All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
Bug Fixes
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend.
Bug Fixes
- adding isFullyMachineTranslated to wp client responses internal reference #8692xtha4
- copy only properties on machine translation internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce machine translation status internal reference #8692xtha4
- review #5 internal reference #2yt6wa5
- review points from comments internal reference #8692xtha4
- skip known missing glossaries supported by deepl internal reference #8692xtha4
Code Refactoring
- introduce field names for template types internal reference #8695y66h0
- reading single service and blocker with translations internal reference #8692xtha4
- rename pre-release client route to plural form internal reference #2yt6wa5
- add documentation internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce fully machine translated flag to translation status internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce machine translation api WIP internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce machine translation including relational metadata service WiP internal reference #8692xtha4
- sync weblate and deepl glossaries for translations internal reference #8692xtha4
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
Purpose of dependency: Provide various React utils, side effect free and tree shakeable.
Bug Fixes
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
- show a notice when a template is machine translated internal reference #8692xtha4
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
Bug Fixes
- corrected calculation full machine translation and introduce flag ignoreOnMachineTranslation internal reference #8692xtha4
- enhance machine translation with granular translation options internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce machine translation status internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce fully machine translated flag to translation status internal reference #8692xtha4
- introduce machine translation including relational metadata service WiP internal reference #8692xtha4
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend.
Bug Fixes
- changed licenses route to use params instead of body data internal reference #8695xwj6u
- license post and patch routes internal reference #2yt6wa5
- introduce transactions in controllers internal reference #861mfub3j
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Continuous Integration
- build docker containers only after the install job internal reference #8697hja46
- generate production certificates for devowl.io and owlinfra.de internal reference #8697hja46
- generate production Lets Encrypt certificates instead of staging server internal reference #8697hja46
- run develop pipeline which creates review app certificates on new branch internal reference #8697hja46
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- implement transaction handling in email and storage operations, update ESLint rules for ORM CUD methods internal reference #861mfub3j
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
Build System
- exclude @antv/g2 resources from being inline required as it leads to issues when rendering charts internal reference #8695xwj6u
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with presto-player internal reference #8697zc5r2
- recommend WordPress comments only when necessary internal reference #863h7mbwk
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with presto-player internal reference #8697zc5r2
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- recommend WordPress comments only when necessary internal reference #863h7mbwk
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with presto-player internal reference #8697zc5r2
Purpose of dependency: Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud
Bug Fixes
- recommend WordPress comments only when necessary internal reference #863h7mbwk
Bug Fixes
- always recommend the WordPress comments template when necessary internal reference #863h7mbwk
- always scan login URLs and only enable User Login template when necessary internal reference #8697p8zfx , internal reference #8696xvnk6
- compatibility with Divi overlays and blocked contents
- correctly block lazy custom web elements by using window.consentApi.unblock API internal reference #8697zc5r2
- do not download TCF GVL on a daily basis internal reference #8697zkqjj
- in GCM mode show link / teach about business.safety.google/privacy internal reference #866avf03w
- unknown column previous_gcm_consent in field list after v5 upgrade internal reference #86980grnw
- improve API docs for consent-checking functions internal reference #8694x4tnx
- typo in wordpress.org description
Purpose of dependency: Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment
Bug Fixes
- cookie policy shows cookies despite option which disables cookies for a service internal reference #86980khf9
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- add return parameter to the asyn window.consentApi.consent API method internal reference #8694x4tnx
- improve API docs for consent-checking functions internal reference #8694x4tnx
Purpose of dependency: Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light
Bug Fixes
- correctly block custom web elements by modifying the end tag correctly internal reference #8697zc5r2
Purpose of dependency: Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax
Bug Fixes
- autoplay videopress embed on unblock internal reference #8697ynbqy
- correctly block custom web elements by modifying the end tag correctly internal reference #8697zc5r2
- correctly match selector syntax rules when also StyleInlineMatcher matches on the element internal reference #8697pthng
- pinterest embed code got found as external URL instead of template internal reference #8697ze2yw
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- correctly block lazy custom web elements by using window.consentApi.unblock API internal reference #8697zc5r2
- make ratio- a ratio CSS class to set the correct height of a blocked element
Purpose of dependency: Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- in GCM mode show link / teach about business.safety.google/privacy internal reference #866avf03w
Purpose of dependency: Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services.
Bug Fixes
- allow to clear all data processing in countries with one click internal reference #8694ezcau
- only show integration notice for opt-in script if opt-in script is given internal reference #8694x4tnx
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
- console log weblate error message internal reference #8695kguk7