All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
Bug Fixes
- in GCM mode show link / teach about business.safety.google/privacy internal reference #866avf03w
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- add return parameter to the asyn window.consentApi.consent API method internal reference #8694x4tnx
- improve API docs for consent-checking functions internal reference #8694x4tnx
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- correctly block lazy custom web elements by using window.consentApi.unblock API internal reference #8697zc5r2
- make ratio- a ratio CSS class to set the correct height of a blocked element
This package (@devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci.
Bug Fixes
- always validate docker images when built internal reference #8696heugb
Build System
- streamline docker and setup.sh into a Taskfile.setup.yml internal reference #8696k3cct
Continuous Integration
- always validate and try to fix docker images internal reference #8697pj0tx
- validate docker images with new CNCF scopes and socket hang up in Weblate translations internal reference #8697pj0tx
- make static files inclusive domain mapping available in playwright tests and create first test internal reference #8695mtnyu
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with Elementors optimized markup experimental feature internal reference #8697pxjtc
- introduce new selector syntax function jQueryHijackFn to hijack jQuery functions internal reference #8697ptyry
Purpose of dependency: Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards.
- requestLanguage added to controller | find iso 639 language internal reference #86971bxhd
Purpose of dependency: Create dynamic GitLab CI pipelines in JavaScript or TypeScript for each project. Reuse and inherit instructions and avoid duplicate code!
Continuous Integration
- validate docker images with new CNCF scopes and socket hang up in Weblate translations internal reference #8697pj0tx
- new command merge-request-tree (also as VSCode task) to visually show Merge Requests internal reference #8692xtha4
This package (@devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
- cookie banner language switcher is not responsive internal reference #86971prz3
Purpose of dependency: Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities.
Bug Fixes
- delegate click to unblocked nodes after all resources are loaded internal reference #gt22gk
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with darkroomengineering/lenis internal reference #8696vxykv
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Purpose of dependency: Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner.
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Purpose of dependency: Define a scoped stylesheet in JavaScript with performance in mind.
Performance Improvements
- use matchesMedia native browser function to check for mobile experience internal reference #8696w9pc0
Purpose of dependency: Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage.
Bug Fixes
- compatibility with ACF Frontend Form for Dynamicooo internal reference #8696rw241
Bug Fixes
- cookie banner with close icon could no longer be replied in List of consents internal reference #8696k7mj7