#v1.12.16 - v1.7.2
#1.12.16 2025-01-14
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- ensure to retry on locked component after 2,5 minutes internal reference #8695kguk7
#1.12.15 2024-12-06
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Build System
- cannot declare class InstalledVersions for composer internal reference #8696ru88g
#Performance Improvements
- allow profiling PHPUnit tests via webgrind internal reference #8696qqa89
#1.12.14 2024-11-07
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
- initial release internal reference #869656drt
- With Real Cookie Banner v5 we enter v1 of dependency packages.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Performance Improvements
- too much memory consumed when downloading TCF GVL vendor list and services internal reference #8696eq8k1
#1.12.13 2024-10-23
#Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
#Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Helper functionalities for your composer project to validate licenses and generate a disclaimer.
#Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
- migrate away from envkey-source to infisical internal reference #86959qnq2
- port fast-html-tag and headless-content-blocker to TypeScript with Vitest tests internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- make retry mechanism work with FormData internal reference #8695kguk7
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- port fast-html-tag and headless-content-blocker to TypeScript with Vitest tests internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
- migrate away from envkey-source to infisical internal reference #86959qnq2
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPCS.
#Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- content blocker cannot be saved with empty description text internal reference #869625w64
#Code Refactoring
- remove jest and phpunit from packages which do not use it internal reference #8695mtnyu
#1.12.12 2024-09-26
#Bug Fixes
- allow to pass custom parameters for sections internal reference #22wkegu
- remove referer workaround for Strato servers internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Bug Fixes
- provide APP_NAME and APP_VERSION in backend environment internal reference #8695emete
- restore production database dump app-versionized internal reference #8695emete
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- retry 5 times when component is locked internal reference #8695kguk7
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
#Continuous Integration
- make public changelog generation work again with latest Taskfile version internal reference #8695kgrpr
- update retypeapp internal reference #8695kgrpr
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- remove referer workaround for Strato servers internal reference #86954236z
#1.12.11 2024-08-28
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
#Bug Fixes
- apply new eslint rules internal reference #861n9jg7k
- introduce translation flag statistics and entity display internal reference #861n9jg7k
- introduce translation flags for translatable strings internal reference #8693travj
#Code Refactoring
- reordering vars internal reference #861n9jg7k
#1.12.10 2024-08-13
#Bug Fixes
- make preset selector work with conditional controls on server-side internal reference #86955xtbe
#1.12.9 2024-08-08
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- some components are not rendered in WordPress < 6.2 internal reference #86959qqq1
- use ReactJSXRuntime for better WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86959qqq1
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
#Bug Fixes
- some components are not rendered in WordPress < 6.2 internal reference #86959qqq1
- use ReactJSXRuntime for better WordPress 6.6 compatibility internal reference #86959qqq1
#1.12.8 2024-08-01
#Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Build System
- generate cachebuster files in a real temporary file to avoid race conditions
#Code Refactoring
- upgrade to React v18 (createRoot, unmountComponentAtNode, internal reference #awv3bv
- deps : update dependency php-stubs/wordpress-stubs to v6.6.0
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
#Code Refactoring
- move react-aiot to @devowl-wp/react-folder-tree within monorepo internal reference #awv3bv
#1.12.7 2024-07-17
#Bug Fixes
- no longer send referer via URL parameter as this lead to issues with Strato servers (dashboard no longer loads, internal reference #86954236z
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- no longer send referer via URL parameter as this lead to issues with Strato servers (dashboard no longer loads, internal reference #86954236z
#1.12.6 2024-07-16
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
- suppress logs from requests from nullers internal reference #8694xa392
#1.12.5 2024-06-20
#Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
#Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
#Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Helper functionalities for your composer project to validate licenses and generate a disclaimer.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update commander and adm-zip internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update some major dependencies internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
#Continuous Integration
- remove npm-update-checker CLI command as we use Renovate now internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update commander and adm-zip internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update some major dependencies internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
#Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- update commander and adm-zip internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update some major dependencies internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPCS.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Provide a performant translation extractor based on regular expression.
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- remove notice about too many requests to devowl.io servers internal reference #8694uj43d
#Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
#Continuous Integration
- introduce Renovate bot for dependency update automation internal reference #8694qg0t9
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update composer dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update dependency mpratt/embera to v2.0.40
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies inclusive some major updates internal reference #8694qg0t9
- update renovate.json internal reference #8694qg0t9
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
#Build System
- remove babel-loader and babel toolchain and introduce SWC internal reference #8694pt2j7
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : pin dependencies
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm (non-major)
- deps : update npm all dependencies (non-major)
- upgrade prettier v3 together with eslint flat config and run on all files (fix, format, internal reference #8694qg0t9
#1.12.4 2024-05-29
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.12.3 2024-05-10
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- do not show admin notice about REST API issues in update admin screen internal reference #8694hc398
- too many requests to license.devowl.io announcements endpoint internal reference #86939q6ce
#1.12.2 2024-04-25
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
#Bug Fixes
- introducing password login in rcb internal reference #86936my3v
- introduce user base interfaces internal reference #86936my3v
#1.12.1 2024-04-10
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- update stubs internal reference #86949561p
#1.12.0 2024-04-09
#Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.
#Bug Fixes
- scanner finds Google Maps for MyListing theme when Mapbox instead of Google Maps is used internal reference #86947zz6j
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Perfmatters DelayJS functionality and Code on page load scripts internal reference #869465a82
- implement a mechanism detecting a defect Consent REST API and recommend knowledgebase articles internal reference #8693zknc0
- use vigenere cipher for obfuscating the REST API URL internal reference #8693zknc0
#Build Process
- remove minimal translations el fi and fix localization system internal reference #861myr2cq
- translations into Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Finnish and Slovak internal reference #863gr8e97
#1.11.15 2024-03-22
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- avoid race conditions when contacting our backend servers to avoid triggering rate limit notice internal reference #86939q6ce
#1.11.14 2024-03-04
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
#Bug Fixes
- do not index admin UI in search engines internal reference #8693yzxhv
#1.11.13 2024-02-26
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
- improve performance by not removing cookie banner from DOM after accepting for better INP in Google PageSpeed internal reference #8693n1cc5
- move all consent relevant structures and procedures to @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management internal reference #8693n1cc5
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by yielding the main thread for TCF cookie banner internal reference #8693n1cc5
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Continuous Integration
- readme-to-json parser did no longer work due to missing taxonomy_exists function internal reference #8693wju7t
- allow to parse big objects localized via wp_localize_script lazily internal reference #8693n1cc5
- do no longer use webpackMode eager in favor of inline-require internal reference #8693n1cc5
- use code splitting for the cookie banner and content blocker to reduce initial download time internal reference #8693ubj9a
- move all util functions to @devowl-wp/react-utils internal reference #8693cqz75
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
- improve Total Blocking Time in Page Speed Insights by inlining require statements internal reference #8693n1cc5
#1.11.12 2024-02-05
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- introduce a new notice when a rate limited request was done to devowl.io backend services internal reference #86939q6ce
- use non-docker URL with HTTPS in development environment to not bypass Traefik internal reference #86939q6ce
- save one SQL SELECT query in WordPress admin dashboard internal reference #86939q6ce
- move some util methods to @devowl-wp/utils internal reference #86939q6ce
#1.11.11 2024-01-25
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
#Continuous Integration
- use project ID to read associated merge request for pipeline internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- php error automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated internal reference #apv5uu
- show a notice for successor templates which replace other templates internal reference #869372jf7
- sometimes the WordPress REST API is contacted infinite when WP heartbeat is deactivated and login no longer valid internal reference #8693jq17r
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
- reduce bundle size by replacing sha-1 by a simple hash function internal reference #apv5uu
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
- update to antd@5 internal reference #863gku332
#1.11.10 2024-01-18
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Bug Fixes
- output ci summary for review application URLs for traefik v2 internal reference #2rjtd0
#Continuous Integration
- automatically retry to fetch the git repository three times when there is a temporary error internal reference #8693j5ngt
- deploy backends in production to docker-host-6.owlsrv.de internal reference #2rjtd0
- introduce public-changelogs command internal reference #2mjxz4x
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
- introduce public-changelogs command internal reference #2mjxz4x
#1.11.9 2024-01-04
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Build Process
- correctly autoload composer package files autoload.files per plugin internal reference #8693dhuhv
#1.11.8 2023-12-21
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- fatal error after latest update as WordPress stubs were no longer compatible with WordPress < 6.2 internal reference #8693cg7cp
#1.11.7 2023-12-21
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Helper functionalities for your composer project to validate licenses and generate a disclaimer.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Bug Fixes
- correctly check for the SHA of the latest master branch internal reference #8693bzjkb
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPCS.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Predefined functionalities for PHPUnit.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- upgrade to PHP 8.2 including composer packages internal reference #arua06
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
#Bug Fixes
- use correct name for long term caching for extracted CSS files internal reference #8693bc0d2
#1.11.6 2023-12-19
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Continuous Integration
- rotate transaction_ids_by_target_id every 14 days internal reference #86937dv6w
- upload did not work with newer Debian version, disable StrictHostKeyChecking for lftp upload internal reference #86937dw3d
- allow to skip publish of packages by regular expression in merge request description with target branch master internal reference #8693bzjkb
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- copy files always once and overwrite existing files internal reference #8693bq3nh
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
#Bug Fixes
- show skipped publish packages as those in the generated CHANGELOG.md files internal reference #8693bzjkb
#1.11.5 2023-12-15
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- allow to configure branch settings via root package.json instead of hardcoded internal reference #86938ba8a
- respect branch settings in weblate-prune-deleted-branches CLI command internal reference #86938ba8a
- show a hint when a language is in Weblate but not configured in package.json in weblate-status command internal reference #86938ba8a
#Build Process
- do not expose de@formal and nl@formal to Weblate internal reference #86938ba8a
- allow to exclude locales from projects with overrides.excludeLocales in package.json settings internal reference #86938ba8a
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- allow to configure capabilities via Activator#registerCapabilities internal reference #86938n5gk
- compatibility with Cloudflare Rocket Loader internal reference #86938z54n
- use a class instead of an object for continuous localization settings internal reference #86938ba8a
#1.11.4 2023-11-28
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
- introduce @devowl-wp/playwright-utils with smoke test functionality internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
#Bug Fixes
- update Gitlab YAML typings internal reference #8692yek74
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- remove all cypress dependencies and tests internal reference #8692yek74
#1.11.3 2023-11-24
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
#Continuous Integration
- show inconsistent translations always in translation status internal reference #86932cagc
- validate production docker compose config on compose YAML changes internal reference #86934wg6z
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- do find propagated string translations from other components when merging a branch to another internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
#Bug Fixes
- also delete skipped pipelines and pipelines of deleted branches
#1.11.2 2023-11-22
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- machine translate all unfinished strings as changed strings are not detected with nottranslated internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
- introduce batch requests internal reference #86930ub71
- introduce TCF 2.2 / GVL v3 compatibility internal reference #863gt04va
#1.11.1 2023-11-16
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Bug Fixes
- always use auto_source=others in Weblate autotranslate to avoid picking inconsistent strings across projects internal reference #86932nwn8
- do not fuzzy autotranslate machine translated strings internal reference #86932nwn8
- use auto translate others instead of download and upload ZIP when creating feature branch in Weblate internal reference #86932nwn8
- back to ZIP download/upload as it is faster than autotranslate with others internal reference #86932nwn8
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- compatibility with WP Meteor optimization plugin internal reference #86933j1zb
#1.11.0 2023-11-07
#Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
#Build Process
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
#Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
#Continuous Integration
- show inconsistent translations always in translation status internal reference #86932cagc
- machine translated strings should be trusted and not set as fuzzy in Weblate internal reference #2gfb42y
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- remote language codes for cs, da and sv internal reference #2gfb42y
#Build Process
- remove local language files from built ZIP file and use remote files internal reference #861n4ahzb
- set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
- set php-format as enforced check in weblate internal reference #2gfb4w6
#Continuous Integration
- enable machine translation for various languages internal reference #2gfb42y
- translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages internal reference #861n4aer5
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
- translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian internal reference #2gfb42y
#1.10.6 2023-10-27
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Shared typings for all Node.js backends and frontends.
- update JSDoc, make some methods private and extend some typings internal reference #866avtm7z
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
#Continuous Integration
- purge master pipelines after 90 days instead of 360
#1.10.5 2023-10-12
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- prepare upgrade wizard for v4 release internal reference #861n7amqx
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- update Lerna v7 internal reference #31956up
Purpose of dependency: Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems.
- major update commander internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide eslint configuration for our complete monorepo.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks.
#Continuous Integration
- include changelogs from dependencies internal reference #2k54tcb
- major update commander internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- update Lerna v7 internal reference #31956up
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
- major update commander internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Provide a performant translation extractor based on regular expression.
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
Purpose of dependency: Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins.
#Bug Fixes
- compatibility with latest Swift Performance version internal reference #866aybgxm
- drop concurrently package as no longer needed internal reference #3cj43t
- major update apidoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update tsc-watch immer lint-staged sort-package-json internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
- remove supports-color, update focusable-selectors react-quill react-codemirror2 js-cookie internal reference #3cj43t
- update Lerna v7 internal reference #31956up
Purpose of dependency: Webpack config builder for multiple ecosystems like standalone React frontends, Antd, Preact and WordPress.
- major update jest-junit glob @types/jest jest ts-jest internal reference #3cj43t
- major update tsc-watch immer lint-staged sort-package-json internal reference #3cj43t
- major update typescript @typescript-eslint typedoc internal reference #3cj43t
- major update webpack components internal reference #3cj43t
#1.10.4 2023-09-29
- remove not understandable commit messages from changelog internal reference #861n7an31
#1.10.3 2023-09-21
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.10.2 2023-09-07
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.10.1 2023-09-06
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.10.0 2023-08-28
- use @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties with updated caniuse-lite database internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility (a11y) notices about contrast ratio for font colors in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility (a11y) notices about font size in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility (a11y) notices about font weight in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
- introduce accessibility score in customizer internal reference #863h37kvr
#1.9.40 2023-08-24
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.39 2023-08-04
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.38 2023-08-04
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.37 2023-08-04
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.36 2023-08-02
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.35 2023-08-02
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.34 2023-07-18
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.33 2023-07-06
- do not validate contrast on autosave internal reference #85zrre4q5
- introduce custom ESLint rules ability in @devowl-wp/eslint-config internal reference #863gxjbn4
#1.9.32 2023-06-05
- technical renaming all languages that they contains the formality internal reference #2gfb42y
- technical renaming of German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch translations that they contains the formality internal reference #2gfb42y
- mapping of language files for copying to correct language internal reference #2gfb42y
#1.9.31 2023-05-30
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.30 2023-05-22
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.29 2023-05-21
- remove dotenv package internal reference #861m6e3mz
#1.9.28 2023-05-19
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.27 2023-05-12
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.26 2023-05-11
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.25 2023-04-28
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.24 2023-04-24
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.23 2023-04-19
- introduce taskfile.dev Taskfiles internal reference #85zrrymj0
#1.9.22 2023-03-24
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.21 2023-03-21
- update dependencies including TypeScript 4.9, antd and eslint internal reference #85zrqk9pd
- rename grunt-continuous-localization to continuous-localization and remove grunt dependency (pure bin, internal reference #85zrrytg6
#1.9.20 2023-03-14
- remove unused dependencies internal reference #85zrqj4jp
#1.9.19 2023-03-01
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.18 2023-02-28
- update wordpress stubs internal reference #863g4efkw
- invalid JSON int database helper class with the help of JSON5 internal reference #863g4efkw
#1.9.17 2023-02-21
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.16 2023-02-15
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.15 2023-01-25
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.14 2023-01-10
This package (@devowl-wp/sitemap-crawler) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.13 2022-12-22
- update all package.json to resolve release conflicts internal reference #382p4kb
#1.9.12 2022-12-12
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.11 2022-11-18
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.10 2022-11-15
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.9 2022-11-09
- static trait access (Assets types, internal reference #1y7vqm6
#1.9.8 2022-10-31
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.7 2022-10-25
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.6 2022-10-11
- add webpack as dependency to make it compatible with PNPM internal reference #3rmk7b
- introduce consistent type checking for all TypeScript files internal reference #2eap113
- prepare script management for self-hosted Gitlab migrations internal reference #2yt2948
- put gitlab.com URL into environment variables to prepare for self hosted instance internal reference #2yt2948
- rebase conflicts internal reference #2eap113
- start introducing common webpack config for frontends internal reference #2eap113
- compatibility with WP Vouchers template customizer
#1.9.5 2022-09-21
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.4 2022-09-21
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.3 2022-09-20
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.2 2022-09-06
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.9.1 2022-08-29
- introduce devowl-scripts binary internal reference #2n41u7h
- introduce for non-flat node_modules development experience internal reference #2n41u7h
- introduce new command @devowl-wp/grunt-workspaces/update-local-versions internal reference #2n41u7h
- prepare packages for PNPM isolated module mode internal reference #2n41u7h
- rebase conflicts internal reference #2n41u7h
- drop IE support completely internal reference #f72yna
#1.9.0 2022-05-24
- new customizer control RangeInput internal reference #20chay0
- use range input slider for all PX values in customizer internal reference #20chay0
#1.8.15 2022-04-20
- add a description to the texts section in customizer internal reference #2195q0e
- make build wp package jobs more generic without wp internal reference #22h231w
- compatibility with Customizr theme and disabling the footer link in the customizer internal reference #244r9ag
- extract composer dev dependencies to their corresponding dev package internal reference #22h231w
- put composer license packages to @devowl-wp/composer-licenses internal reference #22h231w
- rename wordpress-packages and wordpress-plugins folder internal reference #22h231w
- use phpunit-config and phpcs-config in all PHP packages internal reference #22h231w
#1.8.14 2022-03-15
- use wildcarded composer repository path internal reference #1zvg32c
#1.8.13 2022-03-01
- allow to add content after section internal reference #1wepcvt
- compatibility with TinyMCE and OceanWP internal reference #cmwwwj
#1.8.12 2022-01-31
- unify enqueue_scripts hooks to be compatible with AffiliateTheme internal reference #1xpm56k
#1.8.11 2022-01-25
This package (@devowl-wp/customize) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
#1.8.10 2022-01-17
- create cachebuster files only when needed, not in dev env internal reference #1z46xp8
- improve build and CI performance by 50% by using @devowl-wp/regexp-translation-extractor internal reference #1z46xp8
- consider boolean correctly when default is also boolean internal reference #nz2k7f
- consider boolean correctly when default is also boolean internal reference #nz2k7f
- compatibility with Xdebug 3 internal reference #1z46xp8
#1.8.9 2021-12-21
- compatibility with customizer and OceanWP (use async wp.customize.control, internal reference #1vc3y2f
- compatibility with customizer conditional controls and OceanWP internal reference #1vc3y2f
- use a more performant way of calculate conditional controls based on settings instead of control internal reference #1vc3y2f
#1.8.8 2021-12-01
- reset buttons are too large when Divi theme is active internal reference #1vc4kbb
#1.8.7 2021-11-11
- remove not-finished translations from feature branches to avoid huge ZIP size internal reference #1rgn5h3
#1.8.6 2021-09-30
- allow to define allowed locales to make release management possible internal reference #1257b2b
- prepare for continuous localization with weblate internal reference #f94bdr
- remove language files from repository internal reference #f94bdr
- introduce continuous localization internal reference #f94bdr
- grunt-mojito to abstract grunt-continuous-localization package internal reference #f94bdr
- introduce @devowl-wp/continuous-integration
#1.8.5 2021-08-20
- update PHP dependencies
#1.8.4 2021-08-12
- customizer did not load correctly internal reference #u3q46w
#1.8.3 2021-08-10
- translations into German internal reference #pb8dpn
- check if panel exists and return boolean in some API functions internal reference #rp0p10
#1.8.2 2021-07-16
- customizer prints Array as input value for CSS margin / padding fields internal reference #nva63b
#1.8.1 2021-05-25
- migarte loose mode to compiler assumptions
- polyfill setimmediate only if needed internal reference #jh3czf
- prettify code to new standard
- upgrade dependencies to latest minor version
#1.8.0 2021-05-11
- add contrast ratio (luminosity) calculator and validator internal reference #cq25hu
- introduce new filter DevOwl/Customize/Sections/$panel
- compatibility with Customizer checkbox values and Redis Object Cache internal reference #jd4662
- print description for TinyMCE control internal reference #cq1rka
- create wp-webpack package for WordPress packages and plugins
- introduce eslint-config package
- introduce new grunt workspaces package for monolithic usage
- introduce new package to validate composer licenses and generate disclaimer
- introduce new package to validate yarn licenses and generate disclaimer
- introduce new script to run-yarn-children commands
- move build scripts to proper backend and WP package
- move jest scripts to proper backend and WP package
- move PHP Unit bootstrap file to @devowl-wp/utils package
- move PHPUnit and Cypress scripts to @devowl-wp/utils package
- move WP build process to @devowl-wp/utils
- move WP i18n scripts to @devowl-wp/utils
- move WP specific typescript config to @devowl-wp/wp-webpack package
- remove @devowl-wp/development package
#1.7.4 2021-04-27
- banner overlay not shown when number format was individually configured on your server internal reference #h977nc
#1.7.3 2021-04-15
- allow to Add Media in banner description
#1.7.2 2021-02-16
- compatibility with users which have disabled the visual editor in their profile
- use correct ID for none-visual editors