b3
- new service and content blocker template Loom internal reference #u9fxx7
- new service and content blocker template OpenStreetMap internal reference #pn8mu0
- new service and content blocker template TikTok Pixel internal reference #p1a7av
- new service and content blocker template WordPress Plugin embed internal reference #p382wk
- adjust texts for powered-by link internal reference #we5cq1
- allow force hidden also for absolute positioned content like Dailymotion embed
- bypass CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance Plugin when scanning a site internal reference #118ud0m
- bypass Under Construction by WebFactory plugin when scanning a site internal reference #118ud0m
- compatibility with lazysizes (used e.g. in EWWW, internal reference #11ehp99
- content blocker removes inline style in some cases (e.g. when parent is wrapper)
- do not clear cache too often when accesing the Dashboard and no consents are given yet internal reference #10huz72
- extract @font-face CSS rules correctly (Divi latest update, internal reference #118mpjh
- php logging Undefined offset: 1 in scanner/Query.php
- server error when content blocker finds CSS style which does not represent an URL internal reference #10hruca
- transmit realCookieBannerOptInEvents and realCookieBannerOptOutEvents variable to GTM/MTM data layer internal reference #118ugwy
- wrong GTM template variables for AddToAny service
- add missing script to be scanned for Google Adsense internal reference #yyep3k
- allow to unblock nested jQuery ready functions (WP Google Maps, internal reference #wkyk4h
- compatibility with latest PHP version 8.0.9
- compatibility with latest Thrive Leads plugin version internal reference #yrkt9b
- compatibility with latest Thrive themes & plugins (global CSS variables, internal reference #wkuq39
- compatibility with Thrive Quiz Builder internal reference #yjt538
- console warning when google maps is used but jQuery is not yet ready on page load
- decode URLs differently than e.g. JSON attributes when unblocking content internal reference #z3zua1
- do not try to apply content blocker to rewritten endpoints which server downloads / binary data internal reference #z9qhnd
- make CSS functions work when they are blocked via Content Blocker internal reference #wkuq39
- scanner should not find link rel=author links
- with some caching plugins enabled the consent can no longer be saved after x hours internal reference #wtj9td
- update PHP dependencies
- use redirects for legal documents
- allow emojis in cookie banner and content blocker internal reference #u3xv7j
- banner not visible for older safari and internet explorer browser internal reference #vhq9jn
- compatibility with latest Avada Fusion Builder (live editor, internal reference #u9mb2h
- consider non-WWW host as same host and do not detect as external URL internal reference #u9m6rv
- consider WWW subdomain also for link preconnects and dns-prefetch for the correct template internal reference #u9m5e5
- cookie banner history dropdown gets wrong font color internal reference #u9m484
- do not show content blocker in Fusion Builder live editor internal reference #u9mb2h
- empty Google Analytics 4 opt-in code internal reference #w8c0r4
- false-positive detection of Reamaze in scanner
- modals wrongly titled
- modify composer autoloading to avoid multiple injections internal reference #w8kvcq
- scanner did not find sitemap correctly when WPML is active internal reference #vhpgdw
- delete button in service form in wrong position
- update text when scanner has finished to make clear it is coming from Real Cookie Banner internal reference #t1ccx6
- enhance wordpress.org product description internal reference #rvu601
- allow different site and home URL for the scanner to find robots.txt internal reference #t1mafb
- allow optional path to Matomo Host internal reference #t1cpvz
- customizer did not load correctly internal reference #u3q46w
- link to multisite consent forwarding knowledge base article internal reference #rg8p46
- remove React warning in developer console about unique keys internal reference #u3q46w
- scanner compatibility with PHP < 7.3
- www URLs of the same WordPress installations were considered as external URL in scanner internal reference #6fcxcr
- loose sitemap index URLs internal reference #rvwmnk
- link rel blocker should handle subdomains correctly
- userlike blocker should block by their CDN instead of usual URL
- introduce new developer filter RCB/Blocker/IsBlocked/AllowMultiple and RCB/Blocker/ResolveBlockables internal reference #7mvhak
- new developer filter RCB/Blocker/SelectorSyntax/IsBlocked
- update texts for scanner tab (hint, internal reference #mtddjt
- service scanner featured in wordpress.org description internal reference #n9cuyh
- add 9 new content blockers for existing services internal reference #mtdp7v
- add content blocker for 19 services so the scanner can find it internal reference #mtdp7v
- add new checklist item to scan the website internal reference #mk8ec0
- allow to create a new service from scratch directly within a content blocker form internal reference #mk8ec0
- allow to scan also essential services which could not be blocked (e.g. Elementor)
- automatically rescan updated posts
- block link preconnect's and dns-prefetch's automatically based on URL hosts defined in content blocker internal reference #nn7g16
- handle external URLs popover with Cookie Experts dialog internal reference #mk8ec0
- introduce client worker and localStorage restore functionality internal reference #kh49jp
- introduce functionality to find sitemap or fallback to WP default if not existing internal reference #kfbzc6
- introduce mechanism to scan a site for usable presets and external URLs internal reference #kf71p4
- introduce new package @devowl-wp/sitemap-crawler to parse and crawl a sitemap internal reference #kh49jp
- introduce scanner UI for found presets and external URLs internal reference #m57phr
- introduce UI for scanned markups for predefined presets internal reference #m57phr
- new service and content blocker preset Ad Inserter (plugin, internal reference #kvcmp7
- popup notification when scan hast finished and allow to ignore external URLs internal reference #m57phr
- proper error handling with UI when e.g. the Real Cookie Banner scanner fails internal reference #7mvhak
- show global notice when using services without consent
- show recommended services not by content blocker but by dependency internal reference #mtdp7v
- translate scanner into German internal reference #n9cuyh
- use @devowl-wp/real-queue to scan the complete website internal reference #kh49jp
- add remarketing to Google Ads Conversation Tracking service template internal reference #pb9txp
- allow to block the same element by multiple attributes internal reference #p3agpd
- always save the markup so redundant external URLs can be wiped internal reference #mtdp7v
- automatically start scan process for the first time
- be more loose when getting and parsing the sitemap
- block ad block from Ad Inserter newer than 2.7.2 in content blocker template internal reference #kvcmp7
- change close label text when updating privacy preferences internal reference #rgdp01
- compatibility with Impreza frontend page builder
- compatibility with latest Thrive Architect plugin internal reference #p3agpd
- compatibility with Ultimate Video WP Bakery Page builder add-ons internal reference #pd9uab
- create new service within content blocker shows zero as prefilled group
- do not add duplicate URLs to queue
- do not enqueue real-queue on frontend for logged-in users
- german support link internal reference #rg8qrt
- include all revision data in single consent export
- native integration for Analytify preset (disabled status, internal reference #n1f1xc
- native integration for GA Google Analytics preset (disabled status, internal reference #n1f1xc
- native integration for MonsterInsights preset (disabled status, internal reference #n1f1xc
- native integration for RankMath SEO Google Analytics (install code, internal reference #n1bd59
- native integration for WooCommerce Google Analytics preset (disabled status, internal reference #n1f1xc
- preset WordPress Emojis should also block the DNS prefetch
- remove extended presets from scan results
- split Google Analytics into two content blockers UA and V4 internal reference #nq8c3j
- tag to fully blocked associated with found count instead of distinct of sites count
- update Facebook Post preset to be compatible with Facebook Video internal reference #p1dxwp
- use correct cookie experts link internal reference #mtddaa
- speed up scan process by reducing server requests internal reference #nvafz0
- introduce new keywords needs for presets internal reference #mzf8gj
- move code dynamic fields to preset attributes internal reference #h38crf
- presets extends should no longer be a class name, instead use identifier internal reference #n19da6
- split i18n and request methods to save bundle size
- use instance for blocked result in RCB/Blocker/IsBlocked filters internal reference #nxeknj
- background color for recommandations admin bar menu
- gray out already existing prestes in service and content blocker template screen
- move Google Ads hint about Adwords ID to the input field
- update TCF dependencies to latest version internal reference #pq8wt4
- decode and encode HTML attributes correctly and only when needed internal reference #q1a82b
- duplicate external hosts in multisite forwarding leads to invisible banner
- enhance Google Maps Content Blocker to be compatible with WP Store Locator internal reference #pkhmqy
- introduce new unique-write attribute in opt-in field for Google Ads and Google Analytics internal reference #raj3eg
- put powered-by link in banner in same align as the legal links internal reference #pn8pcz
- reload page after consent change internal reference #pnbunr
- reset essential cookies correctly when custom choice is selected
- remove TCF global scope coding internal reference #pq8wt4
- make content blocker hosts collapsable instead of showing all internal reference #pkhcg8
- update compatibility with WordPress 5.8 internal reference #n9dfx9
- new service and content blocker preset Podigee internal reference #nzbb2q
- assign GetYourGuide preset to Marketing cookie group instead of Functional internal reference #nv85ef
- imported content blockers leads to empty admin page in lite version internal reference #nzc6gg
- regex for Google Ads Conversation Tracking ID too strict
- new cookie and content blocker preset MailPoet internal reference #m3dtuf
- add EFTA countries to countries where the GDPR applies internal reference #mhcqjz
- compatibility with dynamic modules in Thrive Architect internal reference #n9bup4
- compatibility with Elementor video overlay and lightbox internal reference #nkb66n
- compatibility with Pinterest JavaScript SDK internal reference #nkaq8m
- compatibility with themify.me Builder Maps Pro add-on internal reference #nna6bg
- compatibility with themify.me video modules internal reference #nna6bg
- compatibility with WP Rocket 3.9 internal reference #nkav4w
- cookie groups are sortable again via drag & drop internal reference #nhfmkt
- detect multisite / network wide plugins as active for services internal reference #mzb2kw
- do not block content in Themify.me page builder internal reference #nna6bg
- do not hide blocked elements when they use visual parent from children element
- do not show banner for browsers without cookie support internal reference #v77cgg
- do not stop code execution for opt-in scripts and content blocker when blocked through Ad blocker internal reference #ndd0dp
- explain where to find Google Adwords ID in Google Ads service template internal reference #mtav6f
- lite version dashboard not scrollable internal reference #nd8e07
- recalculate responsive handlers after content got unblocked internal reference #nnfb22
- typo in Google Maps content blocker description
- allow to check for consent with consentApi by post ID internal reference #m9e56j
- introduce new PHP developer API wp_rcb_service_groups() and wp_rcb_services_by_group() internal reference #m9e56j
- simplify text of the age notice internal reference #m3a6n2
- translate new presets internal reference #m38dkk , internal reference #kt8cat , internal reference #m3dtuf , internal reference #m15mty
- automatically delegate click from content blocker when we unblock a link
- content blocker Google Translate compatible with "Translate WordPress" plugin internal reference #m3e1fm
- define Google Adsense Publisher ID in Google Adsense service template to alloew e.g. auto ads internal reference #m7e13d
- new cookie and content blocker preset Calendly internal reference #m38dkk
- new cookie and content blocker preset MailPoet internal reference #m3dtuf
- new cookie and content blocker preset My Cruise Excursion / meine-landesausflüge internal reference #kt8cat
- new cookie and content blocker preset Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed internal reference #m15mty
- adjust three customizer presets to be compatible with latest Dr. Schwenke newsletter (Dark patterns, internal reference #m1e0zn
- allow service for MailPoet 2 (deprecated plugin, internal reference #m3dtuf
- allow window.onload assignments in blocked content internal reference #m38dkk
- block reddit post embed as iframe internal reference #m15mty
- compatibility with Astra theme and hamburger menu (automatically collapse if clicked too early)
- compatibility with BookingKit and blur effect internal reference #m1acj0
- content blocker could not find already existing cookies
- do not show element server-side rendered to improve web vitals internal reference #m15mty
- elementor ready trigger is dispatched too early
- hide Refresh site on consent option as it is not needed internal reference #m9dey3
- load animate.css only when needed internal reference #mddt99
- show warning when accept essentials differs from accept all button type internal reference #m1e0zn
- disable MailPoet preset as it is not yet ready (https://git.io/JnqoX, internal reference #m3dtuf
- clearer differentiation of the plugin's benefits in wordpress.org description internal reference #kbaequ
- translate new cookie and content blocker presets internal reference #kt7e5r , internal reference #kk8gvu , internal reference #k759kz
- update Cloudflare service template internal reference #ff6vzc
- allow match elements by div[my-attribute-exists], div[class^="starts-with-value"] and div[class$="ends-with-value"] internal reference #kt829t
- new content blocker for WordPress login when using e.g. reCaptcha internal reference #jqb6y0
- new cookie and content blocker preset Awin Link and Image Ads internal reference #k759kz
- new cookie and content blocker preset Awin Publisher MasterTag internal reference #k759kz
- new cookie and content blocker preset ConvertKit internal reference #kk8gvu
- new cookie and content blocker preset GetYourGuide internal reference #kt829t
- new cookie and content blocker preset WP-Matomo Integration (former WP-Piwik, internal reference #kt7e5r
- avoid duplicate execution of inline scripts when they take longer than 1 second
- block more JS code in content blocker of "Mailchimp for WooCommerce" template
- compatibility with 'Modern' admin style
- compatibility with Elementor PRO Video API / blocks internal reference #kd5nne
- compatibility with Elementor Video API for Vimeo and YouTube internal reference #kd5nne
- compatibility with Google Maps plugin by flippercode internal reference #kn82nw
- do anonymize localized variables in wp-login.php internal reference #jqb6y0
- do not allow creating a content blocker when you try to assign a cookie to essential group internal reference #jqb6y0
- do not apply content blocker in customizer preview
- page does not get reloaded automatically after consent on safari / iOS internal reference #kt8q4n
- use anti-ad-block system also in login page internal reference #kh5jpd
- use script tag with custom type declaration to be HTML markup compatible (head, internal reference #kt4njv
- compatibility with latest antd version
- introduce new developer filter RCB/Misc/ProUrlArgs internal reference #jbayae
- introduce new RCB/Hint section to add custom tiles to the right dashboard section internal reference #jbayae
- migarte loose mode to compiler assumptions
- own chunk for blocker vendors, but still share internal reference #jhbuvd
- polyfill setimmediate only if needed internal reference #jh3czf
- prettify code to new standard
- remove es6-promise polyfill internal reference #jh3czn
- remove whatwg-fetch polyfill internal reference #jh3czg
- revert update of [email protected] as it does not support monorepos yet
- upgrade dependencies to latest minor version
- move type check to validate stage
- highlight that not all service templates are free in wordpress.org plugin description
- allow to block content in login page (e.g. using Google reCaptcha, internal reference #jqb6y0
- new service and content blocker preset Sendinblue internal reference #k3cf3r
- new service and content blocker preset Xing Events internal reference #k3cfab
- allow visual parent by children selector (querySelector on blocked content, internal reference #k7601j
- block new elements of Popup Maker in content blocker template
- compatibility with Astra theme oEmbed container internal reference #k18eqe
- compatibility with Dynamic Content for Elementor plugin internal reference #k7601j
- compatibility with elementor widgets when they are directly blocked internal reference #k7601j
- do not content block when elementor preview is active
- do not rely on install_plugins capability, instead use activate_plugins so GIT-synced WP instances work too internal reference #k599a2
- padding of content blocker parent got reset
- support for @font-face directive when blocking inline style internal reference #k3cf3r
- visual parent does not work for custom elementor blocker internal reference #k7601j
- when an inline script creates a new DOM element it is sometimes invisible internal reference #k3cf3r
- white screen when searching for duplicate content blockers
- move compatibility code to own folder
- own function to override native addEventListener functionality
- style classes to functions for tree shaking internal reference #jh75eg
- own vendor bundle for blocker
- pro dialog internal reference #jbayae
- make window.fetch stubbable internal reference #jh3cza
- customizer does not work when WP Fastest Cache is active internal reference #jq9aua
- multilingual plugins like Weglot and TranslatePress should show more options in Consent Forwarding setting
- compatibility with PixelYourSite Facebook image tag (pixel)
- compatibility with WP Rocket lazy loading scripts internal reference #jq4bhw
- update README typos
- new cookie presets are not visible for Weglot users internal reference #hk3jfn
- allow to patch scoped build artifact to fix unicode issues internal reference #80ub8k
- allow to set config name for yarn dev
- consume TCF CMP ID via environment variable internal reference #h15h9f
- own JS bundle for TCF banner and enqueue stub internal reference #fk051q
- update wordpress.org screenshot assets internal reference #gf917p
- wrong refernce to PSR-4 namespace
- add screenshots for TCF compatibility and Geo-restriction internal reference #gf917p
- core features description text internal reference #gf7dnf
- deactivate option to resepect Do Not Track by default internal reference #gx1m76
- increase minimum PHP version to 7.2 internal reference #fh3qby
- introduce new filter to disable setting the RCB cookie via RCB/SetCookie/Allow
- minimum required version of PHP is 7.2
- name cookie designs consistently internal reference #g779gw
- remove classnames as dependency
- rename "cookies" to "services" for consistent wording internal reference #f571nh
- sharp terms of buttons and labels in cookie banner
- update @iabtcf packages to >= 1.2.0 to support TCF 2.1 internal reference #h539k3
- update @iabtcf packages to stable version internal reference #g977x9
- update texts to be more informative about legal basis and print text for Consent Forwarding if active (respects also TCF global scope) internal reference #cq1rka
- use more normal style to be independent from formal/informal language internal reference #f4ycka
- wordpress.org description revised internal reference #gf7dnf
- add contrast ratio validator and call-to-action adjustments for TCF compatibility internal reference #cq25hu
- add GVL instance to all available banner contexts internal reference #fjzcd8
- allow to customize the text of the powered-by link internal reference #f74d53
- allow to define a list of countries to show only the banner to them e.g. only EU (Country Bypass, internal reference #80ub8k
- allow to export and import TCF vendor configurations internal reference #ff0yvh
- allow to forward TCF consent with Consent Forwarding internal reference #ff10cy
- allow to reset all settings to default in Settings tab internal reference #8extcg
- automatically refresh GVL via button and periodically internal reference #63ty1t
- calculate suitable stacks and add them to revision internal reference #fh0bx6
- compatibility of TCF vendors with ePrivacy USA functionality internal reference #h57u92
- compatibility with TCF v2.1 (device storage disclosures, internal reference #h74vna
- complement translations for English and German internal reference #ex0u4a
- completion of English and German translations internal reference #ex0u4a
- completion of English and German translations internal reference #ex0u4a
- contrast ratio warning for non-TCF users, opt-in cookie banner activation through popconfirm internal reference #j78m3t
- create content blockers for TCF vendor configurations internal reference #gv58rr
- download and normalize Global Vendor List for TCF compatibility internal reference #63ty1t
- eight new cookie banner presets internal reference #g779gw
- introduce Learn More links to different parts of the UI internal reference #gv58rr
- introduce new service field to allow opt-out based on legal basis internal reference #ht2zwt
- introduce origin of business entity field for TCF integration internal reference #g53zgk
- introduce revision for TCF vendors and declarations internal reference #ff0zhy
- introduce settings tab for TCF compatibility in Cookies > Settings internal reference #cq29n2
- introduce so-called Custom Bypass so developers can dynamically set a predecision and hide the banner automatically (e.g. Geolocation, internal reference #80ub8k
- introduce UI to create a TCF vendor configuration and create TCF vendor configuration REST API internal reference #crwq2r
- introduce UI to edit a TCF vendor configuration internal reference #crwq2r
- native compatibility with preloading and defer scripts with caching plugins internal reference #h75rh2
- new cookie presets for Ezoic internal reference #ch2rng
- new customizer control to adjust the opacity of box shadow color internal reference #cz1d9t
- persist TCF strings for proof of consent and dispatch to CMP API internal reference #ff0z49
- properly replace non-javascript ad tags with current TC String internal reference #ct1gfd
- provide a migration wizard for v2 in the dashboard internal reference #g75t1p
- register new Custom Post Type for TCF vendor configurations internal reference #crwq2r
- show and allow to customize TCF stacks internal reference #cq1rka
- show TCF vendors and declarations (purposes, special purposes, ...) in second view of cookie banner internal reference #ff0yvh
- translate backend into German internal reference #ex0u4a
- translate frontend into German internal reference #ex0u4a
- when navigating to /tcf-vendors/new show a list of all available vendors internal reference #crwq2r
- add custom bypasses to the DnT stats pie chart internal reference #gf4egf
- add United Kingdom (GB) as default to Country Bypass list internal reference #hz8rka
- assign cookie groups and cookies to correct source language after adding a new language to WPML internal reference #hz3a83
- automatically clear page caches after license activation / deactivation internal reference #jd7t87
- automatically deactivate option to respect DnT header when activating TCF for the first time
- compatibility TCF and WPML / PolyLang
- compatibility with Customizer checkbox values and Redis Object Cache internal reference #jd4662
- cookie history could not be closed when no consent given
- do not output RCB settings as base64 encoded string internal reference #gx8jkw
- first review with Advanced Ads (Pro, internal reference #g9665t
- localize stacks correctly and sort by score internal reference #ff0zhy
- make consentAPI available in head scripts
- make group description texts resettable internal reference #gf3dew
- notices thrown when no vendor given internal reference #ff0yvh
- output UUID on legal sites, too internal reference #jha8xc
- show vendor ID in list table of TCF vendors internal reference #gf8h2g
- show vendor list link for TCF banner in footer internal reference #g977x9
- the Lighthouse crawler is not a bot internal reference #j575je
- translate "legitimate interest" always with "Berechtigtes Interesse" internal reference #ht31w2
- translate footer text correctly for TranslatePress / Weglot internal reference #ht82qm
- usage with deferred scripts and content blocker (DOM waterfall, internal reference #gn4ng5
- avoid catastrophal backtracing and speed up regular expression for inline scripts/styles by 90% internal reference #j77a9g
- combine vendor modules to a common chunk for both TCF and non-TCF
- introduce deferred and preloaded scripts for cookie banner internal reference #gn4ng5
- remove TCF CmpApi from non-TCF bundle
- create wp-webpack package for WordPress packages and plugins
- introduce bundleAnalyzerOptions in development package
- introduce eslint-config package
- introduce new grunt workspaces package for monolithic usage
- introduce new package to validate composer licenses and generate disclaimer
- introduce new package to validate yarn licenses and generate disclaimer
- introduce new script to run-yarn-children commands
- make content blocker independent of custom post type
- make Vimeo and SoundCloud to Pro presets internal reference #gf49yy
- move build scripts to proper backend and WP package
- move jest scripts to proper backend and WP package
- move PHP Unit bootstrap file to @devowl-wp/utils package
- move PHPUnit and Cypress scripts to @devowl-wp/utils package
- move special blocker PHP classes in own namespace
- move technical doc scripts to proper WP and backend package
- move WP build process to @devowl-wp/utils
- move WP i18n scripts to @devowl-wp/utils
- move WP specific typescript config to @devowl-wp/wp-webpack package
- remove @devowl-wp/development package
- split stubs.php to individual plugins' package
- improve Web Vitals by setting a fixed width / height for the logo internal reference #j575je
- refactor all banner presets internal reference #fn68er
- fix failing smoke test for Real Cookie Banner Lite
- please upgrade your PHP version to >= 7.2
- push plugin artifacts to GitLab Generic Packages registry internal reference #hd6ef6
- compatibility with Lite Speed Cache; white screen in customizer
- introduce new filter RCB/Blocker/InlineScript/AvoidBlockByLocalizedVariable and fix copmatibility with EmpowerWP/Mesmerize internal reference #hb8v51
- notice array_walk_recursive() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given
- output buffer callback should be called always and cannot be removed by third parties
- use shorter function to get cookie by name internal reference #hv8ypq
- output buffer callback should be called always and cannot be removed by third parties
- translate new cookie and content blocker presets internal reference #h158p2
- new cookie and content blocker preset Metricool internal reference #gz7ptb
- new cookie and content blocker preset Popup Maker internal reference #gt22gk
- new cookie and content blocker preset RankMath Google Analytics internal reference #gh4gcw
- new cookie and content blocker preset Thrive Leads internal reference #gh4qgh
- allow to Add Media in banner description
- allow to extract blocked inline style to own style HTML block internal reference #gk0d9a
- allow to granular block urls in inline CSS internal reference #gk0d9a
- allow to set privacy policy URL per language (WPML, PolyLang, internal reference #gq33k2
- avoid catasrophical backtrace when blocking an inline style internal reference #gh964b
- compatibility with LiteSpeed cache buffer
- compatibility with MailerLite content blocker and Thrive Archtiect page builder internal reference #gh4hr5
- compatibility with Ultimate Video internal reference #fz6gxc
- consentSync API returned the wrong found cookie when two cookies use same technical definitions - introduced relevance scoring
- usage with PolyLang with more than two languages and copy automatically to new languages internal reference #gt3kam
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- translate and register new presets internal reference #fn1j8z , internal reference #c6vmwh
- new compatibilities in wordpress.org description internal reference #fk068g
- new cookie and content blocker preset Bloom internal reference #fn1j8z
- new cookie and content blocker preset Typeform internal reference #c6vmwh
- calculate rendered height for banner footer to gain better edge smoothing
- compatibility of content blocker with TranslatePress and Weglot internal reference #fz6gxc
- compatibility with Ultimate Video internal reference #fz6gxc
- export of consents contained notices in some PHP environments internal reference #ff0z49
- show notice for frontend banner if no license is active internal reference #fyzukg
- use the correct permalinks in the banner footer internal reference #e8x3em
- plugin tested for WordPress 5.7 internal reference #f4ydk2
- register and translate new presets internal reference #eyzegt , internal reference #f4yzpm
- new cookie and content blocker preset Yandex Metrica internal reference #f4yzpm
- new cookie preset for Bing Ads (Microsoft UET) internal reference #eyzegt
- new cookie preset found.ee internal reference #f97ady
- more granular translation for TranslatePress for blockers, cookie group, cookies and banner texts
- hide some notices on try.devowl.io internal reference #f53trz
- added ability to auto play videos if they got unblocked (Divi Page Builder, internal reference #f51p51
- added ability to auto play videos if they got unblocked (JetElements for Elementor, internal reference #f51p51
- autoplay YoutTube and Vimeo videos after unblocking through content blocker internal reference #f558r1
- compatibility with Combine JavaScript in WP Rocket internal reference #f35k4j
- compatibility with Divi videos (e.g. YouTube) when using an overlay
- compatibility with JetElements for Elementor Video Player internal reference #f51p51
- compatibility with lazy loaded scripts e.g. WP Rocket when they are present in the configuration list internal reference #f35k4j
- in some cases the blocked content was still display:none after unblocking (e.g. GTranslate, internal reference #f35k4j
- update german text for privacy settings history dialog title internal reference #ev2070
- allow to customize more texts for content blocker internal reference #ev2070
- new cookie preset internal reference #ev6jyb
- allow HTML formatting in content blocker accept info text internal reference #ev2070
- compatibility with Thrive Architect embeds
- compatibility with Thrive Archtitect Custom HTML block
- do not allow cookie duration greater than 365 internal reference #cpyc46
- do not override position:relative for content blocker
- drop moment bundle where not needed internal reference #e94pnh
- introduce new JavaScript API window.consentApi.consentSync
- rename test drive to sanbox (#ef26y8)
- new cookie banner preset 'Ronny's Dialog'
- new customizer option in Body > Accept all Button > Align side by side internal reference #cv0d8g
- compatibility with X Theme and Cornerstone
- content blocker containers may also have an empty style
- content blocker for JetPack Site Stats too aggressive when using together with wordpress.com
- content blocking for Quform in some cases to aggressive (#ejxq3b)
- do not annonymously server when SCRIPT_DEBUG is active
- do not apply style to parent containers if no style was previously present
- do not show cookie banner when editing in Divi and Beaver Builder page builder
- illegal mix of collations internal reference #ef1dtp
- in some cases the original iframe was blocked, but not completely hidden
- when a profile deactivate syntax highlighting, the cookie form did not work internal reference #en3mxa
- register and translate new cookie and content blocker presets
- show notice for Quform cause content blocker is not necessery internal reference #cawja6
- allow to apply content blockers to JSON output of e.g. REST services
- improve English translation (#devznm)
- new cookie and content blocker preset Issuu internal reference #e14yht
- new cookie and content blocker preset Pinterest Tag internal reference #eb3wu9
- new cookie and content blocker preset Quform internal reference #cawja6
- new cookie preset Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce internal reference #e2z7u7
- new cookie preset TranslatePress internal reference #e14nf6
- compatibility Instagram blocker with WoodMart theme
- compatibility with Elementor inline styles
- compatibility with TranslatePress internal reference #cew7v9
- do not block links without class and external URLs
- do not output calculated time for blocker when not requested; compatibility with Themebeez Toolkit
- show correct tooltip when Google / Matomo Tag Manager template can not be created internal reference #e6xyc5
- update README to be compatible with Requires at least internal reference #df2wb4
- in some edge cases the wordpress autoupdater does not fire the wp action and dynamic javascript assets are not generated
- show notice after one week when setup not yet completed internal reference #djx8ga
- deliver anonymous assets like JavaScripts files correctly internal reference #dgz2p9
- remove anonymous javascript files on uninstall internal reference #dgz2p9
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- allow to edit custom post types and taxnomies to be edited via native UI for debug purposes
- remove limit for cookies and content blockers internal reference #d6z2u6
- improved product description for wordpress.org (#d6z2u6)
- new cookie and content blocker preset MailerLite internal reference #d10rw9
- new cookie preset CleanTalk Spam Protection internal reference #d93t70
- new cookie preset WordFence internal reference #dcyv72
- allow to block inline styles by URL internal reference #d10rw9
- compatibility with Custom Facebook Feed Pro v3.18 internal reference #cwx3bn
- compatibility with FooBox lightbox internal reference #dczh1k
- compatibility with TranslatePress to avoid flickering internal reference #dd4a3q
- compatibility with Uncode Google Maps block internal reference #d12m5q
- content blocker should also execute window 'load' event after unblock internal reference #d12m5q
- do correctly find duplicate content blockers and avoid them internal reference #d10rw9
- do not block twice for custom element blockers internal reference #d10rw9
- translated page in footer is not shown in PolyLang correctly internal reference #d6wumw
- register new cookie and content blockers and update README internal reference #cwx3bn
- allow to make customizer fields resettable with a button internal reference #crwyqn
- new banner preset in customizer 'Clean Dialog'
- new content blocker preset CleverReach with Google Recaptcha internal reference #cryuv0
- new cookie and content blocker preset Custom Twitter Feeds (Tweets Widget) internal reference #cwx3bn
- new cookie and content blocker preset Feeds for YouTube internal reference #cwx3bn
- new cookie and content blocker preset FontAwesome internal reference #cx067u
- new cookie and content blocker preset Smash Balloon Social Post Feed internal reference #cwx3bn
- preset extends middleware now supports extendsStart and extendsEnd for array properties internal reference #cwx3bn
- allow all URLs for affiliates in PRO version internal reference #cyyh2z
- compatibility with CloudFlare caches; nonce is no longer needed as we have rate limit in public APIs internal reference #cwvke2
- compatibility with Impreza lazy loading grid internal reference #94w719
- improve UX when creating Content Blocker and open the Add-Cookie form in a modal instead of new tab internal reference #cz12vj
- wrong character encoding for VG Wort preset
- remove unused classes and methods
- always show recommened cookies in content blocker select internal reference #cwx3bn
- do not break line in cookie preset selector description
- use flexbox instead of usual containers for banner buttons internal reference #cv0ff2
- introduce new developer filters RCB/Blocker/KeepAttributes and RCB/Blocker/VisualParent internal reference #cn0wvd
- new Consent API function consentApi.consent() and consentApi.consentAll() to wait for consent
- presets can no be extended by a parent class definition
- register new cookie and content blockers and update README internal reference #cewwda
- translate new presets, update README
- new content blocker preset Google Analytics internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie and content blocker preset Analytify internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie and content blocker preset ExactMetrics internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie and content blocker preset Facebook For WooCommerce internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie and content blocker preset GA Google Analytics internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie and content blocker preset Mailchimp for WooCommerce internal reference #cn234z
- new cookie and content blocker preset Matomo WordPress plugin internal reference #ch3etd
- new cookie and content blocker preset MonsterInsights internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie and content blocker preset WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration internal reference #cewwda
- new cookie preset Lucky Orange internal reference #ccwj8v
- new cookie preset WooCommerce Stripe internal reference #cn232u
- recommend MonsterInsights content blocker in Google Analytics cookie preset internal reference #cewwda
- automatically invalidate preset cache after any plugin activated / deactivated
- compatibility with FloThemes embed codes and blocks internal reference #cn0wvd
- do not show footer links when label is empty internal reference #cjwyqw
- do not show hidden or disabled content blocker presets in cookie form
- extended presets can disable technical handling through compatible plugin internal reference #cewwda
- footer not shown when imprint empty in PRO version
- include description in preset search index
- overcompressed logo
- presets gets more and more complex, let's simplify with a middleware system
- gray out disabled cookie and content blocker presets
- gray out plugin-specific cookie and content blocker presets
- show a tooltip when a preset is currently disabled
- in some edge cases WP Rocket does blockage twice internal reference #ccvvdn
- hotfix to make presets available again
- reduce javascript bundle size by using babel runtime correctly with webpack / babel-loader
- translate new cookie and blocker presets and register
- automatically activate PRO version in review application internal reference #hatpe6
- update README internal reference #bevae9
- new cookie and content blocker preset ActiveCampaign forms and site tracking internal reference #bh04kz
- new cookie and content blocker preset Discord internal reference #c6vmgg
- new cookie and content blocker preset MyFonts.net internal reference #cawhga
- new cookie and content blocker preset Proven Expert (Widget) internal reference #cawhfp
- new cookie preset Elementor internal reference #cawhdk
- new cookie preset Mouseflow internal reference #cawj3n
- new cookie preset Userlike internal reference #cawhr3
- apply gzip compression on the fly to the anti-ad-block system internal reference #bx0am1
- compatibility with All In One WP Security & Firewall internal reference #bh08zp
- compatibility with Facebook for WooCommerce plugin internal reference #bwwwrt
- compatibility with Meks Easy Photo Feed Widget Instagram feed internal reference #bx0wd7
- compatibility with Oxygen page builder
- compatibility with video and audio shortcode internal reference #bt21kd
- compatibility with youtu.be domain in YouTube content blocker preset internal reference #bt21hp
- compatiblity with WP Rocket lazy loading inline scripts internal reference #bwwwrt
- compatiblity with WP Rocket lazy loading YouTube videos internal reference #byw6ua
- content blocker for video and audio tags in some edge cases
- cookie preset selector busy indicator internal reference #a8x3j0
- generate dependency map for translations
- jquery issue when not in use (jQuery is now optional for RCB)
- use correct stubs for PolyLang
- preset PHP classes are only loaded when needed internal reference #a8x3j0
- speed up caching of presets internal reference #a8x3j0
- input text fields in config page internal reference #a8x3j0
- introduce custom powered-by link in PRO version internal reference #b8wzqu
- introduce rcb-consent-print-uuid shortcode internal reference #bateay
- new cookie and content blocker preset AddThis internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset AddToAny internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset Anchor.fm internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset Apple Music internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset Bing Maps internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset reddit internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset Spotify internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset TikTok internal reference #beva7q
- new cookie and content blocker preset WordPress Emojis internal reference #beva7q
- block sandbox attribute for iframes internal reference #beva7q
- compatibility with WP External Links icon in banner and blocker footer internal reference #bew81p
- dashboard in lite version scrolls automatically to bottom internal reference #bez8qn
- list of consents does not expand if not initially saved settings once before
- memory error while reading the consent list internal reference #9yzhrr
- show ePrivacy and age notice even without description in visual content blocker internal reference #beurgy
- introduce code splitting to reduce config page JavaScript assets internal reference #b10ahe
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- use correct pro folders in build folder internal reference #5ymbqn
- update to cypress v6 internal reference #7gmaxc
- update to webpack v5 internal reference #4akvz6
- updates typings and min. Node.js and Yarn version internal reference #9rq9c7
- anonymous localized script settings to avoid incompatibility with WP Rocket lazy execution internal reference #b4rp51
- automatically deactivate lite version when installing pro version internal reference #5ymbqn
- compatibility with WP External Links internal reference #b8w6yv
- validate cookie host according to RFC 1123 instead of RFC 952 internal reference #b31nf0
- smoke tests for Real Cookie Banner PRO
- sometimes the privacy and imprint link are not correctly redirected internal reference #b2x8wp
- translate new presets
- update dependencies internal reference #3cj43t
- update major dependencies internal reference #3cj43t
- update to composer v2 internal reference #4akvjg
- update to core-js@3 internal reference #3cj43t
- update to TypeScript 4.1 internal reference #3cj43t
- new cookie preset Zoho Forms and Zoho Bookings internal reference #awy9wa
- enforce explicit-member-accessibility internal reference #a6w5bv
- compatibility with WebFontLoader for Google Fonts and Adobe Typekit internal reference #aq01tu
- never block codeOnPageLoad scripts of cookies (introduce consent-skip-blocker HTML attribute, internal reference #aq01tu
- code on page load should be execute inside head-tag internal reference #aq01tu
- consent does not get saved in development websites internal reference #aq0tbk
- wrong link to consent forwarding in german WordPress installation
- compatibility with RankMath SEO
- do not block content in beaver builder edit mode internal reference #agzcrp
- do not output rcb calc time in json content type responses (Beaver Builder compatibility, internal reference #agzcrp
- add MS Clarity in README
- new cookie preset Google Trends internal reference #ajrchu
- new cookie preset Microsoft Clarity (#a8rv4x)
- allow document.write for unblocked scripts (#ajrchu)
- compatibility with upcoming WordPress 5.6 internal reference #amzjdz
- decode HTML entities in content blocker scripts, e.g. old Google Trends embed (#ajrchu)
- ensure banner overlay is always a children of document.body internal reference #agz6u3
- ensure banner overlay is always a children of document.body internal reference #agz6u3
- modify Google Trends to work with older embed codes internal reference #ajrchu
- modify max index length for MySQL 5.6 databases so all database tables get created internal reference #agzcrp
- multiple content blockers should be inside a blocking wrapper internal reference #ajrchu
- order with multiple content blocker scripts (#ajrchu)
- typo in german translation internal reference #agzcrp
- update Jetpack Site Stats and Comments content blocker internal reference #amr3f1
- use no-store caching for WP REST API calls to avoid issues with browsers and CloudFlare internal reference #agzcrp
- using multiple ads with Google Adsense internal reference #ajrcn2
- wrong cookie count for first time usage in dashboard internal reference #agzcrp
This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
- add Divi maps block to Google Maps content blocker
- banner not shown up in Happy Wedding Day theme
- compatibility with Divi Maps block
- do not show licensing tab in free test drive (#acypm6)
- wrong license.devowl.io package.json
- wordpress.org README
- remove unnecessary dependency (composer) package (#acwy1g)
- initial release (#4rruvq)
fix lite version smoke tests
fix smoke test
fix smoke tests for lite version
fix typo in lite smoke test
chore!: remove early access notice for newer updates (#4rruvq)
feat!: use new license server (#4rruvq)
ci!: release free version to wordpress.org automatically (#4rruvq)
- we are live!
- if you were a early access user, please upgrade to the initial version
- you need to enter your license key again to get automatic updates
- download initial version now here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/real-cookie-banner