# real-cookie-banner

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

# 5.0.7 2025-01-14

# Bug Fixes

# Maintenance

Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins

# Features

Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light

# Bug Fixes
# Maintenance

Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax

# Bug Fixes
# Maintenance

Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: A WordPress client for Real Product Manager

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide a promise-based queue system working in frontend for client and server tasks

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.

# Styles

# 5.0.6 2024-12-09

Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light

# Bug Fixes
# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax

# Performance Improvements

# 5.0.5 2024-12-07

Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax

# Bug Fixes

# 5.0.4 2024-12-06

# Bug Fixes

# Maintenance

# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Provide a single entry point to trigger cache invalidation of known caching plugins

# Bug Fixes
# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light

# Bug Fixes
# Code Refactoring
# Features
# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Make your plugin to a freemium plugin with predefined Envato support

# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax

# Bug Fixes
# Code Refactoring
# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.

# Bug Fixes
# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Create cross-selling ads, about page, rating and newsletter input for WP Real plugins.

# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.

# Build System
# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.

# Performance Improvements

Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.

# Performance Improvements

# 5.0.3 2024-11-19

# Bug Fixes

Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light

# Features

Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax

# Features